Howdy MINDBOMB, if you are going to edit the god article, please edit the existing article and not just copy-n-paste in unformated txt. Thanks. I think you may have a view to contribute, but try to work in the structure and not against the structure ... Also see the talk page of the article. reddi

MINDBOMB, please read about our policy on NPOV, or neutral point of view. In particular, your edits to Muhammad are questionable from this perspective. Thanks! -- Pakaran 00:33, 1 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Below moved from MINDBOMB, inproper use of article space for discussion:

Most of what , hell all of what I have tried to contribute has been removed including the link to my web page I believe this has been done by people with very little true understanding of the nature of islam its roots and its future. Personal attacks have been made against me by people who don't know me none of this surprises me. After 9/11 I found a thirst to find out about islam after visiting websites to learn about islam many sites where changed or removed altogether the old pages of some of the site can be found on my site or on the way back machine internet archive. I had always believe that the God of Christianity Judaism and islam was the same God . I now know this is not true.The gospel of islam and Christ are as opposite as possible. islam is a Scam created to acquire money sex and power nothing more it was contrived by man and co-opted by Satan . I had hope for so much more when I learned this I was devastated. heartbroken for the billions who had and will lose their only possession to such a worthless scam. Many can be saved from the dreadful inevitability that comes from following a false prophet all they need to do is learn what it says in the quran and the haddith realize it is 80%incomprehensible gobbledygook.the rest is lies threats plagiarized and twisted bible stories

Islam is not a religion of peace it is a spiteful revenge scheme concocted 

by muhahamods money grubbing wife built on polytheistic practices of the time .

I plead with every muslim to learn all they can about where islam came from. Stop the hate. Stop the ignorance.

Muhammad’s Terrorist Dogma Islam, in His Own Words

Terror: Bukhari Allah’s Apostle said, “I have been made victorious with terror!” Qur’an I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them. Tabari The battle cry was: “Kill! Kill! Kill!” Fighting: Bukhari Fighting in Allah’s Cause is better than the world and whatever is in it. Qur’an Wipe the infidels out to the last. War: Qur’an Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them. Take them captive, harass them, and ambush them using every stratagem of war. Qur’an Fight them till all opposition ends and the only religion is Islam. Ishaq We are pledging ourselves to wage war against all mankind. Murder: Tabari Killing disbelievers is a small matter to us. Bukhari The Prophet had their men killed, their women and children taken as captives. Ishaq The prophet declared, “Kill every Jew.” Torture: Qur’an Crucify them or cut off a hand and foot on opposite sides. Ishaq Muhammad ordered, “Torture him until you root out what he has.” Thievery: Qur’an Booty is lawful and good. Tabari Muhammad began seizing their herds and property bit by bit. Stupidity: Bukhari The Prophet said, “I have been caused by Allah to forget the Qur’an. So keep reciting it because the Qur’an escapes faster than a runaway camel.” Bukhari Satan circulates in human beings as blood flows in our bodies. Science: Bukhari If a man has sexual intercourse and gets discharge first, the child will resemble him. Tabari Gabriel brings the sun a garment of luminosity. It is longer in the summer. The sun puts it on as you put on your clothes. Tabari The sun tumbles from its chariot, causing a total eclipse. Tolerance: Bukhari If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him. Qur’an Prepare against the infidels whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you can terrorize them. Freedom: Qur’an No Muslim has any choice after Allah and his Apostle have decided a matter. Racism: Ishaq The Prophet said, “If a black man comes to you, his heart more gross than a donkey’s.” Women: Tabari The Prophet married Aisha. At the time, she was six. Qur’an You may take whomever you desire. Bukhari I was shown hell, and the majority of its dwellers were women. Money: Tabari What is this religion? Muhammad claims Allah has sent him with this religion so that the treasures of Persia and Rome will be given to him by conquest. Demons: Bukhari A person missed the morning prayer, so the Prophet said, “Satan urinated in his ears.” Ishaq Muhammad said, “Woe is me. I am possessed.” Deception: Qur’an Allah has sanctioned the dissolution of your vows. Qur’an Allah is not bound by treaties. Bukhari War is deceit. Qur’an You have in the Messenger a beautiful pattern of conduct to follow.

The above can be read in its entirety @ Craig Winn has forensically exposed the "holy writing" of islam it is available online free of charge and must be read by every muslim so they know what it is they believe. It is a complete autopsy taking virtually every sentence from all of the five most accurate and excepted translations (of the quran & haddith) in chronological order. Muhammad and islam are destroyed be they very words that make up the religion.


Hi, redirects from the main namespace to the User: namespace are not supposed to be used. I have moved the old [MINDBOMB] page (with its original history) to User:MINDBOMB/Old; if you don't want it, just slap a {delete} tag on it and an admin will dispose of it. Noel (talk) 00:00, 18 Feb 2005 (UTC)

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