User:WikiMacaroons/Missing French FAs

German Article Machine-translated English name Additional Machine-translated Categories Refs Link Refs Total External Links Wikidata Item Sitelinks
Affaire de Hautefaye Hautefaye affair Category: 1870 in France, Category: Criminal case in France, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Article to illustrate Criminal case, Category: Assassination in France, Category: Cannibalism in France, Category: Dordogne in the 19th century, Category: News item in Dordogne, Category: Franco-German War of 1870, Category: Lynching, Category: Portal: Criminology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Dordogne / Related articles, Category: Portal: French law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France in the 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Nouvelle-Aquitaine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Second Empire / Related articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 52 0 4 Q2825914 2
Affaire de l'Ange blond Blond Angel Affair Category: 2013 in Bulgaria, Category: 2013 in Greece, Category: Quality article, Category: Miscellaneous, Category: October 2013, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: 2010s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Bulgaria / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Greece / Related articles, Category: Portal: Minorities / Related articles, Category: Portal: Media / Related articles, Category: Portal: 21st century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: Bulgarian Roma, Category: Greek Roma, 45 45 68 Q25377220 1
Anatomie de la société dans La Maison d'Âpre-Vent Anatomy of society in La Maison d'Âpre-Vent Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: The House of Apre-Vent, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: England / Related articles, Category: Portal: Charles Dickens / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: British Literature / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 116 23 23 Q15078175 1
Anges musiciens Musical angels (National Gallery) Category: Angel in painting, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Art infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Lute in painting, Category: Music in painting, Category: Portal: England / Related articles, Category: Portal: Arts / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: London / Related articles, Category: Portal: Painting / Related articles, Category: Portal: Renaissance / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Modern era / Related articles, Category: Table from the 1490s, Category: Work held at the National Gallery, 9 1 8 Q60400243 1
Animaux dans le Proche-Orient ancien Animals in the Ancient Near East Category: Animal in culture, Category: Quality article, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Asian civilizations / Related articles, Category: Portal: History of zoology and botany / Related articles, Category: Portal: History of science / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Middle East / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Near East / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Zoology / Related articles, Category: Ancient Near East, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, 149 4 7 Q2850060 1
Appareillage électrique à haute tension High voltage electrical equipment Category: Quality article, Category: Commons category with different local link on Wikidata, Category: Distribution of electrical energy, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Technologies / Related articles, Category: Portal: Electricity and electronics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Energy / Related articles, 68 18 56 Q118504 6
Aqueduc de Fontenay Fontenay aqueduct Category: Aqueduct, historical monument in France, Category: Roman aqueduct in France, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Historical monument classified in 1966, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Page using a timeline, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Water / Related articles, Category: Portal: Roman Empire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Geography / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Indre-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Lakes and rivers / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Archaeological site historical monument in France, 116 3 14 Q18633952 1
Aspects économiques et logistiques des guerres napoléoniennes Economic and logistical aspects of the Napoleonic wars Category: Quality article, Category: Napoleonic Wars, Category: Economic history of the French Revolution, the Consulate and the First Empire, Category: French international policy under the Consulate and the First Empire, Category: Portal: French Army / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France in the 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Grand Army / Related articles, Category: Portal: Military history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: First Empire / Related articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Economy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: War economy, Category: Political economy, 119 32 70 Q19606509 1
Attaque du camp de Looking Glass Looking Glass Camp attack Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Battle of the Nez Perce War, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Idaho County, Category: History of Idaho, Category: July 1877, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page geolocated by Wikidata, Category: Portal: North America / Related articles, Category: Portal: America / Related articles, Category: Portal: 1870s / Related articles, Category: Portal: United States Armed Forces / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Military history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Idaho / Related articles, Category: Portal: North-Amerindians / Related articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: Portal: United States / Related articles, 2 2 3 Q24694967 1
Attributs du pharaon Pharaoh's attributes Category: Quality article, Category: Pharaonic attribute, Category: Egyptian index, Category: Portal: Africa / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Egypt / Related articles, 41 0 0 Q2870173 5
Au-delà Beyond (Ancient Egypt) Category: Quality article, Category: Egyptian index, Category: Egyptian mythology, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: Africa / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Death / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Egypt / Related articles, 153 0 4 Q1687413 2
