Jim Puplava


Thanks for filling in some of the gaps. Using his full date of birth would be nice, if you can get it. ► RATEL ◄ 22:48, 6 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, Ratel. Been looking all over the 'net for Jim's full dob, and figured I'd use 1950, which was verifiable, until the full dob pops up somewhere. Fsnfan (talk) 23:06, 6 August 2009 (UTC)fsnfanReply
Re: yr comments on my talk page — I cannot help notice how he and John are increasingly bagging global warming and "Obamacare", which is a pity because I am not a conservative or GW denier, and I think he is losing listeners, like me. During the Bush era, the word "Bush" was rarely mentioned, despite the poor economic leadership he provided, yet now the FSN newshour has almost constant references to the administration. The show is becoming just one more right wing talkback format. Last weekend's show even had a long Loeffler-inspired scare segment on euthanasia, and how the evil of "Obamacare" would see everyone given a death pill at 70. The show really is "jumping the shark". So I'll insert negative information on Jim and his show if I can source it. I'm going to treat him even-handedly. Some of it is good, but nowadays a lot of it is less than good. So I'm not as much of a "fan" as you are, just someone who has enjoyed some of Jim's work, and not all of it. ► RATEL ◄ 23:21, 6 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
Re: Guru Grade again: http://www.cxoadvisory.com/gurus/ clearly states that the "grading" of Jim Puplava is dormant, which I think is an important fact to keep in mind. Your text states "According to a study performed prior to the 2008 financial crisis, Puplava's track record was below average, with a stock market forecasting accuracy of 41%"; if you're going to include it, you may want to state "According to a study that compared his predictions against the performance of the S&P 500 Index over the following 5, 21, 63 and 254 trading days, his market forecasting accuracy during the period 13 February 2002 to 20 October 2005 was 41%."Fsnfan (talk) 21:11, 11 August 2009 (UTC)fsnfanReply