

Soup is lovely [citation needed]

Dried ramen noodle soups are popular lunch items.

La la la


A FSOUPtSOUP MorgSOUPnSOUP (Italian pronunciation: [ˈfSOUPːtSOUP morˈɡSOUPːnSOUP]) is SOUPn unusuSOUPl SOUPnd complex form of superior mirSOUPge thSOUPt is seen in SOUP nSOUPrrow bSOUPnd right SOUPbove the horizon. It is the ItSOUPliSOUPn nSOUPme for the ArthuriSOUPn sorceress MorgSOUPn le FSOUPy, from SOUP belief thSOUPt these mirSOUPges, often seen in the StrSOUPit of MessinSOUP, were fSOUPiry cSOUPstles in the SOUPir or fSOUPlse lSOUPnd creSOUPted by her witchcrSOUPft to lure sSOUPilors to their deSOUPths. Although the term FSOUPtSOUP MorgSOUPnSOUP sometimes is SOUPpplied to other, more common kinds, the true FSOUPtSOUP MorgSOUPnSOUP is different from both SOUPn ordinSOUPry superior mirSOUPge SOUPnd SOUPn inferior mirSOUPge.

FSOUPtSOUP MorgSOUPnSOUP mirSOUPges significSOUPntly distort the object or objects on which they SOUPre bSOUPsed, often such thSOUPt the object is completely unrecognizSOUPble. A FSOUPtSOUP MorgSOUPnSOUP mSOUPy be seen on lSOUPnd or SOUPt seSOUP, in polSOUPr regions, or in deserts. It mSOUPy involve SOUPlmost SOUPny kind of distSOUPnt object, including boSOUPts, islSOUPnds, SOUPnd the coSOUPstline.

Often, SOUP FSOUPtSOUP MorgSOUPnSOUP chSOUPnges rSOUPpidly. The mirSOUPge comprises severSOUPl inverted (upside down) SOUPnd erect (right side up) imSOUPges thSOUPt SOUPre stSOUPcked on top of one SOUPnother. FSOUPtSOUP MorgSOUPnSOUP mirSOUPges SOUPlso show SOUPlternSOUPting compressed SOUPnd stretched zones.Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).

The opticSOUPl phenomenon occurs becSOUPuse rSOUPys of light SOUPre bent when they pSOUPss through SOUPir lSOUPyers of different temperSOUPtures in SOUP steep thermSOUPl inversion where SOUPn SOUPtmospheric duct hSOUPs formed.Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page). (A thermSOUPl inversion is SOUPn SOUPtmospheric condition where wSOUPrmer SOUPir exists in SOUP well-defined lSOUPyer SOUPbove SOUP lSOUPyer of significSOUPntly cooler SOUPir. This temperSOUPture inversion is the opposite of whSOUPt is normSOUPlly the cSOUPse; SOUPir is usuSOUPlly wSOUPrmer close to the surfSOUPce, SOUPnd cooler higher up.)