Augustin ou Le Maître est là Augustine or The Master is there Category: Article containing a call for translation into German, Category: Wikipedia article with authority record, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Article with insufficient reference, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: Auvergne / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Between the wars / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: French or French literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: French literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: Occitanie / Related articles, Category: Portal: Philosophy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: First novel, Category: Novel of manners, Category: French novel published in 1933, Category: Novel linked to the modernist crisis, Category: Philosophical novel, Category: Literary work taking place in Auvergne, Category: Literary work taking place in France, 414 1 42 Q2871674 1
Autisme en France Autism in France Category: Quality article, Category: Autism in France, Category: Portal: Autism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Handicap / Related articles, Category: Portal: Neurosciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Psychology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, 154 76 165 Q23017686 1
Autisme savant Learned autism Category: Quality article, Category: Autism, Category: Human intelligence, Category: Portal: Autism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Handicap / Related articles, Category: Portal: Neurosciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Psychology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, 196 30 100 Q24951653 1
Basilique Saint-Sauveur de Rennes Saint-Sauveur Basilica of Rennes Category: Classical architecture, Category: 18th century religious architecture in Brittany, Category: Article with Blazon template, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Basilica in Ille-et-Vilaine, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Historic monument inscribed in 1942, Category: Historical monument in Rennes, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: Christian architecture / Related articles, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Brittany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ille-et-Vilaine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: Rennes / Related articles, Category: Church dedicated to the Holy Savior, Category: Church, historical monument in Brittany, Category: Church in Rennes, 71 0 22 Q2887039 4
Monstre du Valais Monster of Valais Category: 1946 in Switzerland, Category: 1947 in Switzerland, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in Switzerland, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Devouring Beast, Category: History of the canton of Valais, Category: Local image without image on Wikidata, Category: Wolf in culture, Category: Lynx, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Canids / Related articles, Category: Portal: Legendary Creatures / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Felines / Related articles, Category: Portal: Mammals / Related articles, Category: Portal: Switzerland / Related articles, Category: Portal: Valais / Related articles, Category: Portal: Zoology / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, 98 1 10 Q2930127 1
Birka et Hovgården Birka and Hovgården Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in Sweden, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Birka and Hovgården, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a template with an obsolete parameter, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Early Middle Ages / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Middle Ages / Related articles, Category: Portal: World Heritage / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sweden / Related articles, Category: Portal: Age of Vikings / Related articles, Category: Territory of the early Middle Ages, 87 44 60 Q2904503 7
Affaire Cécile Bloch Murder of Cécile Bloch Category: 1986 in France, Category: Criminal case in France, Category: Rape case, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Article to illustrate Criminal case, Category: Assassination in France, Category: Miscellaneous, Category: Unsolved murder, Category: Portal: 1980s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Criminology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Paris / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Seine-et-Marne / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, 234 53 56 Q23199061 1
Brabham BT60B Brabham BT60B Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Formula 1 in 1992, Category: Brabham Formula 1 Model, Category: Portal: 1990s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Automotive / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Formula 1 / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Motorsport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 91 39 42 Q9662833 3
Forme dans l'œuvre poétique de Robert Browning Form in Robert Browning's poetic work Category: Quality article, Category: Poetic form, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Template page Web link with an error, Category: Model page Work with an error, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: British Literature / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: Poetry / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: British poetry, Category: Robert Browning, 162 26 41 Q3077474 1
Chapelle Saint-Jean du Liget Chapel of Saint-Jean du Liget Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using the Monument infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Chapel dedicated to Saint John, Category: Chapel in Indre-et-Loire, Category: Historic monument chapel (France), Category: Historical monument classified in 1862, Category: Historical monument in Indre-et-Loire, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: Christian architecture / Related articles, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Indre-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, 22 14 18 Q22662669 1
Château de Challain-la-Potherie Castle of Challain-la-Potherie Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Castle in Maine-et-Loire, Category: Historic monument castle (France), Category: Neo-Gothic castle in France, Category: House of La Rochefoucauld, Category: Historical monument in Maine-et-Loire, Category: Historical monument inscribed in 1980, Category: Historic monument inscribed in 2004, Category: Historic monument inscribed in 2019, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Factory park, Category: Portal: Anjou and Maine-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Châteaux de France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Castles / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Pays de la Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, 80 9 14 Q2968823 2
