User talk:GrammarGremlin/Maybe Bad Grammar

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The entries below are the output of a grammar bot, The "Gremlin", and are candidates for grammar improvement. As you may discover, the bot currently has trouble distinguishing between abbreviations such as "Dr." and the ends of sentences. This causes some erroneous results. Another bug is the misinterpretation of Unicode characters. In order to keep the size of the results reasonable the Gremlin will only analyze the Main_Page and any page linked to from the main page.

The italicized characters following many words classify which part of speech the Gremlin assumed. The main classifications are n,v,and a for noun, verb, and adjective. Also indicated on an as needed basis are e,g,p,t, and s or p for adverb, gerund, preposition, title, and singluar or plural.

The grammar engine used is the link grammar system from Carnegie Mellon university.

A plus sign follows each sentence and links to a more detailed tree-style diagram of a given sentencs.





Reconstructionist Judaism is a denomination of Judaism characterized by:
  • the belief that an individual's personal autonomy generally overrides traditional Jewish law and custom, yet also holding that one's practices must take into account communal consensus. This leads to a somewhat more traditional set of observances than seen in Reform Judaism.
  • a positive attitude toward modern culture.
  • the belief that traditional rabbinic modes of study, as well as modern scholarship and critical text study, are both valid ways to learn about and from Jewish religious texts.
  • a non-fundamentalist method of teaching about Jewish principles of faith, along with the belief that no Jew needs to accept all, or any, principles of faith.
  • the rejection of the belief that the Jews are a chosen people, as well as the rejection of all miracles and theism.


Reconstructionist Judaism is a denomination of Judaism with a relatively liberal set of beliefs:
  • an individual's personal autonomy should generally override traditional Jewish law and custom, yet also take into account communal consensus,
  • modern culture is accepted,
  • traditional rabbinic modes of study, as well as modern scholarship and critical text study, are both valid ways to learn about religious texts,
  • non-fundamentalist methods of teaching about Jewish principles of faith are acceptable, and no Jew needs to accept all, or any, principles of faith,
  • the Jews are not a chosen people, miracles and theism are rejected.
These beliefs lead to a more traditional set of observances than is seen in Reform Judaism.





it is.v an approximately four hour.n drive.n to Ismaïlia and a three hour.n drive.n to Taba . +


The drive to Ismaïlia is about four hours; to Taba it is three.


formerly a fishing.n village.n , it became.v a major.a port.n and naval.a base.n for.p the Egyptian.n Navy owing.g to its strategic.a importance.n . +


Its strategic importance led to its transformation from a fishing village into a major port and naval base for the Egyptian Navy.


a United Nations peacekeeping!g forcen wasv subsequently stationedv there until the Six Day War of 1967 , during which it wasv again capturedv by Israel and renamedv Mifratz Shlomo ( or the gulfn of Solomon ) . +


A United Nations peacekeeping force was subsequently stationed there until the 1967 Six Day War when it was recaptured by Israel and renamed Mifratz Shlomo, Arabic for "Gulf of Solomon"..


Sharm el-Sheikh remained.v under occupation.n by Israel until the Sinai peninsula.n was.v returned.v to Egypt in 1982 . +


Sharm el-Sheikh remained under Israeli control until the Sinai peninsula was returned to Egypt in 1982.


prior to 1967 , Sharm el-Sheikh was.v little.a more than an occasional.a base.a of operations.n by local.n fisherman.n ; the nearest.a permanent.a settlement.n was.v in Nabek , north.a of Ras el-Nasrani ( The Tiran Straits ) . +


Prior to 1967, Sharm el-Sheikh was little more than an occasional base of operations for local fishermen; the nearest permanent settlement was in Nabek, north of Ras el-Nasrani ("The Tiran Straits").





the Attorney.n General.n is.v head.i of the Department of Justice.n and is.v the minister.n responsible.a for.p police.s , legal.a affairs.n and Australian.n Security Intelligence Organisation . +


the Minister.n of Justice.n is.v concerned.v with questions.n of policy.n and their relationship.n to the justice.n system.n . +


the Minister.n of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness ( previously the Solicitor General.n ) is.v a separate.a cabinet.n position.n and administers.v the police.p , prisons.n and security.n agencies.n of the federal.a government.n . +


The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (previously titled Solicitor General) is a separate cabinet position and administers the police, prisons, and security agencies of the federal government.


