User talk:Loeba/Archive10

Latest comment: 7 years ago by Ssven2 in topic Merry Christmas to all!

A New Year to You


Hope you're well Loeba. Any idea what films would make your top 10 worst films list? Zardoz just about makes mine!♦ Dr. Blofeld 10:51, 3 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Hey dude, happy new year... or just "a new year", sure, that works as well.   Funny you mention Zardoz - if you'd said this a few days ago I wouldn't have heard of it, but just yesterday someone on imdb (a big film buff) was raving about it, saying it was one of the best films he saw last year! Hey, different tastes are the spice of life right, haha. Got any favourites of 2015? My top two are Youth and Amy, seen lots of other fab ones as well though. Seeing The Hateful Eight in 70mm next weekend, it cost a bomb so it better be good! --Loeba (talk) 15:36, 3 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

LOL, it must surely have been tough in cheek, it's embarrassing, Sean Connery in a giant red nappy and ponytail LOL. That should give you an idea. Considering it is from the same director as Deliverance!! I've been meaning to see Carol and Youth in particular. Ex Machina by far is the best film of 2015 I've seen.♦ Dr. Blofeld 16:03, 3 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

No he definitely wasn't being ironic! Here's the post: [1] Another big film buff right above says he loved it as well. It looks very trashy to me though, I think I'd be on your side haha. I loved Carol, gorgeous film. And yep Ex-Machina was great. Alicia Vikander is becoming one of my favourite actresses. --Loeba (talk) 19:56, 3 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
I like Gleeson too, there's something very warming about him, he has tremendous potential as an actor I think. I think Kubrick would have approved of Ex-Machina. Zardoz is utter trash, I'm shocked that they liked it, but I'd guess if they were the more nerdy types then its quirkiness might appeal to that element of them. The same film buff I notice rated Toy Story (one of the greatest films ever made) just 3 out 10 and Zardoz 10 out of 10 LMAO!! Watch the trailer, the trailer actually makes it seem quite interesting, but it's a pile of poo LOL. One of those rare films which are shockingly bad/laughable. The cinematography and location though granted are good.♦ Dr. Blofeld 22:48, 3 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
He has very idiosyncratic tastes, look at his favourites list [2]. Quite refreshing though, I think. And I reckon every film buff has a few "acclaimed masterpieces" that they see as crap - some people might scoff at my 3/10 rating for L'Eclisse, but hey I'd rather be honest that I find it painfully dull and empty =D Trumbo is quite fun to watch btw, lots of portrayals/clips/references to classic stars and films. Michael Stuhlbarg (usually great) is terrible as Edward G Robinson, though, no effort to capture his distinctive voice or mannerisms at all. --Loeba (talk) 11:57, 4 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Yes, he seems to have very idiosyncratic tastes. Yeah there's always a few people will disagree with. Some people would hate Mondo Cane for instance, but I thought it was one of the best made films ever! Personally I think 8 1/2 is really quite overrated but there you go. It's a great film but I would never consider it top 10 greatest film ever material. There were other Fellini ones I enjoyed more. Have you seen Celine and Julie Go Boating, I think you'd really enjoy that one!♦ Dr. Blofeld 14:21, 4 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Yeah I've seen it, mixed feelings on that one. Moments of brilliance but ultimately felt a bit long and repetitive to me. I want to see more Rivette though, he's one of the new wave directors I've seen the least from. --Loeba (talk) 21:05, 5 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yeah it was a bit long. I've seen Rivette's first film, a short from 1956, that's excellent to look at. I've seen Cría Cuervos BTW, marvelous, one of the best films ever!♦ Dr. Blofeld 15:01, 7 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Indeed! How amazing is little Ana Torrent? --Loeba (talk) 18:11, 7 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Great. Also very impressed with Geraldine! Another sterling film from that period is The Travelling Players, but probably not really your cup of tea and slow. Again one could complain about the length and pace but overall I think it's a terrific film. I've been trying to muster up the energy to watch the 1967 Russian film series of War and Peace BTW, but haven't got around to it because it's so bloody long LOL. Perhaps I should watch the first half and then the other half on another day.♦ Dr. Blofeld 19:31, 7 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

@Lugnuts: You seem quite up on Greek cinema, you like The Travelling Players? I'll try to see Dogtooth soon. ♦ Dr. Blofeld 19:41, 7 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Yeah I've seen The Travelling Players. I loved the direction/visual style, but you're right that the length bothered me. Length doesn't have to be a problem at all - four of my favourite films are four hours long - but I do like to feel progression. That was my issue with this and Celine & Julie: lots of very abstract and similar scenes for hours and my interest starts to wane. I would have liked both much more at half the length (that's not to say I disliked them, but I have reservations as well). Also felt like Travelling Players could have had a lot to say - I was really intrigued by the premise (spanning contemporary Greek history), but it barely delivers on this. My favourite scenes were when the characters look into the camera and give a monologue, those were brilliant, but they were extremely rare and ultimately there ends up being very little social/political insight. So I think that's also why I was disappointed. If I watch it again prepared for what I'm in for (and I should probably read something about the symbolism etc, since there's probably a lot I missed) maybe I'll appreciate it more. Dogtooth is very good - about as dark and fucked up as film gets, ha. I like it a lot more than The Lobster. --Loeba (talk) 20:28, 7 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yeah it's a flawed "masterpiece". My main concern was the long takes throughout, like you don't really need to hold a camera in one position for 5 minutes watching groups walking and chanting. You do get used to the director's style in watching it though. I thought overall it was a great film, largely the feel and look of it I think. That's why so many of the Balkan area films appeal to me, the feel and look of them that you just don't get from other parts of the world. A more edgy feel, especially from the old Soviet block countries.♦ Dr. Blofeld 21:15, 7 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Not seen The Travelling Players, Dr B. On a long list of films to see! Can't go wrong with Dogtooth. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I love it. Liked Alps too. And thanks Loeba for reminding me of Celine & Julie. I'm a big fan of that one. Lugnuts Dick Laurent is dead 20:55, 7 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

One I highly recommend to both of you is Marketa Lazarova, it's in my top 10 greatest films. I literally felt like I was in the 13th century watching it!♦ Dr. Blofeld 21:20, 7 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Dogtooth was weird LOL. And that poor cat, Mr Bigglesworth ran under the table in fright when he saw it! ;-)♦ Dr. Blofeld 20:07, 8 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