Château de Laval Laval Castle Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Castle in Mayenne, Category: Fortified castle in Pays de la Loire, Category: Historical monument classified in 1840, Category: Historical monument in Laval (Mayenne), Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a timeline, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Châteaux de France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Castles / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Laval (Mayenne) / Related articles, Category: Portal: Mayenne / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Pays de la Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, 123 15 18 Q1012883 5
Cheval dans la culture bretonne Horse in Breton culture Category: Quality article, Category: Horse in Breton culture, Category: Portal: Brittany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Brittany / Articles directly linked, Category: Portal: Tales / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, 127 7 27 Q17461825 1
Cheval de Corlay Corlay's horse Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Half-blood, Category: Galloper, Category: Equestrian world in the Côtes-d'Armor, Category: Portal: Agriculture and agronomy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Brittany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Côtes-d'Armor / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Zoology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Breeding / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, Category: Horse breed from Brittany, Category: Race horse breed, Category: FAO status extinct, 22 8 25 Q16539045 1
Cheval du Vercors de Barraquand Barraquand Vercors horse Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Saddle horse, Category: Drôme, Category: Isère, Category: Portal: Agriculture and agronomy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Drôme / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Isère / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Zoology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Breeding / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, Category: Horse breed from France, 26 19 26 Q2962897 1
Cheval en Bretagne Horse in Brittany Category: Quality article, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Horse in culture, Category: History of the horse, Category: Equestrian world in Brittany, Category: Portal: Brittany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Brittany / Articles directly linked, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, 228 35 51 Q17176183 1
Chevaux légendaires dans le Jura Legendary horses in the Jura Category: Quality article, Category: Fantastic horse of French folklore, Category: Legend of the Jura department, Category: Portal: Bourgogne-Franche-Comté / Related articles, Category: Portal: Legendary Creatures / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Department of Jura / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Franche-Comté / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, 46 1 10 Q2963061 1
Chevaux légendaires du Pas-de-Calais Legendary horses of Pas-de-Calais Category: Quality article, Category: Fantastic horse of French folklore, Category: Evil Creature, Category: Night Creature, Category: Portal: Legendary Creatures / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Flanders / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Hauts-de-France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Nord-Pas-de-Calais / Related articles, Category: Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, 29 3 19 Q2963064 2
Les Chiens et les Loups Dogs and Wolves (novel) Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: Between the wars / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Judaism / Related articles, Category: Portal: French or French literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: Novel by Irène Némirovsky, Category: French novel published in 1940, 11 4 5 Q1213516 3
Étienne Colaud Etienne Colaud Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Wikipedia article with authority record, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Artist infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Date of death uncertain (16th century), Category: Date of birth uncertain (15th century), Category: 16th century French illuminator, Category: bookseller, Category: Page using P106, Category: Page using P1317, Category: Page using P135, Category: Page using P570, Category: Page using P737, Category: Page using P800, Category: Page using P937, Category: Personality linked to Paris, Category: Portal: Arts / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biography / Related articles / Painting, Category: Portal: Illumination / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Paris / Related articles, Category: Portal: Renaissance / Related articles, Category: Portal: Modern era / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Wikipedia: Biographical article, 85 26 29 Q19952162 1
Collégiale Saint-Martin de Candes Collegiate Church of Saint-Martin de Candes Category: 13th century religious architecture in France, Category: 12th century religious architecture in France, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Collegiate Church in France, Category: Collegiate historic monument in France, Category: Historical monument classified in 1840, Category: Historical monument in Indre-et-Loire, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Page using a timeline, Category: Portal: Christian architecture / Related articles, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Indre-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Church dedicated to Saint Martin, Category: Church in Indre-et-Loire, 54 20 29 Q2983983 1
Comptoirs italiens en mer Noire et en Méditerranée Italian counters in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Article containing a call for translation into Italian, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Battle involving the Republic of Genoa, Category: Battle involving the Republic of Venice, Category: History of the Mediterranean Sea, Category: History of the Black Sea, Category: Golden Horde, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Genoa / Related articles, Category: Portal: Military history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Liguria / Related articles, Category: Portal: Maritime / Related articles, Category: Portal: Late Middle Ages / Related articles, Category: Portal: Middle Ages / Related articles, Category: Portal: Venice / Related articles, Category: Portal: Veneto / Related articles, 91 28 153 Q97163104 1
Conseils traditionnels de l'État de Yap Traditional councils of Yap State Category: Quality article, Category: Politics in the Federated States of Micronesia, Category: Portal: Law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Oceania / Related articles, Category: Portal: Federated States of Micronesia / Related Articles, Category: Yap (State), 26 10 26 Q65138808 1
