Dear friends, I appreciate your patience and your views on the givien situation. Here I would like to share some more information that would help compare this case study on LIVE EVENT(still going on)with similar incidents, if at all reported / observed by any one in the past.

The Live Event is happening in the back yard of my house at Thrissur, Kerala, India. And the speicies of the House Crow and the Asian Koel are of the same found in this region.

The eggs were hatched on February 20, 2010 and today is April 11, 2010, about 51 day. As earlier mentioned, the young Koel Birds are able to fly around on the near by trees and their movements are very closely watched by the House Crows, apparently the Foster Parents.

The female Koel bird has managed to fly away, (don't know where to), but we find her coming back now and then and spending time with her male counter part. The young male Koel bird, on the other hand is stuck here under the close watch/ protection of the Foster Parents. We still find the Young Koel bird asking for food/ being fed by the House Crows, which means this young Koel bird is still not become independant and is dependent on the Foster Parents. We find more of a cordial approach from the Foster Parents.

The male young Koel bird has started making some kind of calls, on a low note, trying to match up with their (Koel)style.

Almost daily/ alternate days we record the events on video.

It is well understood that sometime, it does make a matter little longer than usual. But I am sure making things too biref may not allow proper sharing of desired info.

What I thought was that we could think of adding more / required additional facts to the already given information on YOUR House Crow/ Asian Koel sites.

And my intention is not to take up this matter with any Bird Loving Org to save this young Koel male bird. And I would appreciate your positive response on this matter, of course.... You may also watch my lateset video on this live event on my channel on YouTube, GeorgeCMaliakal,titled "Young Koel Birds under House Arrest".

Maj. Geroge C Maliakal(Retd.)