The Hateful Eight


Did you see it afterwards? Thoughts? What would your top ten for 2015 be then? Surprised to not see Youth among the noms?♦ Dr. Blofeld 21:59, 15 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

TH8 was pretty good. Definitely a lesser QT in my opinion but he always provides entertainment (save from Death Proof, fck that film). Just wish he wouldn't always descend into slapstick violence these days...The roadshow presentation was worth going to though, it definitely felt like an "event" which is rare with films. No I didn't expect to see Youth among the nominees, it's not an Oscar type film. And it hasn't really had the most enthusiastic reception but who cares, I love it! My favourite of the nominees is definitely Room; still need to see The Revenant though (was waiting for it to be out in cinemas, which it finally is). My top 10 has quite a few that I saw at the festival so aren't well known (yet, hopefully they get their due): Youth, Amy, Gold Coast, Evolution, The Forbidden Room, Ixcanul, Carol, Embrace of the Serpent, James White, The Fear of 13. All highly recommended. Also great if you're looking for recs: Son of Saul (I think you'd love this), Slow West, 45 Years, Room, Aferim, Mountains May Depart, The End of the Tour, Inside Out... --Loeba (talk) 13:24, 16 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Wow you've seen loads, ones even like that Guatemalan one! What festival did you watch them at? Funnily enough I'd thought the same thing on Son of Saul , I thought it looked a great film, but then I have a special affinity for films from that neck of the woods.♦ Dr. Blofeld 17:51, 16 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Remember I worked at the London Film Festival in October? I remember you asking me how I got the work. I saw like 22 films, heh. Total for 2015 is currently 49...yep, already pretty high! Ixcanul is fantastic, and fascinating to see into that culture. Son of Saul is going to win the Foreign Language Oscar, 100%. I feel like I need to see it again, I was very impressed but also a bit overwhelmed by the claustrophobic filming style (you'll see what I mean) so I think a second viewing would be beneficial. I'm delighted that Theeb got a nomination - that was one of my festival finds from 2014, and it barely got any attention but now - over a year later - it's an Oscar nominee.   Definitely watch it (it's already online), it's like Lawrence of Arabia meets...uhh, a slow-burning thriller, take your pick! I'll definitely watch Marketa Lazrova at some point btw, I'll let you know when I do. --Loeba (talk) 18:37, 16 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

I noticed Theeb is popular with a lot of the people on imdb a few weeks back. Films like that and Ixcanul are why I try to see a lot of world films too as it can provide a fascinating insight into different cultures. Tarantino has been particularly frustrating of late, it does sort of annoy me that he has the potential to make an all-time classic western, a real masterpiece of a film but chooses to engage in too much silliness for a good portion of his films with the slapstick violence and in his previous one, 113 uses of the "n" word. If Django Unchained had gone along the route of focusing mainly on Waltz and his encounters throughout the West, a comic western in the vein of Ballad of Cable Hogue, or something more serious like Once Upon a Time in the West it could have been an absolute delight. I know Tarrantino and violence go hand in hand., but it does say a lot about his mentality, when he has the ability to make the sort of amazing classic western we rarely get anymore. With Morricone scoring, I wish he'd have set his heart on making a western that Sergio Leone would have been proud of. I guess I should see it before commenting, but if he goes down the Django route again I'll be pretty miffed haha!

Don't lknow if you saw this about M. Lazarova, but he pretty much says what I thought of it, it's like going back in a time machine to the 13th century! If you've seen Andrei Rublev it's probably closest to that. Somebody even comments that Kubrick would have loved it!♦ Dr. Blofeld 19:37, 16 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

The first 2/3s of TH8 are fairly restrained, but then the OTT violence comes on full-throttle (and the "n word" is back in extensive use throughout). It's also a bit of a shame that 70% of the film takes place indoors. Don't watch it expecting it to feel anything like a Leone western, it's talky and house-bound. It is gripping though, good characters, lots of funny bits, and there's a mystery to it (although the plotting isn't quite as clever as I wanted it to be). Definitely worth watching, just not amazing or anything. Sounds like we had a similar opinion of Django so I think you'll agree. --Loeba (talk) 21:14, 16 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Seen that and The Revenant now. TH8 a bit lethargic to watch with a heck of a lot of dialogue, over done IMO, overall as you say though good character development and some amusing parts. Kurt Russell was superb I thought. Still disappointing for a western scored by Morricone though. If only he had spread out the long interior scenes more and interpersed them with "classic" western scenery, giving the film more momuentum, it could have been great. It's a bit pointless IMO making a western if you're going to largely confine the characters to rooms. The whole idea is the primitive outdoors! The fellatio taunting and coffee poisoning twist was quite brilliant though. The Revenant was excellent! Quite the opposite from the other being very outdoorsee haha. Perhaps they should have shared some footage to balance them both out ;-) ♦ Dr. Blofeld 14:27, 18 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

I can see why you loved Youth so much and why it's not Oscar material, tremendously well-acted and quirky. Jane Fonda especially I enjoyed in it. I loved the look on Keitel and Caine's faces when that Miss Universe goddess walked naked into the pool. Classic dirty old men haha!♦ Dr. Blofeld 16:14, 20 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Cool glad you liked it. Sorrentino is one of the best people working right now IMO, a real visionary. I'm going to love following his career. I should be seeing The Revenant this week. What do you think is better, that or Birdman? --Loeba (talk) 17:21, 20 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
  • Birdman is better overall I think. But in terms of cinematography and the "raw" coverage of nature The Revenant is really a beautiful film to watch. It's far better than The Hateful 8 anyway! I know an (older) couple who walked out of the cinema when it got to the "my black Johnson" bit. They were disgusted with it and thought the film appalling haha!♦ Dr. Blofeld 17:41, 20 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Ridiculous isn't it? I agree with Rampling, it is anti-White racism. Caine and Danny Boyle are spot on too, there is only one race, and you can't nominate an actor purely for the fact that he's black. I really don't want it to reach a stage that there has to be black, Chinese, Hispanic nominated actors just to be politically correct. It should be based entirely on talent. The problem IMO lies more with the proportion of black actors who are cast in major roles in major Hollywood films. Especially women, that is genuinely pathetic. How many top black film actresses are there exactly? If there were more black actors being given the leading parts then there'd be more likely to be nominated. The problem really lies with the tendency to give black actors "black parts" rather than freely casting a black actor in any sort of role I think. ♦ Dr. Blofeld 08:22, 23 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