. as to the legality.n of the second.n Gulf War ) , and acts.n as.p the representative.n of the public.n interest.v ( e.g?.n +


. in relation to charities ) . +





the player.n must.v defeat.v or avoid.v the enemies.n wandering.v the base.n including.v the alien.a Tollahs , two types of armed.v robots.n , a six-legged cerbanth?.n and a huge.a amoebic.a slug.n . +


The player must defeat or avoid the enemies wandering the base: the alien Tollahs, two types of armed robots, a six-legged "cerbanth", and a huge amoebic slug.


as.p the player.n forges.n deeper.a into the alien.a stronghold.n , they have.v the opportunity.n to acquire.v better.a weapons.n . +


As the player forges deeper into the alien stronghold, she has the opportunity to acquire better weapons.


in gameplay?.n and presentation.n , Rescue at Rigel is.v very similar.a to Temple of Apshai , a popular.a dungeon.n crawl.n by Epyx . +




  • from Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia . +
  • are You Being Served ? +
  • are You Being Served ? +
  • to parody.v the stereotype.n of the rigid.a British.a class.n system.n , characters.n rarely.a addressed.v each other by their given names.n , even.a during off hours.n . +
  • are You Being Served ? +




  • . their son.n or daughter.n ) may.v take.v up their role.n in the sequel.n . +
  • Spoiler warning.n : plot.n and/or?.a ending.g details.n follow.v . +
  • the frequency.n of sequels.n of successful movies.n comes about in large part because it is.v seen.v as.y much less risky to reproduce.v a known.v success.n than to gamble with a new.a and untested.a story.n . +




  • it does.v not have.v one agreed definition.n ; but is.v often used.v broadly to mean.v a situation.n in which people.p have.v continuity.n of food.n supply.n , or the methods.n by which this.d aim.n is.v achieved.v . +
  • around 828 million men.n , women.n and children.n are.v chronically hungry.a while 2 billion people.p lack.v food.n security.n because of poverty.n ( source.n : FAO , 1998 ) . +
  • the term.n —?.n in the development.n context.n — grew.v out of a reaction.n to the problems.n associated.v with food.n aid.n . +
  • food aid.n is.v one development.n paradigm.n , in which the solution.n to hunger.n is.v seen.v as.p being the donation.n of surplus.n food.n commodities.n , usually by rich.a developed.v nations.n . +
  • a commonly-used definition.n is that a community enjoys.v food.n security.n , when all people.p , at all times.n , have.v access to enough ( quantity.n ) , nutritious.a ( quality ) , safe , personally acceptable.a and culturally appropriate.a foods.n , produced.v in ways.n that.r are.v environmentally sound.a and socially just.a , or in other words.n by sustainable?.a development.n . +
  • globally there is.v enough food.n ( in the form.n of cereals.n ) to take.v up 3500 kcal/day/per?.n person . +
  • a famous.a quote.n in this.d respect.n is.v therefore : the true.a source.n of world.n hunger.n is.v not scarcity.n but policy.n ; not inevitability.n but politics.â?.n +




  • in bicameral.a legislatures.n , the counterpart.n to the minority.n leader.n in the lower.a house.n is.v often the Speaker and the majority.n leader.n is.v hence only the second-most senior.a member.n of the majority.n caucus.n , whereas!.n in the upper.n house.n the titular.a Speaker is.v often a separately-elected officer.n such as a lieutenant.n governor.n and the majority.n leader.n may.v in fact be.v the single.a most powerful.a member.n of the majority.n caucus.n . +
  • the minority.n leader.n is.v often assisted.v in his role.n by whips.n , whose job.n is.v to enforce.v party.n discipline.n on votes.n deemed.v to be.v crucial.a by the party.n leadership.n and to ensure.v that.d members.n do.v not vote.n in a way.n not approved of by the party.n . +
  • some votes.n are.v deemed.v to be.v so crucial.a as.p to lead.v to punitive.a measures.n ( such as demotion.n from choice.a committee.n assignments.n ) if the party.n line.n is.v violated.v ; decisions.n such as these are.v often made.v by the minority.n leader.n in conjunction.n with other senior.a party.n leaders.n . +
  • in a state.n where the executive.a branch.v and both houses.n of the state.n legislature.n are.v controlled.v by the other party.n , the minority.n leader.n of one of the houses.n ( most often the upper.n one ) may.v be.v seen.v as.p the seniormost?.a member.n of the party.n in that.d state.n with regard.n to state.n government.n ( although inferior.a in rank.n to a United States Senator.n or United States Representative , if there is.v such in that.d party.n from that.d state.n ) . +
  • at times.n , particularly with regard.n to crucial.a legislation.n , the minority.n leader.n and other senior.a members.n of his/her?.n party may.v be.v consulted.v with an eye.n to enacting.v such legislation.n on a bipartisan.a basis.n . +
  • the minority.n leader.n may.v also work.v closely with leaders.n in the majority.n party.n to ensure.v that.p provisions.n important.a to the interests.n of his party.n are.v included.v in legislation.n , which often occurs.v if it can.v be.v done.v without seeming.v to be.v seen.v as.p particularly harmful.a to the interests.n of the majority.n party.n . +




