20101006 entry


After 25 years of devoted effort I am making an effort to get published and for a grant and other financing. You should see some stories and reference material start to appear at UU-NIS.org, which based on their uniqueness and high level of accuracy, should be appropriate to quote here on Wikipedia. I want to thank Wikipedia and all of its enlightened users for their continuing efforts to make accuracy (and with it value) a by-word of the "always on" generation to come, as we enter the new decade. Xgenei (talk)

History (200806)


John-Christopher Anthony Di Meglio, founder and main developer at UUNIS.org [1] -- the first coherent Theory of Everything (at least in the modern era). Developed with 24 years of exceptionally high achievement and still undergoing expansive development and orienting scholarship prior to an anticipated release date "definitely in time for the '08 elections." History is in the making. A very old working site is available for a historical glimpse at xgenei.onlinestoragesolution.com [2] -- otherwise UUNIS.org. See ya there.

--Xgenei (talk) 21:07, 25 June 2008 (UTC) (also JC*AD as author of UUNIS.org.)

Author in June 2006, halfway through 300 edit-days of version 1 of The Map of Everything