About nick... you've come too late. You're not the only Kubura on this world.
That line was for the nose pushers, you'll understand me once, sooner or later. You'll come to that.
Anyway, tell me, why were you so interested in the content of my userpage? I mean, in the code of it? Kubura 15:30, 20 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Me, to change my username? No chance. No way.
You can't have everything you want. "Hajduk" is from Split, Kubura is a Croat. Live with that.
You're Stepanović, take a username "vojvoda Stepa". That name is considered as honorable among Serbs. And even more, you have his surname. What do you want more? Kubura 19:15, 1 March 2007 (UTC)Reply