@Dr. Blofeld: Well it's annoying because it's completely dominated awards season, and it seems every celebrity on the planet is being asked their opinion. I don't think anyone can seriously think the Academy is racist when there have been numerous black nominees and several winners since 2000, so it's definitely being blown out of proportion. But I understand why they look bad as well, and I do think Rampling (as much as I'm rooting for her) was a bit wrong-headed in some of her remarks. The suggestion that "the performances from black actors weren't good enough" doesn't hold much weight when BAFTA, SAG and Golden Globe all had at least one black nominee. From my perspective, Michael B Jordan would have been way more deserving than Matt Damon or Bryan Cranston; Idris Elba, Jason Mitchell and O'Shea Jackson* would have been more deserving than most of the Supporting Actor nominees. I haven't seen Will Smith's film, but he looks impressive from the trailer. I agree that there shouldn't be "quotas" or anything, I don't think anyone wants that, but people shouldn't suggest that no-one black was deserving. Overall yes, I think the main issue is with racism in Hollywood as you say. *And talking of O'Shea Jackson, his dad has given the best response to the whole controversy so far: [3]
I absolutely loved The Revenant by the way! Inarritu is just on fire at the moment, he's seriously becoming one of my favourites. I realised I've seen 5/6 of his films and never given him less than 8/10. Beasts of No Nation is excellent as well, both of those have gone into my top 10 of the year. --Loeba (talk) 18:23, 25 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yeah and let's not forget that 12 Years a Slave and the actress won not long ago... Don't know if you've seen Pinkett's video but it's embarrassing. Still a good looking woman but she speaks like a hip hop artist and looks a bit of an idiot saying what she said and even acknowledging that the presenter will be black! Same with me, seen 5/6 of Inarritu's but not seen Biutiful yet. Yes, I think The Revenant will go down as one of those outdoor classics like Dances with Wolves/Last of the Mohicans etc, the cinematography is awesome. I've seen Theeb BTW, a bit overrated I thought, it's not consistently great throughout, but has some amazing moments in it, particularly at the end.♦ Dr. Blofeld 18:33, 25 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Oh dear, it gets worse!Dr. Blofeld 10:39, 26 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Do you think The Revenant is a dead cert for best picture? Admittedly I was very impressed with Spotlight too. Ruffalo and McAdams I think put in sterling Oscar-worthy performances. Sort of the All the President's Men of the 2010s.♦ Dr. Blofeld 14:51, 27 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

No, The Big Short is the front runner because it just won PGA, which has a track record of matching up with the Oscars. Spotlight does feel a lot like All the Presidents Men, but that was always a film I found a bit dry and I had the same response with Spotlight, heh. Both are good, don't get me wrong, I just don't think just don't think "journalism films" are for me. Either that or Revenant is next in line, but it would be bold of them to award to same filmmaker two years running. So Revenant would surprise me...but make me happy as I think it's easily the best of the nominees! --Loeba (talk) 16:41, 27 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
I didn't think The Big Short was the best at all. I'm surprised it's the front runner as it's a comparable sort of film to American Hustle and Wolf of Wall Street in recent years. Perhaps they like some variation in the type of film which wins though. Who do you reckon will get Best Director and actors/actresses?♦ Dr. Blofeld 17:10, 27 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
I know what you mean about "a bit dry" but I think it's the type of film which isn't your cup of tea. You probably just don't find a film largely centred on journalist's investigating something appealing and that such a film has that much depth and enjoyment. It's a valid criticism, but both that and President's are definitely very well made films, even if it's not your thing. Ruffalo's performance in particular I think is Oscar worthy. I don't mind "journalist" films but there's certain other films which often get rave reviews which don't appeal that much to me either.♦ Dr. Blofeld 17:35, 27 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yeah that's exactly what I said, lol, good films but the subject matter isn't my favourite. I give both 7/10 though which is definitely positive - I'm just not full of enthusiasm. As for the other awards: Best Actor is 100% in the bag for Leo, Best Actress seems to be going to Brie Larson but Ronan could spoil, Director is very difficult to predict - it's wide open. A lot of people think it could go to George Miller, which would be an unusual pick for them. I like that a major category is so unpredictable, for once! I'm predicting and hoping Alicia Vikander gets Supporting Actress (even though it's ridiculous she's in that category) - she became an instant favourite of mine when I saw A Royal Affair and I'm so pleased she's taken off this year. Supporting Actor I see maybe going To Sly Stallone, which I'd actually support - he was surprisingly good in Creed. --Loeba (talk) 18:10, 27 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

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Wild Tales (film)


Hi Loeba, don't know if you've seen this but it's freaking awesome. If you liked Cook and The Thief and Pulp Fiction you'll definitely love it. It's really one of those must see ones. The guys in cars on the bridge and the wedding tales in particular are really among the best scenes you'll ever see in film!♦ Dr. Blofeld 10:30, 9 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Yeah I saw it in the cinema last year, it's great fun. The road rage segment was my favourite as well - that's as dark as humour gets! --Loeba (talk) 10:56, 11 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Finally got around to In the Mood for Love Lobes, as it's an appropriate day ;-) Such an exquisite film, such class. The Nat King Cole music also helps, he's one of my favourite singers!♦ Dr. Blofeld 18:27, 14 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Good to see that The Revenant scooped tons of awards at the BAFTAs! Hopefully it'll win Best Picture at the Oscars! As you said, it's really the best film nominated. I do love Brooklyn too though!♦ Dr. Blofeld 08:16, 15 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Yeah I'm pleased about that! I'm still not sure if it can repeat at the Oscars because they just recognised Inarritu last year (whereas BAFTA went with Linklater/Boyhood)...but if they love the film enough, then I guess it will happen! If so, I'm pretty sure it will be the first time a director has had two films awarded consecutively. He'd certainly be a good candidate for that honour IMO. We'll see! --Loeba (talk) 20:12, 16 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Hi L. I was intrigued by the back to back so I went and took a look at Academy Award for Best Director. Lewis Milestone, won at the first and third ceremonies. Frank Capra won at 7, 9 and 11 which is pretty impressive. Joseph L. Mankiewicz won at 22 and 23 so he does fit the criteria. After that there are multiple winners but never as close as these. Checking back to back film winners by the same director was a little trickier since Academy Award for Best Picture lists producers. I'm pretty sure that the closest is when Godfather and Godfather II won at the 45th and 47th ceremonies. Best regards to you both and keep enjoying those films! MarnetteD|Talk 22:14, 16 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
@MarnetteD: Thanks for the info, interesting :) --Loeba (talk) 14:36, 20 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Thank you!

