Last month, I was in Tanzania, together with other adventures, I climbed mount Kilimanjaro. I did not dare to miss it. I advice you also to include mount kilimanjaro climb in your next african holiday!

Mountains are very essential ecosystems for source of water and hosts a broad biodiversity, Lets talk about mount kilimanjaro in tanzania. When you visit there or climb it, you will experience many natural azure blue waterfalls, are really attractive, can relax your mind. Its permanent snow capped Kibo Peak is Wonderful, and it is the highest point (5895m) in Africa, the second being Kenya. It is something somebody dare to believe being at the Equator and also maintains snow throughout the year. I beg you to get more INFORMATION about Kilimanjaro from;[1]

I read from National Geographic website, the story about global warming and its effect to nature was written by Lonnie Thompson-a Professor in Ohio State University. He narrated that all the snow will have melted by 2020 if efforts are not done from now. Every body is responsible for this global warming because is dangerous to our life. These bad effects like Tsunami, Katrina, Rita and all bad climatic effects will not choose who to attack, any of us can be Victim.

Why not sign and ratify the Kyoto Protocol???

In Kilimanjaro, I met one graduate from Sokoine University of Agriculture. He has done several research on mount Kilimanjaro conservation and protection,communities participation and local people attitudes toward existence and value of mount Kilimanjaro. There are efforts in pipe line to plant trees around mount Kilimanjaro,aim is to try to capture bad gases like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from continuing destroying the ozone layer.Ozone layer depletion allows ultravilolet rays from the sun to penetrate directly to the earth surface causing heat increase.Carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide and fluorocarborns,ammonium gases all contribute to ozone layer depletion.So natural forest protection and planting trees around mount Kilimanjaro can create micro environment for existence of clouds.Clouds do help to reduce the impact of direct heat on snow, hence reduce the rate of snow melting.It sounds logical,Isn't it? The graduate planned to establish the NGO called MOUNT KILIMANAJARO RECOVERY CLUB (MOKIREC).

But despite all his efforts, scarcity of resources like fund is a bottleneck to efficiency of the project. Myself I contributed 740 USD to the project. I am saying again in order for the future generations to Witness the snow of Kilimanjaro let's give a hand. Why not be generous for the Gift of God? You can contact them by email;

More information you will get from them.

I convey this information but also I welcome any commendation, advice or constructive critisim from any organization or anybody. Apart from climbing mount Kilimanjaro, I visited the 8th wonder of the natural world, The world heritage site and The international biosphere reserve-NGORONGORO CRATER. It is Crade of mankind, olduvai gorge. Serengeti National Park ( World Heritage site) and LAke Manyara National Park ( Man and Biosphere Reserve) the place with the only tree climbing lions. After, all I visited to Zanzibar Archipelago east coast place called Kiwengwa famous for pristine white sand beaches and corals.. There I did Scuba diving, Snorkelling, Swimming, Game fishing, and Dolphin Tour, also I saw Red Colobus Monkey in Jozani Forest.

Actually, if you plan to visit Africa, choose Tanzania, I have credit on that. Am planning to go back with my Business partner for Photographic Safaris.

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