Corlay Corlay (cheval) Category: Animal that died in 1897, Category: Animal born in the 1870s, Category: Animal born in Brittany, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Animal infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Deaths in Côtes-du-Nord, Category: Birth in the Côtes-du-Nord, Category: Page using P18, Category: Page using P19, Category: Page using P20, Category: Page using P2048, Category: Page using P21, Category: Page using P22, Category: Page using P25, Category: Page using P31, Category: Page using P462, Category: Page using P569, Category: Page using P570, Category: Portal: Brittany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Côtes-d'Armor / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, Category: Horse sport in the Côtes-d'Armor, Category: Head of breed stallion, 16 8 29 Q52377186 1
Cuisine de la pomme de terre Potato cuisine Category: Quality article, Category: Potato cuisine, Category: Portal: Agriculture and agronomy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Food and gastronomy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Botany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Useful plants / Related articles, Category: Portal: Potato / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Solanaceae / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, 152 10 27 Q3006921 5
Cycle de vie du tigre Tiger life cycle Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article in Afrikaans, Category: Panthera tigris, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Felines / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Zoology / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, Category: Animal reproduction, 48 14 44 Q3008307 3
Demi-sang de la Dombes Half-blood of the Dombes Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Reference article required, Category: Bresse, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Half-blood, Category: Dombes, Category: Portal: Ain / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Bresse / Related articles, Category: Portal: Dombes / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Zoology / Related articles, Category: extinct horse breed, Category: Horse breed from France, 39 3 7 Q3416037 2
Descente d'Inanna aux Enfers Descent of Inanna into the Underworld Category: Quality article, Category: Mesopotamian literature, Category: Mesopotamian mythology, Category: Portal: Asia / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Middle East / Related articles, Category: Portal: Myths and legends / Related articles, Category: Portal: Mythology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Mesopotamia / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Near East / Related articles, Category: Abode of the Dead, 59 6 26 Q1475785 4
Disjoncteur à haute tension High voltage circuit breaker Category: Quality article, Category: Electrical component, Category: Distribution of electrical energy, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Technologies / Related articles, Category: Portal: Electricity and electronics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Energy / Related articles, 31 0 23 Q97369011 1
Dissolution parlementaire Parliamentary dissolution (France) Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: French National Assembly, Category: Constitutional law in France, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: French law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: French politics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Politics / Related articles, 101 4 36 Q17177277 1
Double narration dans La Maison d'Âpre-Vent Double narration in La Maison d'Âpre-Vent Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: The House of Apre-Vent, Category: Narratology, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: England / Related articles, Category: Portal: Charles Dickens / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: British Literature / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 83 13 14 Q15078176 1
Église Saint-François-Majeur Church of St. Francis Major Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in Italy, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Portal: Christian architecture / Related articles, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Lombardy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Milan / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Church dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi, Category: Church destroyed in Italy, Category: Church in Milan, 16 6 18 Q18223420 2
Église Saint-Nazaire de Barbadell Church of Saint-Nazaire de Barbadell Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Bouleternère, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Hermitage in the Pyrénées-Orientales, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Portal: Christian architecture / Related articles, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Early Middle Ages / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Languedoc-Roussillon / Related articles, Category: Portal: Middle Ages / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catalan countries / Related articles, Category: Portal: Pyrénées-Orientales / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: Occitanie Region / Related articles, Category: Church dedicated to Saint Nazaire, Category: Disused Church in France, Category: Pre-Romanesque church in the Pyrénées-Orientales, Category: Romanesque church in the Pyrénées-Orientales, 33 1 4 Q3583313 2
Église Sainte-Cécile de Cos Church of Sainte-Cécile de Cos Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Tech, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Portal: Christian architecture / Related articles, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Early Middle Ages / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Languedoc-Roussillon / Related articles, Category: Portal: Middle Ages / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catalan countries / Related articles, Category: Portal: Pyrénées-Orientales / Related articles, Category: Portal: Pyrenees / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: Occitanie Region / Related articles, Category: Church dedicated to Saint Cecilia, Category: Pre-Romanesque church in the Pyrénées-Orientales, 39 0 2 Q3585013 2
Élection au trône de Grèce Election to the throne of Greece (1822-1832) Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Article containing a call for translation into modern Greek, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Greek War of Independence, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Greece / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Monarchy / Related articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: Kingdom of Greece, 153 0 3 Q423779 2
