Photovoltaic Storage Batteries


Here are two different types of batteries use for storing energy made by the sun. these types of batteries are used with silicon based photovoltaic panels that are commonly used

The first are lead-acid batteries. This they of “flooded lead-acid battery” had been around for a long time and is commonly used as car batteries. They are made in large quantities, have a long life, and are durable. But they also have some setbacks; they have to be attended to frequently to replace water lost in operating, they are expansive compared to other options, and because of the use of lead they are heavy and harmful waste to the environment. But spite its downsides flooded lead-acid batteries are the most commonly found batteries in a PV system.

The Next type of battery uses the same basic principles as the flooded acid batteries but are enclosed with a pressure regulation valve so the become sealed. This battery is called a VRLA and it helps prevent hydrogen and oxygen gases form getting in to the air. The advantages of these over flooded lead-acid batteries are; a reduction in maintenance and the batteries can be more packed together and can be used in a space not specifically for batteries. The disadvantages are that they are usually shorter lived than flooded lead-acid and are more costly.

The life of a battery highly depends on how the battery is used. If there are too many deep charges, meaning that 70 to 80% of the battery is used at one time, then the life is reduced and will reduce the delivery potential of the battery. Also the charging patterns can reduce the life. It is better to have a constant low discharge and the times of recharge are repetitive.