Did you create the "Mohs scale" Wikipedia page?


Hi, I was wondering if you are the author of the "Mohs scaale" Wikipedia page? Some context for why I am asking is provided at the bottom of this message.

If you are, I want to first thank you for your contribution. The page is incredibly useful. However, the reason I'm contacting you is that me and my buddy have a disagreement that we are trying to settle, and I've got a question about a statement on this Wikipedia page that relates to our disagreement.

In the 2nd paragraph on this page, under the "Minerals" heading, it says the following: "Frequently, materials that are lower on the Mohs scale can create microscopic, non-elastic dislocations on materials that have a higher Mohs number." At the end of this paragraph, a reference is also provided: "Geels, Kay. "The True Microstructure of Materials", pp. 5–13 in Materialographic Preparation from Sorby to the Present. Struers A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark - archived Mar 7 2016". Is this reference related to the claim that I quoted above? The reason I ask is that I have read through the reference, and it appears as though it does not mention anything related to the sentence that I quoted. Is there something in that reference that I might have missed (where it does mention something related to softer materials on the Mohs scale being capable of damaging {but not "scratching"} harder materials)? Or is this reference a typo, and was a different reference meant to be provided instead?

Any help would be massively appreciated!

CONTEXT FOR WHY I'VE CONTACTED YOU: I'm looking for the original author of the "Mohs scale" Wikipedia page. I found this page (the page through which I'm sending you this message) by accessing the "View history" tab on the "Mohs scale" Wikipedia page and searching for the earliest entry. Your IP address is credited with the earliest entry for the "Mohs scale" Wikipedia page, which I presume means that you are the original author of the page (although I am not 100% sure). SpaghettiHat1 (talk) 08:40, 26 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

@SpaghettiHat1 Unfortunately, this person can't reply to you, as it's a legacy account made in the very early stages of Wikipedia. No-one can login to or access this account now, and thus no replies can be made. I suggest you look elsewhere, especially as the article has changed very significantly since it was created by this IP. OutsideNormality (talk) 19:16, 6 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Jimi Hendrix was African American, not just American, and the top of the page description should reflect this objectively.


please amend this gloss Ddotlock (talk) 08:22, 20 September 2024 (UTC)Reply