I need some help. I received several comments and don't know how to respond to them. Counting the Floats (talk) 03:23, 2 December 2018 (UTC) Please help me figuring out how to respond to the messages. I will give it a shot, If I miss, please let me know. This message is for CiaPan :Reply

Thank you for taking time viewing the YouTube videos. You ask two questions, both which make a very good point. You are right, neither sqrt(2) nor 1/9 is generated by my algorithm. The reason is simple. They are not floating point numbers(floats from now on). Both of them are algorithms which GENERATE AN INFINITE NUMBER OF FLOATS. My algorithm which pairs integers and floats (both positive ) cannot pair integers and algorithms, but it flawlessly generates and pairs OUTPUTS OF VALID FLOAT-PRODUCING ALGORITHMS. Thus you will find each and every float which was ever generated by the sqrt(2) algorithm in the matrix. Next, this might shock you that although everybody usually refers to 1/9 as a rational number it is not a number it is a rational algorithm. If you disagree, please tell me what is the float value of the rational algorithm 1/9. You cannot. However, just as sqrt(2) produces endless floats, so does the algorithm of 1/9. (must repeat this over and over 1/9 is NOT A NUMBER !!!)

Here I repeat my claim : You will find each and every float which was ever generated by the division operation performed on 1/9 in my matrix. But we can do better. I was using Maple 2018 and wrote a pair of algorithms which does the pairing.

To sum up : The 1-to-1 correspondence algorithm I created will generate every valid positive float, regardless of whether it was typed in by a human, or generated by any algorithm.

Note : Rationals as used by Cantor include an odd lot :

1. Invalid altogether ( any rational with the denominator of 0 )

2. Generating valid integers 2/2 = 1, 15/3 = 5 and so on

3. Generating floats which can be resolved to a single value, e.g. 4/8 = 0.5

4. Generating an infinite sequence of floats e.g 1/3, producing 0.3, 0.33, 0.333… and so on My algorithms will handle rationals of type 3 and 4 above. I hope that answers your concern about rationals or various algorithms being processed by the 1-to-1 correspondence algorithm. As I mentioned in my YT_video, once that is settled, the proof of the Continuum Hypothesis follows ( note I just proved Cantor right ! )  See the first 11 approximations of sqrt(2) and its assigned integer sequence number (ISQN).

                          "1.4", 12
                         "1.41", 863
                        "1.414", 85907
                       "1.4142", 8580155
                      "1.41421", 857870333
                     "1.414213", 85786411793
                    "1.4142135", 8578643250182
                   "1.41421356", 857864387150048
                  "1.414213562", 85786437679470705
                 "1.4142135623", 8578643761733866878
                "1.41421356237", 857864376276940078205

And the first 11 approximations of 1/9. and its ISQN

                         "0.1", 1
                        "0.11", 56
                       "0.111", 6106
                      "0.1111", 616606
                     "0.11111", 61721606
                    "0.111111", 6172771606
                   "0.1111111", 617283271606
                  "0.11111111", 61728388271606
                 "0.111111111", 6172839438271606
               "0.1111111111", 617283949938271606
              "0.11111111111", 61728395054938271606

I have a sequence for Pi, using a similar algorithm ( up to 50,000 digits long !!! ) Counting the Floats (talk) 04:51, 2 December 2018 (UTC) Counting the Floats (talk) 04:54, 2 December 2018 (UTC)Reply