Élection au trône de Roumanie de 1866 Election to the throne of Romania in 1866 Category: 1866 in Europe, Category: 1866 in Romania, Category: 1866 in politics, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Portal: 1860s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Monarchy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Politics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Romania / Related articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, Category: Election in 1866, Category: Election in Romania, 98 8 53 Q97293378 1
Empathie des personnes autistes Empathy of people with autism Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Autism, Category: Mediation, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Perception, Category: Portal: Autism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Handicap / Related articles, Category: Portal: Neurosciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Psychology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, Category: Psychiatry, Category: Clinical psychology, Category: Psychoanalytic psychopathology, Category: Personality trait, Category: emotion, 117 10 67 Q25389768 2
Emploi des personnes autistes Employment of people with autism Category: Quality article, Catégorie:Autisme, Category: Rights of persons with disabilities, Category: Employment and disability, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Portal: Autism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Handicap / Related articles, Category: Portal: Social policy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Politics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Company / Related articles, Category: Portal: Work and professions / Related articles, 109 27 120 Q28493778 2
Encadrement technique du Racing Club de Strasbourg Technical supervision of the Racing Club de Strasbourg Category: Quality article, Category: Coach of Racing Club de Strasbourg, Category: French football coach, Category: Portal: Alsace / Related articles, Category: Portal: Bas-Rhin / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Football / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Grand Est / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Strasbourg / Related articles, Catégorie:Racing Club de Strasbourg, 197 99 133 Q3053708 1
Encadrement technique du Stade rennais football club Technical supervision of the Stade Rennes football club Category: Quality article, Category: Stade Rennes coach, Catégorie:Portail:Bretagne/Articles liés, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Football / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ille-et-Vilaine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Rennes / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Stade Rennes FC, 242 93 110 Q3053707 1
Enceinte gallo-romaine de Tours Gallo-Roman walls of Tours Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using the Monument infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Tours enclosure, Category: Historic monument inscribed in 1927, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using P31, Category: Page using P6375, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Page using an address provided by Wikidata, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Indre-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Catégorie:Portail:Monde antique/Articles liés, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Tours / Related articles, 120 7 16 Q17347022 1
Enfers mésopotamiens Mesopotamian hells Category: Quality article, Category: Hell, Category: Portal: Asia / Related articles, Category: Portal: Asian civilizations / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Middle East / Related articles, Category: Portal: Myths and legends / Related articles, Category: Portal: Mythology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Mesopotamia / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Near East / Related articles, Category: Religion of the Ancient Near East, Category: Mesopotamian religion, Category: Abode of the Dead, 38 1 13 Q50316302 1
Équitation en Bretagne Horse riding in Brittany Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: History of the horse, Category: Portal: Brittany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Brittany / Articles directly linked, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Equestrian sport in Brittany, Category: Horse riding, 91 47 55 Q17049940 1
Eurobrun ER189B Eurobrun ER189B Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Automobile of the 1990s, Category: Formula 1 in 1990, Category: Eurobrun Formula 1 Model, Category: Portal: 1990s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Automotive / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Formula 1 / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Motorsport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 75 24 26 Q16040237 1
Exportations d'armes de la France Arms exports from France Category: weapon, Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Human rights abuse, Category: International trade, Category: Military-industrial complex, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: Weapons / Related articles, Category: Portal: French Army / Related articles, Category: Portal: Trade / Related articles, Category: Portal: Law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Human rights / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Military history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: International relations / Related articles, Category: Portal: Technologies / Related articles, Category: Portal: Economy / Related articles, Category: Economy in France, Category: French military equipment, 274 97 276 Q63253382 1
Expulsion des congrégations Expulsion from congregations (1880) Category: 1880 in France, Category: Anticlericalism, Category: Quality article, Category: History of Catholicism in France, Category: Page using the Citation template with a newline, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: 1880s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Society of Jesus / Related articles, Category: Portal: French law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Monasticism / Related articles, Category: Portal: French politics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Politics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Education / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: Third French Republic, 83 8 40 Q20723107 1
Fase Phase Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Article to illustrate Dance (work), Category: Ballet by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Category: Allocine identifier title absent from Wikidata, Category: Page using P1265, Category: Portal: Dance / Related articles, Category: Portal: Classical music / Related articles, Category: Portal: Music / Related articles, 61 0 36 Q3067059 1
