This is a picture of Jinghaisi Museum.

Jinghai Temple (Chinese: 静海寺; pinyin: Jìnghǎi Sì) is a 15th century temple in the southwest of Shizi Mountain (Chinese: 狮子山) in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.[1] It was constructed to recognize the contribution of Zheng He’s voyage by the emperor in Ming Dynasty.[2] In 1842, China’s first unequal treaty Treaty of Nanking was discussed in the temple. It was devastated in the Taiping Rebellion and the Second Sino-Japanese War.

In 1988, the People’s Government of Nanjing rebuilt the temple at its original site. In 1990, the Nanjing Treaty Historical Exhibition Museum was established. After expansions in 1996 and 2005, Jinghai Temple then became the Nanjing Jinghai Temple Memorial, which has the exhibitions about Zheng He’s Voyage, Nanjing Treaty, etc. Jinghai Temple is a National 4A Level Scenic Spot, National Patriotism Education Base and Nanjing Relic Protection Unit.



Jinghai Temple was built in Ming Dynasty to praise Zhenghe’s contribution which improved the communication and public relations with other Asian countries. Meanwhile, it is also a place where offers the Arhat (阿羅漢) portraits which is one element if Buddha, teeth relic of the Buddha and jade wares, etc. Jinghai, literally means peace and ocean in Chinese, which indicates blessings for the people who are on voyage and gradually develops as a universal peace latter on. It had been rebuilt and fixed for three times in different time periods of Chinese history.

After the jinghai temple is built, Jinghai was renovated in Ming dynasty three times. Acording to the history, after the revovating, Jinghai temple had 4 temples, 6 halls and kiosk, and rooom, house, attic and gallery for only abbot. During the Ming and Qing dynasty, people call Jinghai Temple The Largest Temple in Nanjin. In February, 1832, Jinghai Temple was destoried by fire, only the Tianwang Hall was left, but Jinghai Temple got renovated after the fire.

In June, 1840, Great Britain declared a war and antagonized China, which was known as the First Opium War. In 1842, British troops invaded Nanjing. The whole China was in panic and under a great threat. The Qing government had discussed the unequal treaty with British government for four times in Jinghai Temple. On August 29, the Qing governemt was forced to signed <Nanjing Treaty> which is the first unequal treaty in modern Chinese history at a British navy ship. Therefore, Jinghai Temple had became the symbol of the beginning of Chinese modern history.

During the past five centuries, Jinghai Temple had underwent disasters and warfare. In 1987, it was rebuilt with 628 square meters in the style of Ming dynasty. Since it could not be as same as the original one, Jinghai Temple was called as Old Jinghai Temple Site. In 1990, Nanjing government decided to make it as the public places, Nanjing Treaty Historical Exhibition Museum, in order to remains Chinese people for not forget the hidtory . In the end of 1996, to celebrate Hong Kong’s return, the local government had invested significant amount of money to fix and rebuilt it. The Jinghai Temple was expended to 2800 square meters in total. The structure of it is simple but elegant, similar to the Jiangnan garden style. In 1997, Jinghai Temple was honored as one of 100 National Patriotism Education Bases.

  1. ^ "Jinghai Temple, Nanjing, China". Retrieved 2013-10-25.
  2. ^ "静海寺" Accessed in October, 2013.

baidu. "Jinghai Temple". Retrieved 26 October 2013.</ref>
