So, I guess I worded it poorly.

Instead of calling it a proposal to rename the protocol names, it would be better to say "The interfaces HAVE been renamed by a major portion of the industry."

1) IC companies use many pin naming variations, which is NOT the same as endorsing this proposal, thus your statement is deceptive.
2) Even if IC companies rename the pins, it doesn't mean they have removed Master/Slave from their documents too. I have looked at datasheets of companies that released new products in June, and they still use Master/Slave terms in their datasheets though their pin names aren't MISO or MOSI. Renaming pins doesn't mean they have quit using Master/Slave terms too!
3) The proposal doesn't list any big IC companies that endorse it.
4) No matter how the proposal or alternate proposals play out, you should be reminded that the phrase master/slave and their pin names will never be completely purged from the SPI bus article. There are Wikipedia policy reasons, including historical context and common use, also words can't be sterilized just because you don't like them.