User talk:Buster7/OBAMA

My ideal citizen is the self-employed, homeschooling, IRA-owning guy with a concealed-carry permit

  • 8/11/2012--Westside Gazette, Natasha Dowdy Gordon (Edited version)
  • The United States of America is sitting in the middle of a perfect storm which was 100 percent manufactured by Grover Norquist. This entire country has been hood-winked, bamboozled, and manipulated by the mind and strategy of this one person, and our leaders have allowed themselves to be so entrenched in their own pure and unadulterated hatred of President Obama, that they are blinded by the enormity of the situation that they have willfully placed all of us in.
  • Republican and Tea Party members of Congress are patting themselves on the back and congratulating each other on their mid-term defeat of President Obama and his policies, but the truth of the matter is that they are pawns being moved about and played on the chessboard located in the mind of Grover Norquist.
  • In 2001, when Grover Norquist began grouping the Christian right, Libertarians, gun owners, home schoolers, and business leaders together to form his "Leave-us-alone coalition, he had one goal in mind, he set out to build an America where there are 1)no government constraints on capital, 2)the minimum wage is eliminated, 3)the rich and the poor would be taxed at the same rates, 4)the free market would take over all government services, 5)unions are killed off, and 6)citizens can carry handguns in towns in every state in the union. Norquist stated in an interview,"My ideal citizen is the self-employed, homeschooling, IRA-owning guy with a concealed-carry permit, because that person doesn't need the goddamn government for anything."

Bipartisanship is another name for date rape

  • President Obama needs to permanently remove any notion that he will be able to strike a bipartisan deal on anything important because Norquist will not allow it. Norquist has been quoted as saying, "Bipartisanship is another name for date rape." This is a man who could care less about the long term fate of government. He has openly stated that he wants to reduce government down to the size where he can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the tub. And as far as tax collection goes, Norquist has suggested that the calls for increasing tax rates on the rich mirror the ones the Nazis used to justify their targeting of Jews. With the attacks on public sector employees and labor unions, the decline of economic prosperity in this country between minorities and whites continues to spiral downward, and Grover Norquist inches ever closer to his declaration made back in 2004, as he said then that, "We do intend to have a smaller and less intrusive government, and every time the government gets smaller there are fewer Democratic precinct workers in the world. It is a virtuous cycle. We can create our own majorities, we've been doing that for the last 20 years, and I'm cheerful because my team is winning." These are chilling words spoken from the mouth of a chilling soul.

PolicyMic:President Obama is Disrespected By the GOP Only Because He is Black


For four years, we’ve heard the questions raised about President Obama’s birth certificate, a Tea Party staple. We heard Joe Wilson call the president a liar in front of the whole world during a televised State of the Union address. The governor of Arizona was photographed wagging her finger in the president’s face. And recently, Senator Chuck Grassley called the president stupid on a twitter post.

Never before has a sitting president endured so much lack of respect over so short a time period. While some may be loathe to ponder what has caused such treatment, we must consider what is at the root of such unprecedented disrespect. Governor Brewer, she of the finger wagging incident, claimed she felt threatened by the president. Really? Threatened by what, the armed secret service agents at his side? Was he physically aggressive with the media in full view? No. Did he engage in some aggressive posturing? According to others in attendance, he did not. So what could it be that threatened the governor of Arizona so much she had to stick a finger in the president’s face?

Is Obama that different from any of his predecessors?

  • Is he uneducated? No. He attended an Ivy League school just as many presidents before him.
  • Was he a poor student while at school? No, in fact he was exemplary.
  • Is he known as an imbecile or one with below-average intelligence? No, he rose to president of his Harvard Law School class.
  • Is he anti-social or unskilled in personal relationships? All indications are that he is very much a people person.
  • Does he stutter or fumble when speaking to crowds? No, he is known for his oratorical skills.
  • Is he fat? No.
  • Ugly? No.
  • Bad breath? Well he was a smoker.

He even has a wife who is by most standards attractive, and is a family man with two lovely daughters. So what would illicit such behavior? What is it that is so different about this president that his political opponents have been compelled to such poor conduct?

We all know what it is. It has become obvious that it is Obama's race. To deny this is to deny the 400 pound gorilla in the room. As the first black, there has been some uncontrollable knee-jerk reaction on behalf of Republicans to heap disrespect upon not just the man, but for the first time in our nation’s history, on the office of the president. And that is where the racial undertones have revealed a festering boil on the face of the Republican Party. They are so unnerved by a black president that they feel they can oulandishly show such antipathy towards the POTUS. It is a shameful and discouraging display of American prejudice. Other world bodies and heads of state respect our president but the party of opposition does not. How are productive political processes to take place with Prejudice sittting in the middle of the negotiation table.

Like it or not Barack Hussein Obama is the president of every American. Disagree with him and his policies. That is a citizens right. Voting against his policies is certainly another right. But do not under any circumstances disrespect the office of the American President. We must not allow racial prejudice to undermine the majesty of what this democracy has maintained for over two hundred and twenty years. We must not defile what has been a beacon for other countries to emulate. Recent events have shown that we still have far to go in undoing the damage our mutual history has done to race relations in this country. Race is and will remain a major issue to all Americans, but is a dialectic we must overlook when addressing the office of the presidency but, more importantly, the person in the office.

After his re-election, the presidents detractors have taken to calling him just...."Obama". Not Mr.Obama, Not President Obama. Just "Obama". They can't stand having to show this black man the respect he deserves as POTUS.

Consensus comes from discussion


The community isn't merely the first few who show up. When consensus is required, time should be allotted for the community to "show up".. Buster Seven Talk 13:38, 18 December 2012 (UTC) .Reply