  • Jean Charles de Menezes ( January 7 , 1978–July 22 , 2005 ) was.v a Brazilian.n electrician.n living.v in Tulse Hill in south.a London . +
  • Menezes was.v shot.v and killed.v by Metropolitan Police officers.n at Stockwell tube station.v on the London Underground . +
  • a Roman Catholic.n from Gonzaga in Minas Gerais , Menezes had.v lived.v in the United Kingdom for.p three years.n before his death.n . +
  • initially suspected of being.v involved.v in perpetrating.v the 21 July 2005 London bombings.n , he was.v later found.p to be.v uninvolved!.v . +
  • he then.e entered.v the UK on a student.n visa.n in 2002 which may.v have.v been.v expired at the time.n of his death.n . +




  • the first.a bomb.n blast.n , at 01:15 local.n time.n ( 22:15 UTC ) , was.v reported.v in a market.n in downtown.n Sharm ; shortly after , another was reported.v to have.v hit.v the Ghazala Gardens hotel.n , a 176-room four-star establishment.n in the Naama Bay area.n , a strip.n of beachfront?.a hotels.n some 6 km?.v from the town.n centre.n ; according.g to witnesses.n , the hotel.n has.v been.v destroyed.v . +




  • a hormone.n ( from Greek.n horman?.n - to set.n in motion.n ) is.v a chemical.a messenger.n from one cell.n ( or group.n of cells.n ) to another . +
  • all multicellular?.a organisms.n produce.v hormones.n ( including.g plants.n - see article.n phytohormone?.n ) . +
  • the best.a known.v animal.n ( and human.a ) hormones.n are.v those produced.v by endocrine?.n glands.n of vertebrate.n animals.n , but hormones.n are.v produced.v by nearly every.d organ.n system.n and tissue.n type.n in a human.n or animal.n body.n . +
  • hormone.n actions.n vary.v widely , but can.v include.v stimulation.n or inhibition.n of growth.n , induction.n or suppression.n of apoptosis?.a ( programmed cell.n death.n ) , activation.n or inhibition.n of the immune.a system.n , regulating.g metabolism.n and preparation.n for.p a new.a activity.n ( e.g?.n +
  • . fighting.g , fleeing.g , mating.g ) or phase.n of life.n ( e.g?.v +
  • . puberty , caring for offspring , menopause ) . +




  • along with the Met and the City of London Police , Greater London is.v also policed.v by the British.n Transport Police ( who are.v responsible.a for.p policing.g on the rail.n systems.n , London Underground , Tramlink and Docklands Light Railway ) , the Royal Parks Constabulary ( who patrol.v a number.n of London 's.p major.n parks.n ) , and several borough.n park.n police.s forces.v . +
  • general.a law.n and order.n was.v maintained.v by magistrates.n , volunteer.n constables.n , watchmen?.n and where necessary.a the armed.v forces.n . +




  • by building.v a cable.n stayed.v bridge.n a large.a excavation.n for.p an anchorage.n would.v not be.v needed.v , lessening.g the environmental.a inpact?.n on the surrounding.g area.n . +




