On the Druid article, you added the last item regarding the caste system &c. of the ancient Celtic Druids. While worthy of mention, I don't think it really belongs on the disambiguation page. Perhaps you would consider moving that information to the Druidry article or other more appropriate (and already-linked) page?

I hesitate to do so without talking to you first. -- Radiantmatrix

Hi there

Although this item could also be mentioned under Druidry, I beleive it would belong under Druid as it is the Druid that is part of the upper caste, not the Druids religious outlook, which was the same as the common folkof the period. Druidry is a term used to define their religious, philosphical viwe fo the world

Daniel /|\

--- The point of a Disambiguation Page is solely to provide links to other articles. Therefore, we should keep factual snippets to a minimum. Further, a caste system is part of a philosophical (and even religious) view of the world, so I would think it would fit nicely, especially since "Druid" is disambiguation and not article -- Druidry seems the closet match for this kind of material. -- Radiantmatrix

Dear Druid Witch!


Dear Druid Witch,

I'm reaching out to researchers and writers interested in the emerging, or re-emerging, movements inspired by ancient culture in the areas of religion/theology/mythology/culture...I spare-headed an artistic collaboration between a music professor, rock-vocalist and poet to create a modern multi-media experience of the cathardic journey inspired by ancient pagan poetic traditions; A romance to nature seen as a beautiful, divine and omnipotent woman.

It has singularly been my goal to respect tradition while allowing a free and spontaneous interpretation...I believe the utility of a quasi-rebirth of some aspects of the ancient religious tendancies would be achieved in an increase of tolerance, sympathy, and freedom of expression in our modern discoures on religion...so much needed. Until we have a cultural revolution tantamount to the politcal revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries [aiding the rebirth of a government of, by and for the people] in the area of religion, I will not rest. Until the rebirth of religions which are of, by and for the people, as fluid as art, as deep as mythology and theology and as powerful as culture, I do not believe we will be truly free no matter what economic or political conditions surround us. Democracy without a democratic cultural is as frustrating as it is ineffectual.

If you have a moment could you peruse the poetry project site. http://www.misbeliever.net As you are a worker in these areas, having ebhanced the Wikipedia, the world's greatest encyclopedia, I would be very honored with any remarks or critisms you could offer either me or my collaborators.

thanks much,


Pdiffenderfer (talk) 01:11, 1 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

paul m. diffenderfer

düsseldorf germany +49 (0) 178 178 2117 http://www.misbeliever.net pdiffenderfer@yahoo.com