The Termite Trouble

Termite alates in the spring.

there was a guy that got eaten by a big old fat looser, his name was george. He had twelve kids that all had lots and lots of stuff and they all cryed when the termites came and ate all their stuff, but thats ok because they became good friends with the termites, and soon they had muant termit and human babies. The children had to be home schooled because they were so ugly, but they loved them any way. but one day they came to school, and were made fun of. So they ate all the kids. So some people protseted against the termites and blamed George W. Bush for everything. So the army came and gave them flowers, but soon a sworm of bees came and took all of the flowers. And the bees all dies from AIDs because they were gay. The End?

The Never Ending Mexican

Chinese dragon, colour engraving on wood, Japanese Chinese school, 19th Century

A young lady was a walkin' when she saw a giant well apeared and she fell in. But there was a man comming that also fell in. there looked like there was no help for the two people. Soon a dragon came and melted the top of the well creating a giant rain storm. But insted of rain it was raining sand, making all the paint in the land to chip off, so the painting companys got tons of money from this. So they bought the lakers, but then they sucked so bad they lost all of their money all over again. So they had to paint again. they had no one to work for them because they all started to go to Canada because of the dragon, so they had to hier Mexicans. they finished all of the work so fast that the dragon died due to heart failer, and the people came back to their homes and lived a happy life. The End?

The Boy That Cryed Burrito

An unusually large burrito.

Once apon a time there was a boy that loved all things that can do things. but there was one thing that he hated, Burritos. His parents would abuse him with burritos, forcing him to eat them, so he went on a national Anti-Burrito tour, getting all of the big names in music: Jessica Simpson, Ashlee Simpson, Boys 2 Men, B2K, and Bow Wow. But no one came, so he got shanked in an alley because he was so gay. Soon all of the men that actually suported his cause protested against all shankers. then a super hero came to stop all of the maddness. His name of the man was Canada Man, but he was a horrible super hero because all he could do is give free health care. So all of the poor people cryed no more. But the Americans got mad because Canada also brought Celine Dion. She got up on a stage and said that she was the greatest singer in the world, so everyone went up and kicked her in the nuts. The End?

The Great Escape from the Gay French

French fries cooking in the Joël Robuchon method

There was a man that was goin' to his house when aleins abducted him. He then fell into a deep sleep. When he awoke to his surprise he was being probed, by Rob Schneider. He then got up and jumped out of the space ship and fell into a big pile of freedom fries. The French then came and took all of the fries and captured them and called them French fries, but no one ate them. So soon a cyclopse came and gave off a death beam. from his one eye. And with his death beam he cooked meatloaf, they called it Americanloaf and all of the french got attacked and no one helped because they are gay, and the cyclopse met the dragon on a blind date and ended up marring in a picture book wedding in New Jersey. The End?

The Attack of the Huge Amazing Gun That Destroyed Everything, and Anything That Walked in Kansas, Even Cockroaches, and That Had No Ways to Stop it, Nothing At All, Not Even the Government Could Stop it, Nothing, NOTHING!!!!

Closeup of a cockroach

Once a gun destroyed everything in Kansas, not even the government could stop it. The End?