  • was a British.a sitcom?.n , and the sequel.n series.p to the long-running programme.v Are You Being Served ? +
  • ( Characters were.v quoted.v as.p saying.g , when her.d top.a popped.v off , so did.v he . +
  • ) As per the instructions.n in his will.n , the final.n workers.n left.n at Grace Brothers ' closing.v sale.n ( coincidentally!.e , most of the staff.n who were.v present.a in the original.n series.s ) were.v named.v co-beneficiaries in his will.n . +
  • young.a Mr.x Grace had.v invested.v their pension.n funds.n in a multitude.n of businesses.n so he could.v write.v them off as.p tax.n losses.n , and allotted.v the staff.n a country.n manor.n house.n . +
  • another stipulation.n in the will.n was.v that.p in order.n to cash.v what measly.a pension.n they were.v allotted.v , Miss Lovelock was.v required.v to sign.v their checks.n , meaning.g that.p unless they treated.v her.d well.n , they wouldn't see.v their money.n at all . +




  • sir Richard Doll , 92 , British.n epidemiologist , first.a person to link.v cigarette.n smoking.n and lung.n cancer.n . +
  • Pietro Consagra , 84 , Italian sculptor . +
  • Gretchen Franklin , 94 , television actress , best known as Ethel Skinner in EastEnders . +
  • Yevgenij Grishin , 74 , Russian.n speed.n skater , first.a speed.v skater under 40 seconds.n on 500 metres.n . +
  • this.d page.n was.v last modified 11:10 , 26 July 2005 . +
  • all text.n is.v available.a under the terms.n of the GNU Free Documentation License ( see Copyrights for details.n ) . +




  • 1]?.v For eleven years.n in a row.n , U of T has.v been.v ranked.v the top.i medical.a doctoral.a research.n university.n in Canada by Maclean 's.p Magazine . +
  • it has.v produced.v some of the great.a minds.n for.p the nation.n , including.g four Prime.n Ministers.n , two Governors General , and numerous.a internationally recognized.v academic.n and business.n leaders.n . +
  • 3]?.n As Canada 's.p pre-eminent research institution.n , the University of Toronto is.v widely acknowledged.v as one of the world.n 's.p finest.a publicly funded.v universities.[?.n +




  • it is.v 55 km long.e and around 10 km?.a wide.a , covering.g 567 km² . +
  • there is.v a visitor center.n and public.a tours.n and KSC is.v a major.a tourist.n destination.n for.p visitors.n to Florida . +
  • operations.n are.v currently controlled.v from Launch complex 39 , the location.n of the Vehicle Assembly Building . +
  • 8 km?.v south.a is.v the KSC Industrial Area , where many of the Center 's.p support.n facilities.n are.v located.v and the administrative.a headquarters.p . +




  • however.e , the spokesman.n of the White House , Ari Fleischer declared.v that.c the Iraq commitment.n to destroy.v these missiles.n is.v a fraud.n that.r President.n George W. Bush had.v predicted.v , and indicated.v that.c the United States wanted.v a total.n and complete.a disarmament.n of Iraq . +
  • it is.v reported.q that.p , citing.g national.a interest.n as.p a reason.n , the British.a government.n under Margaret Thatcher contributed.v approximately £1bn?.n of taxpayer.n money.n to Iraq under Saddam Hussein in the 1980s . +
  • the new.a Austrian.n government.n , again headed.v by Federal Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel , is.v sworn in by Federal President.n Thomas Klestil . +




  • rabbi.n ( Classical Hebrew רִבִּי?.a ribbÄ«?.n ; modern Ashkenazi and Israeli.n רַבִּי?.v rabbÄ«?.a ) in Judaism , means.n teacher , or more literally great one . +
  • the word rabbi.n is derived.v from the Hebrew root-word RaV , which in biblical.a Hebrew means.v great or distinguished.v , . +
  • this.d term.n of respectful.a address.n gradually came.v to be.v used.v as.p a title.n , the pronominal?.a suffix.n i?.n ( my ) losing.g its significance.n with the frequent.a use.n of the term.n . +
  • in ancient.a times.n , Rabbi was.v a Hebrew term.n used.v as.p a title.n for.p those who were.v distinguished.v for.p learning.v , who were.v the authoritative.a teachers.n of the Law , or who were.v the appointed.v religious.a leaders.n of their community.n . +
  • today rabbis.n are.v still.e responsible.a for.c teaching.g on matters.n of Jewish.a religion.n in general and law.n in particular ; and are.v qualified.a to determine.v the applicability.n of Jewish.a law.n . +




  • cereal.n grains.n are.v grown in greater.a quantities.n worldwide than any other type of crop.n and provides.v more food.n energy.n to the human.a race.n than any other crop . +
  • in some developing.g nations.n , cereal.n grains.n constitute.v practically the entire.a diet of common.a folk.n . +
  • in developed.v nations.n , cereal.n consumption.n is.v more moderate.a but still.a substantial . +
  • oats , barley.n , and some products.n made.v from them . +
  • a wheat field.v in Dorset , England . +
  • all are.v annual.a plants.n ; consequently one planting yields.v one harvest.n . +