  The Teamwork Barnstar
For all the help you gave me with Marilyn Monroe and for being an amazing editor! TrueHeartSusie3 (talk) 17:52, 10 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Happy New Year as well, though it's already February! ;)

Aww well thanks amiga :) Although I certainly don't think of myself as an amazing editor these days haha, I'm really not of much use. Quite pleased, though, that I've got to a point where I can casually check in a few times a week; no disappearing completely. I noticed you've been inactive, have you found some work? Happy new year! --Loeba (talk) 11:00, 11 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Don't be too hard on yourself, Wong Kar-Wai is looking great! And we all know how much work even one good paragraph takes, with all the research and everything. I got kinda tired of all of the Wiki drama in December and decided that I needed to take a break; now I'm actually tempted to get back to work here but realistically I don't know if I should. I have contemplated starting to edit again but setting myself limits as to how much time I'm allowed to spend editing – I have an unfortunate tendency to get completely engrossed in whatever project I'm undertaking and only realise in hindsight how much time I've spent. Once I start, I find it difficult to stop :D As for work, well, I don't want to jinx it at this stage but yeah, let's say that some exciting changes are taking place in my life at the moment, fingers crossed everything goes well! :) Hope you are well – are you still volunteering at the BFI? TrueHeartSusie3 (talk) 12:48, 11 February 2016 (UTC)TrueHeartSusie3Reply
Thanks, I'm happy with the article but I started over a year ago and still have the filmmaking sections to do! Slow slow slow. Maybe I'll write something today.....And yes, I know exactly what you're talking about: that's why I've had to have complete breaks several times in the past. This is the first time I felt like I've had a healthy, casual relationship with WP, without it being all-or-nothing. Much better! See if you can reach something similar. I'm glad you feel like your life's going in a good direction - that's all we ever want, right? I feel like that but it's a slow process - I have some good part time work (alongside my agency work) that I think is greatly improving my CV. Not film, but still an area I'm happy with and I actually feel like I have some responsibility. I haven't completely given up on the film dream either, I'm looking for another part time job that's more related. We'll see - good luck to us both! --Loeba (talk) 13:00, 11 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Dirty Grandpa


Haha have you seen Kermode's review here? I had to see the film to see what the fuss was all about. It did have some amusing moments and I don't think it was quite as terrible as a lot say but the critics are largely right on it being gross and wondering why De Niro would ever stoop to that level! With a decent script the concept could have worked, but the whole film was a bit pointless. If it had been the occasional dirty joke from De Niro and he had some sort of normal old man personality it would also be OK but it was the fact that he was relentlessly behaving like a 13 year old. I do see what Kermode means, it is the sort of film you could watch on a flight and feel sick watching and De Niro's character was disgusting enough to perceive him a little differently in some of the classic films of the past!♦ Dr. Blofeld 21:19, 23 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Wow, he seems genuinely traumatised by the film! I've seen him angry but never quite like that...he's beyond anger and actually upset. To be honest, I found the trailer terrible enough so I think it's best that I stay away from the film. I think I'd have a similar reaction to MK, and find it hard to see DeNiro the same way again. That would be a big shame. What was he thinking taking the role?? He's made some poor decisions this century but this is another level. Surely his agent or someone could have stopped him? *sigh* --Loeba (talk) 12:55, 24 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yeha I know, he really looked quite devastated didn't he? Like he'd just found out his mother had died or something. He looked depressed by it didn't he!! And remember of course that Kermode often embraces some of the more shocking ones, The Devils (1971) springs to mind. I had to see it to see what it was like. I really watched it wanting to like it but the overall plot and construction of the film was just far too pathetic for it to even be a satisfactory watch. The thinking behind some of the scenes, particularly the drugs at the party and jail scenes were just not funny and came across as incredibly childish and unintelligent in conception. The De Niro "going to town on himself scene" watching porn was rather alarming as Kermode said as it was a bit in your face. It's the sort of film which will only appeal to one kind of person, a dumb, childish jock. I think I found the initial scene at the grandma's funeral the worst, it came across as grossly disrespectful and just horrible. That said there were some mildly amusing scenes and I didn't think it was quite candidate for worst film ever sort of material but director and cast should be embarassed at putting it out there. It could have been far better with a decent plot and script and more moderation in the jokes/content. They made De Niro throughly dislikeable and like a 13 year old American Pie Stifler's brother brat in it and for such a film to really work I think you need to make the audience like or at least sympathise with the character. It is a big shame to see him doing that sort of film. It makes you wonder what is going on in Hollywood as a legend like him should have producers and directors begging him to be in all the best films, it does make you wonder if the self sabotage was intentional in it. It would really otherwise take a desperate actor to appear in a film like that.♦ Dr. Blofeld 16:24, 24 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

