



The fire coated the resort areas of Hailey and Ketchum, Idaho "known as the “Sun Valley”" in a layer of thick soot and ash. Might want to put commas around "known as the Sun Valley".

By the time the fire was one-hundred percent contained on August 31st, 114,900 acres of the Ketchum Ranger District of Sawtooth National Forest "has been burned." Tense confusion. Also might want to put some statistics on how much of the park this is and how much monetary loss that equates to.



"In the Beaver Creek ecosystem fire is part of its disturbance regime, and the Beaver Creek area is a disturbance dependent ecosystem." Might want to rewrite in such a way that the second and first parts of the sentence are interchanged. Ex/ The Beaver Creek area is a disturbance dependent ecosystem, and fire is a part of its disturbance regime.

The second sentence of this section is very confusing.

For example, plants in fire related disturbance dependent ecosystems can "have serotiny, or they have a resin over their seeds," when the fire comes through it melts the resin and allows the seed to begin growing. Does not need to be a complete sentence. Ex/ produce serotiny, a form of resin that protects seeds from fire,

"another example is animals will not reproduce . . ." Another example of what?

Animals also can smell or sense a fire coming "so can" either escape or hide to survive the fire. Missing a word?

"In the area where the Beaver Creek Fire took place, lodge pole pine trees and juniper trees are just two plants in the ecosystem that are fire dependent." Went from talking about animals to plants and there is no transition. Maybe move to when talking about plants and include what model of fire dependence these plants fall under.

"If no fire occurs for an extended period of time, plants can begin to crowd out other plants, sagebrush and grasses in the Beaver Creek Fire area, and cause habitat loss, for birds such as sage grouse." Run-on sentence.

Fire acts as a cleansing agent "because" “by burning dead trees and other vegetation along with the crowded plants and trees (“Wildfire and the Idaho Landscape”, Idaho Fire Wise)” "allows" more space for new growth, "along with the fire signaling new growth to begin." Do not need because. Allowing instead of allows to match tense. This last part of the sentence is very confusing, I am not sure what you are trying to say.

These types of fires usually produce a “mosaic pattern”, "not all trees and vegetation is burned" so that there is a good mixture between new growth and fully matured plants. Subject verb disagreeing.

Mountain Pine Beetles latch on to trees eat the tree’s bark and lay their eggs inside the tree, "which kills the tree." Might want just "killing the tree" instead.

Human Effect


"Not only nature affects the fire or is affected by the fire. Many areas had to be evacuated due to the fire as it approached populated areas." Unnecessary intro sentence. The second sentence is a much better intro, except there should be some mention of human populated ares earlier in the sentence.

Nature Effect


Many of the small burrowing mammals "probably" could not survive the intense heat of the Beaver Creek Fire or the smoke and died. is there evidence going either way for this fact?



As soon as the fire ended, a Burned Area Emergency Response, BAER, team was sent to "analysis" the area of the Beaver Creek Fire. Analyze instead of analysis.

A BAER team consists of “specialists in conducting rapid watershed assessments and analyses, soil scientists, hydrologists, geologists, biologists, geographic information system specialists, archeologists, botanists, silviculturists, and civil "engineers”." Where is the citation? Also the end quote goes after the period.

After this report of the area is taken, the BAER team "may recommend" rapid reseeding of the area, enlarging or unplugging culverts to drain water, removing structures that could block water flow, trap sediment, or impact water quality, or to post certain warning signs, barriers, or closures to limit hazardous area access (“Beaver Creek BAER”, InciWeb). May recommend? Is this a fact?

Additional Comments


Good number of references and good use of citations. Need to include wiki links.

Dpark29 (talk) 18:29, 24 October 2013 (UTC)Reply