  • a person.n may.v also semi-retire and keep.v some sort of job.n , although usually out of choice.a rather than neccesity?.n . +
  • this.p usually happens.v upon reaching.v a determined.v age.n , when physical.a conditions.n don't allow.v the person.n to work.v any more ( by illness or accident.n ) , or even.e for.p personal.a choice.n ( usually in the presence.n of an adequate.a pension.n ) . +
  • the retirement.n with a pension.n is.v considered.v a right.n of the worker.n in many societies.n , and hard.a ideological.a , social.a , cultural.a and political.a battles.n have.v been.v fought.v for.p this.d right.n to be.v granted.v . +
  • the retirement.n age.n varies.v from country to country but it is.v generally between 55 and 70 . +
  • in some countries.n this.d age.n is.v different.a for.p male.n and females.n . +




  • this.d usage.n dates.v from 1843 when Punch magazine applied.v the term.n to satirical.a drawings.n in its pages.n , particularly sketches.n by John Leech . +
  • the original.a title.n for.p these drawings.n was.v Mr.x Punch 's.p pencillings!.n and the new.a title.n cartoon.n was.v intended.v to be.v ironic.a , a reference.n to the self-aggrandising posturing.v of Westminster politicians.n . +
  • modern.a gag.n cartoons.n are.v found.p in magazines.n and newspapers.n and generally consist.v of a single.n drawing.g with a caption.n immediately beneath or ( less often ) a speech.n balloon.v . +
  • many consider.v New Yorker cartoonist.n Peter Arno the father.n of the modern.a gag.n cartoon.n ( as.p did.v Arno himself ) . +




  • for example , old.a Europe with wars.n culminating.v in World War I.n and World War II , compared.v with the European.n Union ; warring!.g Chinese.n states.n compared.v with the modern.a Chinese.a nation.n . +
  • he developed.v the each One Teach One literacy.n program.n which taught.v about 60 million people.p to read.v in their own.a language.n . +
  • thus , communist.a thinkers.n such as Leon Trotsky assumed.v that.c the world.n revolution.n would.v lead.v to a communist.n world.n peace.n , and neoliberal?.a thinkers.n such as Francis Fukuyama assumed.v that.d the rise.n of Western democracy.n will.v inevitably lead.v to the end.n of history.n . +
  • the plausibility.n of world.n peace.n tacitly relies on the assumption.n of rational.a agents that.r base.a their decisions.n on future.n consequences.n , which is.v not self-evident.a . +
  • Bertrand Russell once expressed.v his scepticism.n regarding.g world.n peace : after ages.n during which the earth.n produced.v harmless.a trilobites!.n and butterflies.n , evolution.n progressed.v to the point.n at which it has.v generated.v Neros , Genghis Khans , and Hitlers . +




  • this.p was.v the second.n total.n loss.n of a Space Shuttle , the first.a being.v Challenger ( see STS-51-L for.p details.n on that.d disaster.n ) . +
  • the crew.p of STS-107 on launch.v day.n . +
  • commander.n : Rick D. Husband , a US Air Force colonel.n and mechanical.a engineer.n , who piloted.v a previous.a shuttle.n during the first.n docking.v with the International Space Station . +
  • payload Specialist : Ilan Ramon , a colonel in the Israeli Air Force and the first Israeli astronaut . +
  • mission Specialist : Kalpana Chawla , an Indian-born aerospace engineer.v on her.d second.a space.n mission.n . +
  • mission.n Specialist : David M. Brown , a US Navy captain trained.v as an aviator.n and flight.n surgeon.n . +
  • brown.v worked on a number.n of scientific.a experiments.n . +
  • mission Specialist : laurel Clark , a US Navy commander and flight surgeon . +




  • STS-114 is.v the Return to Flight Space Shuttle mission.n which launched.v at 10:39 EDT ( 1439 UTC ) , July 26 , 2005 , despite suffering.v technical.a concerns.n due.a to the fuel.n sensors!.n in the external.a tank.n in the preceding.g weeks.n . +
  • the mission.n is.v planned.v to be.v completed.v on 7 August 2005 . +
  • the STS-114 crewmembers!.n will.v deliver.v supplies.n to the International Space Station , but the major.n focus.n of their mission.n will.v be.v testing.v and evaluating.v new.a Space Shuttle flight.n safety.n , which includes.v new.a inspection.n and repair.n techniques . +




