My user page


Unfortunately, I'm too busy with my senior design project to do much here.


Here is quick summary of what I'm working on, The PACPOD (Planar Acoustic Camera - Tripod):

Acoustic cameras are essential tools for locating sources of sound. While there are existing projects and products of acoustic cameras available online, they tend to be both complex and expensive. Therefore, there is a clear need to develop a simpler, more cost-effective acoustic camera system.

Currently, available acoustic cameras often require substantial expertise to operate and are prohibitively expensive for many potential users, limiting their widespread adoption. The challenge lies in creating an acoustic camera that performs beamforming effectively but is affordable, user-friendly, and still delivers accurate results.

Most of the market relies on microphones up to stereo configuration, and getting more than two microphones to operate in sync can be complex, requiring both technical expertise and costly equipment. Thus, the need for a simplified, accessible solution is evident.

I'll add more here soon!
