Violaine Idelette Junod (1923-)[1] was a South African scholar.

Born in Maputo.[1]

Granddaughter of Henri-Alexandre Junod.[2]

In September 1943, at the inaugural meeting of the Federation of Progressive Students (FOPS) at the University of the Witwatersrand, Junod was elected chairperson, alongside IC Meer as organising secretary, with Ruth First, Benny Sischy, and Boris Wilson on the organising committee.[3] Meer later described Junod as a white person he could "trust and count on", alongside "Alan Paton, Leo and Hilda Kuper, ... Bram Fischer, Michael Harmel and the Bernsteins [Lionel and Hilda]."[3]

In 1954, Junod taught French at the University of Natal in Durban.[4]

Friends with Colin and Fleur Webb.[1][4] Webbs sheltered her at their safe house in Isipingo in 1960.[1]

In 1958, Junod was a keynote speaker at an Alabama FOC meeting under the theme, “Woman’s Role in the Affairs of the World”.[5][6]

Became head of department at Lanchester Polytechnic (now Coventry University).[1]