  • 'was a notable.n computer.n game.n developer.n and publisher.n in the late.e 1970s and entire.a 1980s '' game.n console.v and home.n computer arena . +
  • the Olympic games.n series.s , including.g Summer Games seen here on the Commodore 64 , was.v one of Epyx 's.p best.a selling.v franchises.n for.p many years.n . +
  • Epyx ( then.e Automated Simulations ) was.v founded.v in 1978 as.p a vehicle.n for.p publishing.v Freeman and Connelley 's.p first.a game.a in BASIC , Starfleet Orion for.p the Commodore PET . Their company.n quickly started.v developing.v games.n for.p other popular.a home.n computer.n ranges.n of the era.n , such as the Apple II family.n , the TRS-80 series.p , the Atari 400/800?.n and the Commodore 64 . +
  • in Europe , the British.n home.n computer.n game.n company.n U.S. Gold published.v Epyx '' games.n for.p the C64 , and also ported.v many of the games.n to other major.a European.n platforms.n such as the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC range.n . +
  • among Epyx '' best.a known.v titles.n are.v the Summer Games and Winter Games series.p ( later also including.g California Games and World Games )' , the Temple of Apshai games.n , Jumpman , Impossible Mission , and the computer.n Activity Toys licenses.n of Hot Wheels , GI Joe and Barbie . +
  • for.p the bestselling!.g Commodore 64 , Epyx made.v the FastLoad cartridge.n which enabled a fivefold speedup?.a of floppy.a disk.n drive.n accesses.v through Commodore 's.p very slow.a serial.a IEEE-488 interface.n . +
  • , and a disk editor—a?.v hacking.g tool.n allowing for direct.a low-level access.n to floppy.a disks.n . +




  • this.p usually , though.e not always , applies.v to Christian.n and Jewish.a education.n . +
  • qualifications.n may.v be.v obtained.v majoring.v in pastoral.n work.n and similar.a fields.n , as well as in the more academic.a disciplines.n . +
  • these types.n of seminaries.n schedule.v classes.n before or after regular.n school.n time.n , or negotiate agreed release.n time.n permits.v with the nearest.a public.a school.n districts.n to allow.v students.n to voluntarily leave.v school.n grounds.n for.p an allotted.v amount.n of time.n ( usually one class.n period.n ) to receive seminary.n education.n . +
  • in predominantly LDS communities.n , LDS seminary.n facilities.n are.v commonly built.v on Church-owned properties.n that.p immediately neighbor the grounds.v of state-owned public.a schools.n , allowing.g individual.a students.n to simply walk.v between school.n and seminary during their scheduled.v release.n time.n . +




  • the crime.n took place on July 27 , 1996 in Atlanta , Georgia during the 1996 Summer Olympics . +
  • her.d home.n was.v broken.v into and burglarized!.v less than a week.n later by thieves.n who had.v heard.v of her.d death.n and wanted.v to take.v advantage.n of the situation.n . +
  • shrapnel mark.v on Olympic Park sculpture.n . +




  • he is.v noted.v for.p his signature.n line.n of eh , what 's.v up , doc?.n ? +
  • and his feuds.n with Elmer Fudd , Yosemite Sam , Marvin the Martian , Daffy Duck , and even.v Wile E. Coyote , who usually takes.v on the Road Runner . +
  • almost invariably , Bugs comes out the winner.n in these conflicts.n , because that.p is.v in his nature.n . +
  • thus offended.v , ( usually three times.n ) Bugs would.v often state.v of course , you realize.v this.d means.s war.n ( a line.n which Jones noted.v was.v taken.v from Groucho Marx ) and the audience.n gives.v Bugs silent.a permission.n to inflict.v his havoc.n , having.g earned.v his right.a to retaliate and/or?.v defend himself . +