De Niro's article is currently in almost as bad condition as the film haha! ♦ Dr. Blofeld 16:46, 24 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Ha, god yeah it's really poor. When articles have so little structure, like that one, it makes it even less likely people will add content and improve it - that's the problem. By the way, did you ever get round to watching Show People? You really have to since you're such a big fan of classic Hollywood, I say it's the best film about that subject ever. Yup, even better than Singin' in the Rain. I watched Greed last weekend, it only took me 6 years of being a film buff to watch one of the most acclaimed films ever! It didn't disappoint, great stuff...but not as great as Show People   --Loeba (talk) 20:08, 24 February 2016 (UTC) I only just noticed your comment about In the Mood for Love. "Exquisite" is the perfect word for it. See if you agree with me about 2046 being even better, but I seem to be in a minority with that view. --Loeba (talk) 20:21, 24 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, watching In the Mood for Love is sort of like enjoying a £10,000 meal with the finest wines, caviar and Ferrero Rocher LOL made by Alain Ducasse at The Palace of Versailles or something. It's just pure class, you know what I mean, it is the sort of film equivalent to one of those sorts of top chef meals/wines! I'll watch 2046 later in the week and finish off the rest of Wong's films. Not seen Show People, I'll have to see that one! Yeah I do love the Golden Hollwood period more because it sort of takes me back to that era but I do intend to watch the same amount from every period eventually. In fact of late I've been catching up on a lot of the post 2000s ones, 2005 most recently. So I've now almost seen a minimum of 20 films from every year between 1929 and 2015, which I think is pretty impressive overall. I saw Faust (1926 film) recently which is freakin awesome IMO, one of Murnau's best. Have you seen Welcome Danger? I love it, I'm really into Harold Lloyd, I've been uploading some images recently of his films.♦ Dr. Blofeld 11:59, 25 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Faust is great yeah, especially visually. But I saw City Girl a couple of months ago and that became my second favourite Murnau. Loved it. From Lloyd I think I've only seen Safety Last and The Freshman. I do like him though, will definitely see more (at some point). --Loeba (talk) 15:20, 26 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Loeba, are there any films you can think of where you largely disagree with most critics and think it's a great film when most pan it? The Lovely Bones and Patch Adams always spring to mind on that. ♦ Dr. Blofeld 16:28, 26 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Sure, hard to think of examples from the top of my head though....Albert Nobbs is a brilliant drama and character study in my mind, and I was genuinely surprised to see that it's "rotten" on RT, so there's one. Umm, I think The Da Vinci Code is good entertainment and nowhere near as bad as critics make out; I wouldn't call it "great" though. I'm sure there are others. There's no way anyone's taste can match up with consensus all the time! --Loeba (talk) 14:38, 27 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, I thought the Da Vinci Code fell in the "pretty good film" category. I enjoyed it too and wondered why it got such a lambasting. Parts of the film were great I thought, and Audrey always a delight to watch. Overall definitely a good film.♦ Dr. Blofeld 21:30, 27 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
I just thought Patch Adams was a lovely film. I didn't get any smugness or "pain" as some people have claimed from watching it. Robin Williams was on top form, not sure why the critics all hate it. Same with The Lovely Bones. OK, there are flaws, the ending is weak, and the death of the girl could have been more "official" but Tucci's character was wonderfully creepy, reminded me of an old Rhys Ifans, and some of the heaven scenes and that really dazzling cinematography.♦ Dr. Blofeld 21:35, 27 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Oscar predictions


So what do you reckon then? I just have a feeling that The Revenant is going to win big, but as you said it would be rare for Inarritu to win best picture two years consecutively and based on the previous wins The Big Short probably more likely but I just reckon The Revenant will win best picture!. . If it doesn't win best picture he'll get Best director I think. Probably The Big Short best picture and Inarritu best director? DiCaprio I think has to get Best Actor, Brie Larson Best Actress (though Blanchett always a possibility), Alicia Vikander deserves best supporting actress IMO, she was terrific, I love her, grows on me with each film. I get lost in her dark whirlpools for eyes haha. Stallone Best Supporting actor? Spotlight might get Best Original Screenplay and The Big Short or Brooklyn Best Adapted but I'm probably wrong! The Danish Girl or Mad Max: Fury Road might get best production design? Probably Mad Max, I reckon will win a lot of the best makeup and design ones I think. Son of Saul best foreign? Amy best documentary? Hateful Eight best score?♦ Dr. Blofeld 13:21, 26 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

