User talk:Alexh19740110/denial analysis

  • Joel Connelly:
  1. generally very sloppy writing, the whole article is opinion & ranting and oppose its status as WP:RS.
  2. article assumes the existence of a "denial industry" but nowhere tries to say what that actually is.
  3. e.g. "...even Exxon is cutting contributions and distancing itself from the global warming denial industry."
  4. the denial industry apparently included "right-wing think thanks" and "rightist" newspapers (e.g. the National Post).
  5. the denial industry doesn't merely oppose the consensus (contra our present Wiki article) but also paints activists such as Al Gore, Prince Charles and most importantly some rock bands as hypocritical for their personal overuse of fossil fuels.

USAGE SUMMARY (denier, denial, denialism, denialist)

  1. denier -- a person who is part of an organised disinformation campaign.
  2. denial -- the practice of organised disinformation.
  3. denialism -- not used.
  4. denialist -- not used.
  • Sharon Begley:
  1. "denial machine" is "a well-coordinated, well-funded campaign by contrarian scientists, free-market think tanks and industry".
  2. the objective is to sow doubt in the public that the theory of global warming is correct so that no action will be taken to curb CO2 emissions.

USAGE SUMMARY (denier, denial, denialism, denialist)

  1. denier -- used once only in a quote by ExxonMobil exec denying being a deiner.
  2. denial -- the practice of organised disinformation (exclusively denoted 'denial machine'.
  3. denialism -- not used.
  4. denialist -- not used.
  • George Monbiot:
  1. article is about a sort of conspiracy or secret alignment between Philip Morris (Big Tobacco) and ExxonMobil (Big Oil).
  2. only one reference to "climate-change denial", " - has been the main entrepot for almost every kind of climate-change denial that has found its way into the mainstream press."

USAGE SUMMARY (denier, denial, denialism, denialist)

  • denial - any argument presented that challenges climate change theory (basically, synonym for skepticism).
  • denial industry - organised disinformation campaign by ExxonMobil & Philip Morris.

Ellen Goodman:

  • already discussed, her usage of "denial" is specifically reserved for the lay people who feel impotent.
  • "when people are confronted with an overwhelming threat and don't see a solution, it makes them feel impotent. So they shrug it off or go into deliberate denial."

USAGE SUMMARY (denier, denial, denialism, denialist)

  1. denier -- anyone who denies the global warming theory,
  2. denial -- the psychological denial of the general public.
  3. denialism -- not used.
  4. denialist -- not used.
  • Peter Christoff:
  1. compares "climate change denial" with "holocaust denial"
  2. "Climate change deniers should be distinguished from climate sceptics." Then, however, he goes on to make the absurd claim that there are no genuine skeptics, so it is clear that what he really means is in fact "all skeptics are denialists."
  3. He provides an actual definition: "Unlike the sceptics, the climate change deniers proceed without presenting valid scientific counter-evidence. "Denial here is a deliberate act intended to fan ideological confrontation or to generate controversy rather than a truthful, honest, engagement equal to the problem."

USAGE SUMMARY (denier, denial, denialism, denialist)

  1. denier -- anyone who denies the global warming theory,
  2. denial -- deliberate (not necessarily organised) disinformation -- "Denial here is a deliberate act intended to fan ideological confrontation or to generate controversy rather than a truthful, honest, engagement equal to the problem — and the ecological, social and economic concerns — which global warming presents."
  3. denialism -- not used.
  4. denialist -- not used.