  • however.e , games.n that.r are.v actually called.v just.a 'RPG'?.n '' are.v usually limited.a to top-down perspective.n point-and-click and some third-person perspective.n types.v . +
  • CRPGs , in general , are.v derivative.a of paper-and-pencil based.v role-playing games.n ( RPGs ) such as Dungeons &amp?.n ; Dragons . +
  • an example.n is' illustrated.v here , a 'status?.a screen.n '' taken.v from Final Fantasy IX . It includes.v the character.n 's.p name.n , portrait.n , level.a ( LV ) , current/total?.a hitpoints!.n ( HP ) , and current/total?.a mana?.n ( or magic.a ) points.n . +
  • other information.n includes.v basic.a 'stats!.n ' and what sort of weapon.n , armor?.n , and accessories.n the character.n is.v equipped.v with . +




  • the most competitive.a and devoted.v countries.n are.v generally thought.n to be.v Italy , Spain , Belgium , Germany , France , the Netherlands and Switzerland , although the United States also have.v a high.n international.a standing.n , and many countries.n the world.n over do.v well.e in certain.a disciplines.n . +
  • bicycle.n racing.n includes.v BMX racing.n , cyclo-cross , track.v cycling.v , mountain.n biking and road.n cycling.v . +
  • bike trials is.v a sport.n where riders.n navigate.v natural.n and man-made obstacles.n without putting.g down.e their foot.n , or dabbing.g It is.v similar.a to motorcycle.n trials.n . +
  • points.n are.v awarded.v for.p bike handling.v skills.n , and as.p such there is.v much overlap.n with BMX racing.g . +
  • this.d page.n was.v last modified 22:55 , 20 July 2005 . +
  • all text.n is.v available.a under the terms.n of the GNU Free Documentation License ( see Copyrights for details.n ) . +




  • French.n and Indian.n War : the island.n battery.n at Fortress Louisbourg in Nova Scotia is.v silenced.v and all French.a warships.n are.v destroyed.v or taken.v . +
  • French.n and Indian.n War : in Canada , British.n forces.n capture.v Fort Niagara from French.n , who subsequently abandon.v Fort Rouillé . +
  • at Aboukir in Egypt , Napoleon I of France defeats.v 10,000 Ottomans under Mustafa Pasha . +
  • war.n of 1812 : battle of Lundy 's.v Lane - Reinforcements arrive.v near.p Niagara for.p General.n Riall 's.p British.n and Canadian.n force.n , and bloody.a , all-night battle.n with Jacob Brown 's.p Americans.n commences.v at 18.0 +




  • [edit]?.a Ongoing events.n •?.v 2005 Atlantic and Pacific hurricanes.n •?.v 2005 Gujarat Flood •?.n Expo 2005 in Aichi , Japan •?.a Fuel prices.n •?.n Gomery Comm . +
  • [edit]?.a July 27 , 2005 ( Wednesday ) In India , torrential.a rain.n leads.v to massive floods.n in Mumbai , claiming.g as.p many as.p 28 lives.n . +
  • ( Indian Financial Express ) , ( Malayala Manorama ) [edit]?.n July 26 , 2005 ( Tuesday ) Over 100 killed.v in intense.a rain.n storms.v in Maharashtra ( India ) ( Rediff ) Several protesters.n have.v been.v injured.a again in India on this.d second.n day.n of protests.v . +
  • ( BBC ) The Space Shuttle Discovery lifts.v off at 10:39 EST this.d morning.t on mission.n STS-114 . +
  • the NASA commentator.n says.q during launch.n Lift-off , lift-off , and return.n to America 's.p journey.v to the Moon , Mars , and beyond . +
  • Lebanese.a Christian.n Militia leader , Samir Geagea , has.v been.v released.v from prison.n after 11 years.n . +
  • ( BBC ) South Korean.n ambassador.n to USA , Hong Seok-Hyun , resigns.v for.p alleged.v involvement with slush.n fund.n scandal.n of illegal.a donations.n during a presidential.a campaign.n in 1997 ( Chosun Ilbo ) ( Channel News Asia ) Burma/Myanmar forgoes.v 2006 chairmanship.n of ASEAN ( Channel News Asia ) At least 1,000 protesters.n have.v staged.v a demonstration.n outside.e the main.n US base.a of Bagram in Afghanistan . +
  • ( BBC ) [edit]?.a July 25 , 2005 ( Monday ) British.n Prime.n Minister.n Tony Blair says.v he is.v desperately sorry.a that.d Brazilian.n electrician.n Jean Charles de Menezes was.v shot.v dead.a at Stockwell Tube station.v last.a week.t when he was.v mistaken.a by police.s for.p a suicide.n bomber.n . +