Hello World


Hello, I'm writing in regard to Utrecht University. Information about partnership agreements between universities is not a subject to removal as they are neutral indeed. (https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/about-us/partners-and-networks/partners) It's important for prospective students to know more about the potential of Utrecht University and the opportunities that wait for them. Utrecht University has a rich history but a small amount of info on Wiki that's the reason I decided to add it.

I saw that, and there could still be a conflict of interest here as it still contains text from Utrecht. In addition, there is no explicit, expressed indication on the website that the word-for-word text isn't copyrighted. There is no disclaimer of copyright, which could lead to potential issues. See WP:Copyrights. Please sign your talk posts. Enrico (talk) 22:18, 14 September 2023 (UTC)Reply