I think you're right with these, yeah. I'm starting to predict The Revenant as well. I'm glad it's not too clear though, makes it interesting! Fury Road will definitely get a few of the technical wins, but I'd really like Revenant to get make-up - those wounds looked so real! Emmanuel Lubezki will almost certainly be getting his third consecutive Oscar, which I think will be a record. Well deserved though. As for Vikander, see her in A Royal Affair and Testament of Youth if you haven't already, her best performances. She's lovely isn't she. I just hope she doesn't face a backlash after all the attention, some people online seem fed up of her already (especially because they hate The Danish Girl and hate that she's in the wrong category), but she's great. --Loeba (talk) 15:20, 26 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
I'll definitely see her in those. Yes, she's gorgeous but also seems very cool, there's something about her, a strong spritual presence. You could see it in some of her scenes with Eddie, she's special. You can see that her co-stars adore working with her.♦ Dr. Blofeld 15:44, 26 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Oh yeah, I saw this yesterday. Ha, wow. I thought my film love was OTT but these guys make me look normal! It's pretty fascinating, you should see it, link: [4] --Loeba (talk) 15:49, 27 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Haha! You can be relatively normal and simply love film! I don't have Aspergers/social impairment or disability benefits, do you? I guess it depends on how committed you are to just watching films or if it's truly obsessive or not. I don't think I could regularly watch more than two full length films a day with "full" attention, I tend to have films running in the background on half my 28 inch monitor as I do other things, kind of like the average person does with TV while ironing or something. I think part of the problem with films is that there's such a ridiculous number of them to see, and people are always challenging you to watch certain ones. If you limit it to one a day max for the sake of being "normal", it would take over a year to watch just like an Empire 500 list or something. There's way too much to see! Perhaps when I've seen most of what I what to cover I can just watch just one great film a few times with close scrutiny!♦ Dr. Blofeld 22:55, 27 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Yeah don't worry I'm sure the doctor would classify me as "normal", and I have a life outside of films but I know that I probably watch, read, and think about them too much. But apparently nothing compared to those guys! Did you watch it? They seem to have no interest in the world outside of films and that's a bit sad. Although I have to admit there were certain things in their behaviour that I recognised in myself, like making sure I'll be perfectly comfortable at the cinema, hehe. --Loeba (talk) 18:31, 28 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Haven't seen it yet nope! I'll watch it this coming week. I usually have to be doing something while I watch a film. Sometimes if I really need to chill out though I'll watch one with eyes glued to the screen and lie back but usually I like doing something as I watch like practising guitar finger work, learning a jazz standard or learning a language etc. I try to be constructive with most things I do. I really want to be fluent in Spanish, French and Italian, of course then I could watch any of the films without subtitles haha! At least I'm not thinking about eating a ton of eggs though to stop me going to the loo so I can just watch films haha! Now that is sad LOL. Only a few hours to go until the Oscars...♦ Dr. Blofeld 22:20, 28 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Wow, Spotlight won. That was definitely one of the best of the year, but I'm not sure you could call it a superior film to The Revenant. I guess at least director and actor won. I would have rathered Spotlight won than The Big Short anyway. Glad Leo won, finally! Vikander really deserved it too. As predicted Mad Max won most of the design ones.♦ Dr. Blofeld 09:06, 29 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
@Dr. Blofeld: Ex Machina won for Visual Effects! Most would have expected Mad Max but a great decision giving it to a small-budget film. Really wanted Stallone to win, but I kinda expected Rylance might just get it.    — Ssven2 Speak 2 me 12:21, 29 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Mad Max won enough!! A pity Brooklyn didn't win one or two, one of my favourites of the year. I still think Ex Machina is the best film of the year and one that Kubrick would have approved of, though The Revenant comes close. The last 20 minutes of Ex Machina I thought were Kubrick/Tarkovsky esque.♦ Dr. Blofeld 12:24, 29 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
@Dr. Blofeld: Yes. Kubrick would have loved it! Just his cup of tea! As for the last 20 minutes, sorta reminded me of Solaris (just a bit). Vikander and Innaritu are really growing from strength to strength based on their success in the industry. :-) BTW, off the topic of course, do try to watch Only Yesterday and The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (Takahata excels himself with both of them). Also, explore the genius of Satoshi Kon.    — Ssven2 Speak 2 me 12:30, 29 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yes I know about Kaguya, it's been one I've been meaning to watch for a while.♦ Dr. Blofeld 12:40, 29 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Yep quite a surprise! Even when everyone was predicting Spotlight a few months ago I couldn't see it happening...I was wrong though, heh. I reckon it's because of the preferential ballot system, where it essential has to be a consensus choice. I bet Revenant (or even Mad Max) got more #1 votes but when they took into account the 2nd, 3rd etc Spotlight overtook. Oh well, BP winners are mostly meaningless, I just enjoy following it anyway! Did you watch the ceremony? I watched most of it, it was pretty awful. About 50% of the show was unfunny and awkward jokes about OscarsSoWhite. And then they have the cheek to hurry up acceptance speeches? Tedious. --Loeba (talk) 13:23, 29 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Didn't see it nope. Yeah I saw some of the clips and was not impressed with Chris Rock. That's what happens when you let a black man into the Oscars ;-) His voice is soo annoying and high pitched. When I saw Spotlight it did remind me of some of the Oscar winners of the 70s like All the President's Men and could picture it as a winner but I never thought it really stood a chance! ♦ Dr. Blofeld 13:49, 29 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Cary Grant


Been meaning to get back into working on it but difficult to find the motivation! I think I'll watch Suzy to try to motivate me! I've only a few films of his I've not seen now.♦ Dr. Blofeld 16:12, 29 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Oh man, the beardy weirdies in Cinemania!! So many seedy looking cinemas and horrible apartments! Even the eating habits of one of them with half a tub of peanut butter grossed me out. Those are freaky people! Especially that Roberta! I mean just imagine a day totally worked out around seeing a film in a cinema at the right time. Only in NYC could you get that!! I liked the older bearded guy in it though and found myself agreeing with his tastes, particularly Ginger Rogers. He'd be a good guy to have a chat to about film but would get annoying after a bit. The rest of them haha.♦ Dr. Blofeld 14:07, 1 March 2016 (UTC)Reply

"I mean just imagine a day totally worked out around seeing a film in a cinema at the right time" - heh, see this is actually one of the things I felt familiar with - it's exactly what I've done for the film festival the past two years. It's fun for those two weeks, but really intense and I can't imagine every day being like that. And yeah they're all very weird. The peanut butter sandwiches - gross! I found it really interesting viewing though. As for Cary, you'll probably get motivated as you get started again (I see you've done some already, looking good) but take your time and do it when you feel like it. Let me know if you'd like me to read through it or anything, I'm sure I'll find it interesting. --Loeba (talk) 19:03, 1 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Well, at film festivals that's normal as you're at the event purely to watch film and cram in what you can. These people revolve every day around seeing a film showing in a cinema at a given time, that's all they do haha!! If they're real film buffs though the vast majority of films are surely never going to be shown in those cinemas, even in NYC.♦ Dr. Blofeld 13:19, 5 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Have you seen A Hard Day? It's really one of the best crime thrillers I've seen, it's easily as good as some of the best from the classic period. Highly recommended to you and page stalkers.♦ Dr. Blofeld 11:02, 7 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Oh I doubt anyone else is interested in this talk page haha but I appreciate the recommendation! I haven't heard of it before, how did you come across it? I haven't seen a whole lot of Korean films but my favourite is definitely A Tale of Two Sisters. Brilliant stuff. --Loeba (talk) 13:40, 11 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Will try to see that soon, but I still have to see 2046! Will watch 2046 this evening. A Hard Day is on Amazon Prime, I was browsing the languages and it caught my eye! Really good, at times similar black humour to Wild Tales. "Modern police noir" is the nearest description you could give it. It's about as good as you can get for that genre. The Housemaid also an excellent film. I've recently fallen for Marisa Tomei. I'd seen her in a fair few films but usually as a supporting actress. Going to see a lot more of her!♦ Dr. Blofeld 16:38, 11 March 2016 (UTC)Reply



Superb, got around to seeing it!! I don't know, it's certainly more explosive and earthy than In the Mood, if In the Mood was romantic 2046 is more sexual. Not sure if it's better overall though, I think I prefer In the Mood for its "exquisiteness" just a little more, but some amazing scenes in 2046 which are every bit as good if not better! Again the impeccable choice of music plays a major role and gives it more class. Faye Wong is absolutely gorgeous, I would love to be him in that film with her in room 2046 haha, I'm sure you wouldn't mind being her either! Karwai certainly has a distinct, unique style. I loved the period that it is set, as you know that's my favourite period, late 60s! Comes close to the best film of 2004 I've seen, but I think Sideways has to remain with the crown for reasons I'm sure you understand!♦ Dr. Blofeld 21:18, 12 March 2016 (UTC)Reply

Glad you loved it! --Loeba (talk) 18:46, 24 March 2016 (UTC)Reply

Kalki Koechlin


Hey, I nominated Kalki Koechlin's article for WP:FA. If you find spare time, would you mind taking a look? You might find it interesting and enjoy reading about her as you have been associated with other Bollywood articles, and Koechlin is an unconventional "Bollywood" actress. Your comments would be appreciated, Thank you! NumerounovedantTalk 18:20, 26 March 2016 (UTC)Reply

A barnstar for you!

