Hey Simone : )

It's Jay, from the burns unit... I hope you don't mind me writing to you like this. It was mentioned that your outpatient appointments might take place closer to home, so I just wanted to say again how well you've done so far, and to wish you all the best with the care ahead. The architecture of the unit is pretty isolating, so it might not have been apparent, but you really did so well - physio -

I also wanted to say, if you have setbacks, please don't be hard on yourself

Asylums talk!



Erving Hoffman bio

What is a total institution?

How do institutions shape people?

How does BITU fit the definition? Examples, eg. admissions process

Maslow! Visual of attending lower order needs whilst suppressing higher order needs


On The Characteristics of Total Institutions


The total institutions of our society can be listed in five rough groupings. First, there are institutions established to care for persons felt to be both incapable and harmless; these are the homes for the blind, the aged, the orphaned, and the indigent. Second, there are places established to care for persons felt to be both incapable of looking after themselves and a threat to the community, albeit an unintended one: TB sanitaria, mental hospitals, and leprosaria. A third type of total institution is organized to protect the community against what are felt to be intentional dangers to it, with the welfare of the persons thus sequestered not the immediate issue: jails, penitentiaries, P.O.W. camps, and concentration camps. Fourth, there are institutions purportedly established the better to pursue some worklike task and justifying themselves only on these instrumental grounds: army barracks, ships, boarding schools, work camps, colonial compounds, and large mansions from the point of view of those who live in the servants' quarters. Finally, there are those establishments designed as retreats from the world even while often serving also as training stations for the religious; examples are abbeys, monasteries, convents, and other cloisters.

The Inmate World

The full meaning for the inmate of being “in” or “on the inside” does not exist apart from the special meaning to him of “getting out” or “getting on the outside.” In this sense, total institutions do not really look for cultural victory. They create and sustain a particular kind of tension between the home world and the institutional world and use this persistent tension as strategic leverage in the management of men.

The recruit comes into the establishment with a conception of himself made possible by certain stable social arrangements in his home world. Upon entrance, he is immediately stripped of the support provided by these arrangements. In the accurate language of some of our oldest total institutions, he begins a series of abasements, degradations, humiliations, and profanations of self.


The inmate, then, finds certain roles are lost to him by virtue of the barrier that separates him from the outside world. The process of entrance typically brings other kinds of loss and mortification as well. We very generally find staff employing what are called admission procedures, such as taking a life history, photographing, weighing, fingerprinting, assigning numbers, searching, listing personal possessions for storage, undressing, bathing, disinfecting, haircutting, issuing institutional clothing, instructing as to rules, and assigning to quarters.15 Admission procedures might better be called “trimming” or “programming” because in thus being squared away the new arrival allows himself to be shaped and coded into an object that can be fed into the administrative machinery of the establishment, to be worked on smoothly by routine operations. Many of these procedures depend upon attributes such as weight or fingerprints that the individual possesses merely because he is a member of the largest and most abstract of social categories, that of human being. Action taken on the basis of such attributes necessarily ignores most of his previous bases of self-identification.


Admission procedures and obedience tests may be elaborated into a form of initiation that has been called “the welcome,” where staff or inmates, or both, go out of their way to give the recruit a clear notion of his plight.17 As part of this rite of passage he may be called by a term such as “fish” or “swab,” which tells him that he is merely an inmate, and, what is more, that he has a special low status even in this low group.

The admission procedure can be characterized as a leaving off and a taking on, with the midpoint marked by physical nakedness. Leaving off of course entails a dispossession of property, important because persons invest self feelings in their possessions. Perhaps the most significant of these possessions is not physical at all, one's full name; whatever one is thereafter called, loss of one's name can be a great curtailment of the self.18

Once the inmate is stripped of his possessions, at least some replacements must be made by the establishment, but these take the form of standard issue, uniform in character and uniformly distributed. These substitute possessions are clearly marked as really belonging to the institution and in some cases are recalled at regular intervals to be, as it were, disinfected of identifications


In addition to personal defacement that comes from being stripped of one's identity kit, there is personal disfigurement that comes from direct and permanent mutilations of the body such as brands or loss of limbs. Although this mortification of the self by way of the body is found in few total institutions, still, loss of a sense of personal safety is common and provides a basis for anxieties about disfigurement. Beatings, shock therapy, or, in mental hospitals, surgery—whatever the intent of staff in providing these services for some inmates—may lead many inmates to feel that they are in an environment that does not guarantee their physical integrity


There is another form of mortification in total institutions; beginning with admission a kind of contaminative exposure occurs. On the outside, the individual can hold objects of self-feeling—such as his body, his immediate actions, his thoughts, and some of his possessions—clear of contact with alien and contaminating things. But in total institutions these territories of the self are violated; the boundary that the individual places between his being and the environment is invaded and the embodiments of self profaned.



