Article evaluation

This article was filled with a lot of information that was new to me. It talked a lot about the digital divide. The digital divide is basically a gap between people digitally. Some people are using technology more often than others, causing a digital divide between people. This effects people because not everyone knows how or what to do with a computer and thats something everyone needs to know with the way technology is advancing. I think everything was relevant in the article because it presented facts about the article and also gave background information on the digital divide. I don't think their was a particular side to be taken in this article more like this is something everyone needs to learn and use because it is consuming our lives. The few sources I clicked on all worked and from a quick glance they appeared to all relate in some way to the article. The talk page for this article had a to do list up for it saying it didn't seem comprehensive expansion was needed and i agree with that i found the article was a little boring and wordy to ready but still a good article. The list also said add pictures, i also agree with that more pictures are needed.