  The Teamwork Barnstar
For your excellent work on Charlie Chaplin. The interview we did with you and Susie is now published on the blog! :-) Ed Erhart (WMF) (talk) 22:27, 16 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
Lovely, thanks so much @Ed Erhart (WMF):! --Loeba (talk) 14:07, 17 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
You're quite welcome. :-) Ed Erhart (WMF) (talk) 20:17, 18 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
Well deserved! Miss you Loeba!♦ Dr. Blofeld 18:40, 21 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
Thanks dood. I'm still around, I haven't disappeared :) --Loeba (talk) 14:05, 23 April 2016 (UTC)Reply

April 2016


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Peer Review


Hi, If you're interested I have requested a new PR for Stanley Donen. Wikipedia:Peer review/Stanley Donen/archive4 I made changes based on your last review, except for the citation formatting since I've since seen many other articles that use that same format and I've personally grown used to it.Deoliveirafan (talk) 15:05, 29 April 2016 (UTC)Reply

@Deoliveirafan: Wow, hard to believe that was nearly 2.5 years ago! I'm sorry the proper review never happened, I think both of us kind of disappeared for a while. I'm not very active at the moment either, so unfortunately I still may not get to it....In theory I'm interested in the article, and it's looking really good, but I'm just being honest since my wiki-motivation is low.   It might happen but incase I don't turn up, then best of luck with it! --Loeba (talk) 19:32, 1 May 2016 (UTC)Reply
Hope you change your mind. I've continued trimming here and there and think that its complete content-wise. I'm looking to wrap up my hobby here at Wikipedia and retire in the near future, so trying to get this article featured is one of the things on my list. And you've done great work on previous articles related to classic Hollywood, so I was hoping to get your input. I just think it would be nice to get it Featured while Mr Donen is still around.Deoliveirafan (talk) 01:17, 6 May 2016 (UTC)Reply

Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters


Hi Loeba, have you seen this? I think you'd love it, it's quite Karwai Wong esque. Masterful.♦ Dr. Blofeld 12:24, 30 April 2016 (UTC)Reply

I've heard about it but haven't seen in yet. Interesting that it's similar to Wong's style, thanks. I had a damn good film-viewing month with April; loads of new favourites. --Loeba (talk) 19:34, 1 May 2016 (UTC)Reply
Hello L and Dr B. I hope that you get to see it L. The first time I saw it I walked out of the theatre thinking "Okay that was interesting" then, as the week went on, I could not get the ideas expressed and the way it was filmed out of my head and I had to go see it again the next weekend. It set me off to read as much about (as well as all the he had written that had been translated) Yukio as I could find. The story of how Schrader got the film made is fascinating. The sections where they adapt Mishima's novels had sets designed by Eiko Ishioka. It was her first film work and they are stunning. There is a documentary entitled The Strange Case of Yukio Mishima released the same year as this film. If you get a chance to watch it you will see just a much "attention to detail" Schrader did. Well you can tell that it is among my favorites - I don't expect anyone to like it as much as I do but I think you will at least find it interesting. Cheers and have a delightful week. MarnetteD|Talk 20:02, 1 May 2016 (UTC)Reply
@MarnetteD: I just saw this comment again I realised I never replied. Sorry, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the film =) You've definitely sold it to me, it sounds right up my street. I'll let you know when I've seen it. --Loeba (talk) 17:11, 6 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
Hi again L. No worries about belated reply. I look forward to hearing your reactions to watching it. Cheers. MarnetteD|Talk 18:17, 6 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

Congratulations on your work!

File:Marilyn 01 HaviArt-ipad-template.jpg
An artwork of Monroe by Havi Schanz.

"I restore myself when I'm alone.
A career is born in public —
talent in privacy."
—— As quoted in Ms. magazine (August 1972) p. 40

"I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate on your work for Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Chaplin, I appreciate your hard work and commitment, cheers. ^.^ " -- User:LoveFromBJM (talk)

Monroe was all user:TrueHeartSusie3, and I'm far from committed these days haha but I appreciate the sentiment =) --Loeba (talk) 19:53, 4 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

A world without Chaplin


While writing on him, have you ever pondered on a world without the great artist? Who do you think would not have made their mark in the film industry if Chaplin wasn't around? To me, the first few people who crop up are Cary Grant, Woody Allen, Marlon Brando, Jerry Lewis and, of course, Mr. Bean.  — Ssven2 Speak 2 me 06:24, 13 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

Sorry I forgot to reply to this! Well it's very hard to say, but Jacques Tati was the most obviously influenced, I think. --Loeba (talk) 16:19, 26 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

Audrey Hepburn


Decided to take it on next... Can you give Cary Grant a read? I'm not sure what Susie thinks of it but I'm told it's a crap article ;-) I would put it up for a peer review but want to move on to Audrey for the time being.♦ Dr. Blofeld 20:46, 24 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

Hiya. Wow, looks like there's been a lot of activity over Grant! I had no idea. I'm sorry you've faced some hostility. But the article is looking really strong, I think. That's just from a scan but it's certainly a huge improvement! I may be able to read through it properly this week. Good luck with Audrey; she's your favourite actress right? So that's nice you're finally working on her article. What do you think of the Brexit vote? --Loeba (talk) 16:18, 26 June 2016 (UTC)Reply
Thankyou Loeba, that means a lot! Yes, I thought it was pretty decent, more than adequate for GA but I've had little but negativety and people trashing it! If you see the September 2015 version! The idea is to just make these important articles GA worthy and then move onto to the next as too much work needs doing here. Yes, you remembered correctly, Audrey is my favourite actress, though I wouldn't consider her the "greatest" actress, Katharine Hepburn and Bette Davis were stronger actresses of course, but she was very good! I've just started drafting it at User:Dr. Blofeld/Audrey Hepburn. A lot of good material in there already but it will all need to be checked and reinforced, so easier to build it bit by bit in my userspace. She gets 220,000 hits a month, more than Bogart and Natalie Wood put together, two others I'm planning on doing!♦ Dr. Blofeld 16:33, 26 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

