This page is clearly - as has been noted - written by the author of the books mentioned in it. In fact, I am that author. I was requested to do this, but see now that it was against the guidelines of Wikipaedia. I had never used Wikipaedia and thought it the slops at the bottom of the knowledge barrel. I now understand that serious people pay attention to it and so regret any disregulation. As an apology to those who use this website rather than peer-reviewed sources to gather their information, I have made a donation so that it may continue. I apologise for not having known that Wikipaedia was something more than I thought. For the information of anyone who has been concerned about this brief article, I would like to say that I have noted your observations and you will see that I have altered my webpage on the Faculty of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford, website so that it acknowledges I am a 'minor academic'. I doubt even that is true, but it is kind of the readers of this confabulation to have noted this and to have made me aware of the judgment of the wider community - whether academic or not - and I have duly taken account of it. I am, as is well known in Oxford, although perhaps not elsewhere, severely mentally disabled and it is only by the charity of the English Faculty that I am attached to it to the degree I am. I think it does honour to the University of Oxford that even a 'minor academic' is permitted to be peripherally attached to one of its Faculties. I understand that this is solely because of my disabilities and historical attachment to the University and am grateful to it and its members. If there are other objections to my webpage in Oxford, I will be happy to hear them; I have requested that this webpage be taken down. My email address is on the Faculty webpage, but for those who do not care to look it up, it is

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