Desperate Battle For Mawand

Battle For Mawand
Status Reinforcement of the bridge, counter-attack in progress
Around 80% of Mawand City held by Insurgents
Units involved
Casualties and losses

As ISAF members, the Special Operations Froces, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment alongside with the national security of Afghanistan were sent to the city of Mawand in Tangi Valley to patrol and secure the area, explosions and gun shots were set off in the city, the ISAF members faced the insurgency and fought back to secure the city, once the SOF, National security and 1/503rd entered, the battle didn't end there as insurgents were coming from the valleys and mountains of Tangi, rocket launchers and bomb vests were used by the insurgency which led ISAF operatives to retreat by 250 studs away from the heart of the city, after long clashes between the insurgents and the ISAF operatives, an EVAC UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter was requested by the 1/503 to evacuate critically injured troops, despite the support from the helicopter, it didn't stop the insurgents to siege the Landing Zone which led into a heavy loss of troops and the evac helicopter being burned down by insurgents, and the majority loss of Mawand.

The hope and will to fight has been lost, the ISAF operatives are retreating, a hideout was set by the 1/503 in the heart of Mawand, which was stormed by the insurgents causing heavy losses on the side of ISAF, by the evening, the battle started to cease and Mawand has became a quiet place for onnce after the desperate battle, ISAF still holds a piece of Mawand and reinforce every minute, every hour to make sure the insurgents don't get a chance to reach the bridge that leads to the main operating base.



The insurgency isn't one party, but divided into many groups and ethnicities, Taliban, Village Militias, Al-Kahbri and surprisingly the Islamic State, that was also involved in the battle of Mawand, the insurgency worked together in pushing back ISAF operatives back from where they came from, each insurgent group had it's own role and objective that worked out well, Mohammed Al-Bosin, the leader of Al-Kahbri sent out his best rocketeers to strike compounds and buildings that were infested and held by ISAF operatives, which left the ISAF operatives in a state of shock and confusion since the strikes were unexpected and stealth, afterwards the rocketeers that were all by themselves were surrounded by ISAF operatives and killed.

3 killed alleged Islamic State members were identified after the assault of 1/503's hideout in Mawand that were a part of the Shock Team "Inghimasiun", an IS organized group that is well trained to strive towards death to kill and to be killed.


Ismail Asadulaev 32 (Chechen), Hazarat al-Afghani 22(Afghan/Hazara), Ruslan Askhabov 37(Chechen)