20 MINUTES rule of thumb; not everyone, not every time, but most often; what happens after twenty minutes? with oxynorm say, the peak plasma concentration occurs one hour after the drug is given, the onset is 20 to thirty minutes


think it's fair to say sometimes procedures start before onset occurs most obviously this results in pain, and things you would associate with pain stress, fear, discouragement CONJECTURE asked Chris what the general signs of onset might be, and he said it's basically impossible to tell. You might be able to discern something in the resp rate, but probably not so if we're using something like oramorph with a highly variable onset on a twenty minute framework, nobody's indifferent to patient suffering, maybe we up the dosage? Maybe we give a little more or a little strong on the morning role than which might not be without side effects, ie constipation, nausea, itching so I don't know

I think nine times out of ten, or ninety nine times out of hundred, everything's fine, as good as it can be. You tend to remember the times where you get the impression things could have gone smoother. So, what I wanted to stress with this talk is that twenty minutes is maybe cutting it fine with regards to the official unit take on analgesia onset times. But the reason I decided on this topic is that sometimes you hear fifteen-twenty minutes, so I kinda just wanted to get these way less convenient times back in the mix in case we start hearing ten-fifteen minutes you?

Thank you! thank you! hope it wasn't too weird very much aware I'm a healthcare assistant talking analgesia to a bunch of itu nurses but you know, these are my observations, occasional concerns, and if they can be discounted, that'sreassuring

That probably needs some kind of explanation...

Some of my favourite games (Photopia, and Howling Dogs) are text-based, but single player, with definite, linear narratives. I've played MMORPGs before, and I love the sense of freedom, exploration, and even self-expression that kind of game affords you, but I always lose interest before the end game content;

                              a time when we weren't working towards this moment. Dig through the first strata of the Anthropocene and we can reckon a date. There might even be contemporaneous accounts etched deep into early probes, shot forth to who knows where? The plan we've followed for the entirety of our known history can’t be the first thing we tried? I mean, to know a time with *endless* sky, and to have that taken away from you? Some little sentinel patiently observing the same arcminute of sky for millennia notes a gradual, localized *dimming*, and then another, and another… How do you react to that? There must have been panic, initially. Collapse.

We don’t know for how long this has been happening, or even when we first learnt of it, but untold galaxies have faded to nothing. What could make a galaxy fade? Star after star, blinking out, one by one. What’s so hard to except now is that we’re ready. It’s taken tens of thousands of years, quietly, by elevator and solar sail, but we’re there now. The fleet is

      our real goodbyes. We each know the beginnings of the other arks’ routes, communication by laser will be possible for a few years. Distances will increase, and our heat signatures fade, but we’ve some time to adjust. 

Truth be told, I wish I was on one of the rogue planet interceptors. When the comms fail, it’s going to get lonely here. I know I could go my whole life without meeting everyone on board this ship, but there’s that not knowing; every other

There’s honestly a section of my local book store called “Tragic Life Stories” and I have zero interest in reading anything from it. The appeal in reading about real world sadness is as inexplicable to me as reading about fictional sadness is to you. So I suppose what I’m getting from tragic fiction more a feeling

Bold textWhen there is division, there is something which is not divided. --Zhuangzi, Chapter 2.

“The reader accepts anything, no? Even the starkest nonsense.” http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/4331/the-art-of-fiction-no-39-jorge-luis-borges

Bold textFLY Suelo Bars

NG3P-N3Y4-OHCX-7K9A-HAW0 rawbots


























Naoya Hatakeyama


Underground / River #7109

chauncey hare - interior america

Paul Graham - writings / Empty Heaven


Martin Parr

MArk Steinmetz - all that grey


Todd Hido


I'm at work right now (as I write this, I'll mail it from home). I'm on my break, reading an interview with Haruki Murakami. There's this part here;

"When I met Murakami, finally, in his Tokyo office, I made a point of asking him what his own first memory was. When he was 3, he told me, he managed somehow to walk out the front door of his house all by himself. He tottered across the road, then fell into a creek. The water swept him downstream toward a dark and terrible tunnel. Just as he was about to enter it, however, his mother reached down and saved him. “I remember it very clearly,” he said. “The coldness of the water and the darkness of the tunnel — the shape of that darkness. It’s scary. I think that’s why I’m attracted to darkness.” "

Which is interesting to me as this is nearly exactly the first dream I can remember having. It was my actually my dad, and I didn't get pulled out in time (he couldn't reach), but still that's remarkably similar, huh?

I'd forgotten that 1Q84 was coming out already. I've gotten to thining of it as maybe being like The Wind-Up Bird chronicles, but uh, more so, so I'm really quite looking forward to getting stuck into it. I've actually had The Lake sat on my Kindle for ages now (did you say you'd read it?), but it's been the very next I'll read for about five books now. I'm not quite sure why I'm really relishing the thought of reading a new thing by one magical-realism type author I super got into in my early twenties, but never quite getting round to reading a new thing by another?

Things really do sound complicated with that guy you've met. I don't know... I guess I can see how still being cut up over things with his ex could make him kinda hesitant, but he must see that he's not going to feel less liebeskummery through the passing of time alone? So maybe it isn't... It sounds like the time you spend together is really worth making allowances for him in some respects. I kinda want to urge caution as... worry to much about about getting hurt not enough about taking chances at being happy.

You'll make a great illustrator, your figures are always so real

good luck with the shows!

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The weight on your chest, a look of longing that passsed right through you. Every mechanical aspect of it's hands, through paper-thin skin. Clenching, unclenching. A sigh. Words you can't recall to wash away. The weight on your chest. Her weight on your chest. Breath in your throat. Hair in your open eyes. You give up ignoring what's torn and mottled and sunken and caked in black