Fédération gymnastique et sportive des patronages de France Gymnastics and Sports Federation of French Patronages Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Gymnastics and sports federation of patronages of France, Category: International Catholic Federation of Physical Education and Sports, Category: Portal: Associations / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholic sports patronages / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, 24 11 17 Q3091899 1
Fédération sportive et culturelle de France Sports and Cultural Federation of France Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Association founded in 1898, Category: Association or organization founded under the Third Republic, Category: International Catholic Federation of Physical Education and Sports, Category: Sports and Cultural Federation of France, Category: French sports federation, Category: Portal: Associations / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Culture / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholic sports patronages / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Temporary review for the Book model, 154 15 26 Q3092178 1
Fée des houles Swell fairy Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Creature from Breton folklore, Category: Culture in Guernsey, Category: French folklore fairy, Category: Upper Brittany, Category: Local image without image on Wikidata, Category: Portal: Brittany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Brittany / Articles directly linked, Category: Portal: Legendary Creatures / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Channel (sea) / Related articles, Category: Portal: Maritime / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sea / Related articles, Category: Portal: Atlantic Ocean / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Channel Islands / Related articles, 88 2 7 Q18214730 1
Ferrari 250 GT Cabriolet Pinin Farina Ferrari 250 GT Cabriolet Pinin Farina Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Automobile Ferrari, Category: 1960s automobile, Category: Convertible, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Portal: 1950s / Related articles, Category: Portal: 1960s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Automotive / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 14 7 8 Q3069661 2
Ferrari 250 GT California Spyder Ferrari 250 GT California Spyder Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Automobile Ferrari, Category: 1960s automobile, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Portal: 1960s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Automotive / Related articles, Category: Portal: Automotive endurance / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Motorsport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 25 15 18 Q595955 3
Ferrari 250 GTE Ferrari 250 GTE Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Automobile Ferrari, Category: 1960s automobile, Category: Automobile designed by Pininfarina, Category: Commons category with different local link on Wikidata, Category: GT Coupe, Category: Portal: 1960s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Automotive / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Emilia-Romagna / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 18 9 11 Q2402655 3
Fiole de Galadriel Galadriel vial Category: Quality article, Category: Reference article required, Category: Object from Middle-earth, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Fantasy and fantastic / Related articles, Category: Portal: British Literature / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Middle-earth / Related articles, 24 5 7 Q3744329 4
Fonctions pharaoniques Pharaonic functions Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Egyptian index, Category: Pharaoh, Category: Portal: Africa / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Monarchy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Egypt / Related articles, 67 0 2 Q21511174 1
Football Club de Colmar Colmar Football Club Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Football club in the Grand Est, Category: History of Colmar, Category: Portal: Alsace / Related articles, Category: Portal: Colmar / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Football / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Grand Est / Related articles, Category: Portal: Haut-Rhin / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Sport in Colmar, 48 5 35 Q1387256 3
Foreign white Foreign white Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with different local link on Wikidata, Category: Portal: Agriculture and agronomy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Pets / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Felines / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Zoology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Breeding / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, Category: Cat breed native to UK, 40 8 47 Q42727 4
Fortifications de la Rhune à l'époque contemporaine Fortifications of the Rhune in contemporary times Category: Military architecture in France, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Ascain, Category: War in the mountains, Category: Historical monument in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Page using a column layout with a fixed number of columns, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: French Army / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Military history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Nouvelle-Aquitaine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Basque Country / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Pyrénées-Atlantiques / Related articles, Category: Portal: Pyrenees / Related articles, Category: Sare, Category: Urrugne, 90 4 8 Q19753096 1
Grand Jument Large mare Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Fictional horse, Category: Fantastic horse of French folklore, Category: Local image without image on Wikidata, Category: Character of François Rabelais, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Renaissance / Related articles, Category: Portal: Modern era / Related articles, 52 2 16 Q3113627 1
Grande mosaïque de Lillebonne Great mosaic of Lillebonne Category: Antiquity in Seine-Maritime, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Art infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Mosaic hunting, Category: Roman mosaic, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Normandy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Rouen / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Seine-Maritime / Related articles, 76 0 5 Q16639998 1
Histoire de Corfou Corfu history Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Commons category with different local link on Wikidata, Category: History of Corfu, Category: History of Venice, Category: History of the Byzantine Empire, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Greece / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Relations between Greece and Italy, 111 5 35 Q1508056 5