Brexit? I voted out but I think the best thing overall might have been a reform petition to the EU on immigration to change it like Australia's with a points system. Long term I find it hard to believe though that businesses aren't going to continue trading or it's going to be that devastating on business. It's quite likely others will follow and something will replace the EU in a few years anyway, but in the meantime it might affect a lot of people. I know farmers rely on EU grants a lot.♦ Dr. Blofeld 16:43, 26 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

Yeah it seems really frustrating. Well done for not giving up and moving on to another article! I'd love to see Bogie's improved as well, and Jimmy Stewart's, then the "big three" would all be covered (I'm not volunteering though, I'm afraid!) Aww, you're a Brexiteer. I was really shocked by the result because almost everyone in London wanted to stay and I didn't know sentiment was so different elsewhere. I feel really sad about it personally; I always support working together and unity and I HATE that this result is handing power to the likes of Boris, Gove, and Farage (bleeugh) and may cause Scotland to leave us. You're probably right that we'll continue free trading but you never know, the EU may want to prove that you can't leave and still get a sweet deal...We'll have to see what happens but at the moment I'm finding it hard to imagine a positive outcome. Hopefully we sort out something like Switzerland and Norway, which still allows trade and freedom of movement (which I fully support). --Loeba (talk) 16:59, 26 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

Yes, I'm thinking the core of the core now. What's the point in wikipedia if we can't have good articles on what really matters? What actors are really the most important and Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart and Humphrey are priority for male, Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis and Audrey Hepburn possibly for female, though both Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe both also belong in the central core important/popular ones of course. We have one each now between you (Katharine), me (Cary) and Susie (Marilyn) haha. Davis has been delisted from FA now. I'm rather fond of Natalie Wood, so she might be after Audrey and Bogie. I'm planning on doing Bogie after Audrey but we'll see how it goes, this AH article I reckon will take a couple of months.♦ Dr. Blofeld 18:19, 26 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

Loeba & Doc, have you listened to the podcast "You Must Remember This"? TrueHeartSusie3 (talk) 17:30, 7 July 2016 (UTC)TrueHeartSusie3Reply
I hadn't even heard of it to be honest, but I like the look of it. Seems like good bedtime listening. Thanks for the tip! --Loeba (talk) 16:43, 8 July 2016 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia:WikiProject Film/Golden Hollywood Contest


Doc's just started up this contest about topics and articles covering Classical Hollywood cinema. Do express if you are interested or not by signing up under the "Editors Interested" section. Thanks.    — Ssven2 Speak 2 me 09:03, 20 August 2016 (UTC)Reply

@Ssven2 and Dr. Blofeld: Cool, great idea, I really hope it takes off! But I'm sure you won't be too surprised if I say I'm unlikely to contribute, given my low activity these days. Sorry but just being honest.   I can add my name as a token of support, if it helps, but I don't want to give the wrong impression and then disappoint... --Loeba (talk) 21:18, 22 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
Understood, I don't think most of us want to contribute at the moment with so many idiots and personality disorder cases around! Just support for it is fine. I had rather hoped there would be more support for it from people at WP:Film so far. If there's not more support it's never going to run!♦ Dr. Blofeld 08:30, 23 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
Its alright, Loeba. You can support the incentive by just filling your name under editors interested and justify the inclusion of your good self as some of them have done.  — Ssven2 Speak 2 me 10:16, 24 August 2016 (UTC)Reply

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Delicatessen (film)


Hi Loeba, you seen this film? It's just the quirky sort of film you'd like I think. It's brilliant!♦ Dr. Blofeld 12:53, 6 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

Aw, sorry to disappoint Doc but I'm really not a fan! Jeunet just doesn't agree with me, heh. I saw Ponette last night and boy oh boy, that's one of the most emotionally powerful films I've ever seen. I was in floods by the end! A masterpiece of realism IMO. --Loeba (talk) 17:06, 6 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
Wow, surprised at that. I think it's a brilliant film! Reminds me a bit of Eraserhead at times, similar sort of atmosphere. How could you not like the bed springing and people doing things in tandem and the bathroom flood! The moment that door opened was one of the biggest !!OMG moments in film ever! Do you really not like Amélie either? I thought everybody would like that one! I'll definitely try to see Ponette soon.♦ Dr. Blofeld 11:30, 8 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
I found the aesthetic ugly (that snotty yellow tinge to everything), which is probably intentional but I hated looking at it, and just found it OTT and irritating I'm afraid. Interestingly I think Amelie was the first foreign film I ever saw, when I was about 13, so it's a bit of a landmark in my film viewing...I loved it as a teen but now whenever I catch it on TV I find it pretty annoying. Hey ho.   Yeah, let me know what you think of Ponette if you see it. It's a fairly simple drama but I was blown away by how authentic it feels. It might be the greatest child performance I've ever seen (and she was only four!) --Loeba (talk) 19:43, 8 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

Beth Grant article is an absolute shambles. Tells us practically nothing. Somebody should give it a serious overhaul sometime!

ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open!


Hello, Loeba. Voting in the 2016 Arbitration Committee elections is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC)Reply

Precious anniversary

Three years ago ...
film actresses
... you were recipient
no. 681 of Precious,
a prize of QAI!

--Gerda Arendt (talk) 07:23, 3 December 2016 (UTC)Reply

Merry Merry

  Season's Greetings, Loeba!
At this wonderful time of year, I would like to give season’s greetings to all the fellow Wikipedians I have interacted with in the past! May you have a wonderful holiday season! MarnetteD|Talk 17:12, 20 December 2016 (UTC)

The Lobster


Seasons greetings Loeba. Did you enjoy The Lobster? I thought it was terrific!♦ Dr. Blofeld 15:40, 21 December 2016 (UTC)Reply

Merry Christmas to all!

  We wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2017!
Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas, and a Happy, Glorious, Prosperous New Year! God bless!    — Ssven2 Looking at you, kid 11:36, 22 December 2016 (UTC)Reply