Topic: Treatment of Women in Prison

Added to Mass Incarceration article

The rate of recidivism of women in prison is significantly lower than their mole counterparts due to lack of resources. I would like to make a comparison between the two and then provide some possible solutions.


From the current talk page of the article, there is one area I agree with improving. Just added information on why mass incarceration is a unique problem to the US and then again solutions sine crime rates are lowering.

In regards to the treatment of incarcerated women when compared to their male counterparts, there is unequal provision of services in jails and prisons. First off, treatment abuse programs are not properly designed for the female inmates. As females with drug-related offenses are beginning to enter prisons more and more, there is heightened attention on providing specialized treatment. According to a 2005 study from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), women were more likely to report a continuance of certain health issues even after going through a 10-month treatment program. Current models include intense supervision and educational classes where instead there can be other forms such as counseling addresses issues specific to women, like dependency, physical and sexual abuse, and parenting. As well as a more supportive approach emphasizing therapeutic sanctions (e.g., participation in treatment activities) rather than punitive consequences (e.g., work assignments) for breaking rules.