Hey, what's up?

Everyone tells me that I'm a bottomless wealth of useless information, so when I discovered Wikipedia I figured, What the heck?, right? Put some of that useless knowledge to some use.

So, what I generally do is browse the requested articles. Recently, I have added these requested articles:

As well as these 'most wanted' (most linked-to, dead link) articles:

I also independently added information about these articles:

Currently I am working on a huge chunk of information about the complete works of Aldous Huxley. I plan on adding a link to the main article about him as an author to Complete Works of Aldous Huxley. His works are entirely too extensive and broad in topic to only have listed the dozen or so that are listed there now. Work is about halfway completed on this article.

I'm always open to constructive criticism and debate, but I will not indulge in the childish quarrels that are all-too-common on most internet sites.

Some of my controbutions are saved under a different user (because i forgot to log in). You can see them here.