User:Zigger/Georgia article data

This page is for data about the Georgia disambiguation page, and the related discussion. Feel free to update it or add to it.




From List of countries, as of June 12, 2004 UTC
Total country articles 201  (all listed "countries" with duplicates removed)
Country articles with (country)
in their article title
1  (Georgia)
Country articles with any other
qualifier in their article title
Country/related names with
(disambiguation) pages
9  (Brazil, Luxembourg, New Zealand,
  Papua, Poland, Turkey, United States)
Other ambiguous country names 2  (Guinea, Germany)
Related ambiguities (inc. historical) 22  (Afghan, Bengal, Britain, British, China,
  Chinese, Congo, Cyprus, Dominican, Europe,
  Georgian, Great Britain, Indian, Ireland, Korea,
  Macedonia, Palestine, Papua, Somalia, Timor,
  Western Sahara, Yemen)

Political divisions of the United States

From Political divisions of the United States, as of July 2, 2004
Total political division articles 65  (all listed "political divisions" with duplicates removed)
Political division articles with (state)
in their article title
1  (Georgia)
Political division articles with any other
qualifier in their article title
Political division/related names with
(disambiguation) pages
13  (Alabama, Alaska, California, Florida, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, Washington)
Other ambiguous political division names 15  (Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Hawaii, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virgin Islands, Virginia, Wyoming)
Related ambiguities (inc. historical) 5  (Carolina, Dakota, Georgian, Samoa Islands, Samoan)
See also: Wikipedia:Multiple-place names, Wikipedia:Links to (disambiguation) pages

Wikipedia readers


May 2004

Extracted from 45MB [1], as of 21-May-2004 18:39 UTC
Hits on Georgia (country) 2380
Hits on Georgia (state) 853
Hits on Georgia 675
Hits on Talk:Georgia 309

Wikipedia voters

From Talk:Georgia, as of July 11, 2004 UTC
Country 21
(status quo)
Redir to disambiguation
US state 2
Links to June 10, 2004 April 6, 2005 July 8, 2006
(inc. redirects)
Georgia (country) 509 1155 4069
Georgia (U.S. state) 768 1696 5528
Georgia ? 137 133
Georgia (disambiguation) ? 14 20

Query: SELECT cur_title, Count(*) FROM links, cur WHERE cur_title IN ('Georgia_(country)', 'Georgia_(U.S._state)', 'Georgia', 'Georgia_(disambiguation)') AND cur_namespace=0 AND l_to=cur_id GROUP BY cur_title