Histoire de l'École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la ville de Paris History of the Higher School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry of the City of Paris Category: Quality article, Category: History of education in France, Category: Portal: Chemistry / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Grandes écoles / Related articles, Category: Portal: Paris / Related articles, Category: Portal: Physics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Education / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Higher School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry of the City of Paris, 38 0 4 Q3137016 2
Histoire de l'Épire du Nord de 1913 à 1921 History of Northern Epirus from 1913 to 1921 Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article in Greek, Category: History of Greece during the First World War, Category: Irredentism, Category: Greek minority in Albania, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Portal: Albania / Related articles, Category: Portal: 1910s / Related articles, Category: Portal: 1920s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Between the wars / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Greece / Related articles, Category: Portal: Military history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: World War I / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: Northern Epirus, 85 3 18 Q3137022 3
Histoire du duché de Parme et Plaisance History of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Duchy of Parma and Piacenza, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Emilia-Romagna / Related articles, Category: Portal: Modern era / Related articles, 142 24 37 Q16642054 1
Histoire du terme Wallon History of the term Walloon Category: Quality article, Category: Reference article required, Category: History of Wallonia, Category: History of languages, Category: Portal: Belgium / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Languages ​​/ Related articles, Category: Portal: Languages ​​/ Articles directly linked, Category: Portal: Wallonia / Related articles, Category: Wallonia, 99 0 25 Q3137943 1
Hôpital Saint-Jacques Saint-Jacques Hospital (Nantes) Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Reference article required, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: History of hospitals, Category: Historic monument hospital in France, Category: Psychiatric hospital in France, Category: Hospital in Nantes, Category: Historical monument in the Nantes Sud district, Category: Historic monument inscribed in 1997, Category: Historic monument inscribed in 2007, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a column layout with a fixed number of columns, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France in the 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Loire-Atlantique / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Medicine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Nantes / Related articles, Category: Portal: Pays de la Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 146 0 84 Q3145209 1
Identité littéraire des personnages dans La Maison d'Âpre-Vent Literary identity of the characters in La Maison d'Âpre-Vent Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: The House of Apre-Vent, Category: Page with ignored display titles, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: England / Related articles, Category: Portal: Charles Dickens / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: British Literature / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 103 12 13 Q15078179 1
Institutions du Pays basque français avant 1789 Institutions of the French Basque Country before 1789 Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Basque culture, Category: History of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: French law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Nouvelle-Aquitaine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Basque Country / Related articles, Category: Portal: Pyrénées-Atlantiques / Related articles, 111 3 3 Q19947496 1
Israël antique Ancient israel Category: Old Testament, Category: Archeology of the Bible, Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: History of Palestine, Category: Egyptian index, Category: ancient Israel, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Page using a column layout with a fixed number of columns, Category: People of the ancient Near East, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Asia / Related articles, Category: Portal: Bible / Related articles, Category: Portal: Asian civilizations / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Israel and the Jews in Antiquity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Israel / Related articles, Category: Portal: Judaism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Middle East / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Near East / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, 221 3 16 Q1551054 2
Jardin archéologique de l'hôpital de Lisieux Archaeological garden of Lisieux hospital Category: Antiquity of Calvados, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using the Monument infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Historical monument classified in 1987, Category: Historical monument in Lisieux, Category: Roman monument in France, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page geolocated by Wikidata, Category: Page incorrectly processed by the Module: Unit, Category: Page using P127, Category: Page using P17, Category: Page using P31, Category: Page using P6375, Category: Page using an address provided by Wikidata, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Calvados / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Normandy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, 46 0 6 Q3162368 1
Le Journal d'un voyage de Londres à Lisbonne The Journal of a Trip from London to Lisbon Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Diary, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humor / Related articles, Category: Portal: British Literature / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Company / Related articles, Category: Portal: 18th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Modern era / Related articles, Category: Travelogue, Category: Work of Henry Fielding, 185 6 12 Q20640524 2
Nicolas Krick Nicolas Krick Category: Wikipedia article with authority record, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Christian martyr in the 19th century, Category: Christian martyr in China, Category: Death in September 1854, Category: Death at 35, Category: Christian missionary in Tibet, Category: Foreign missions of Paris, Category: Birth in the Meurthe, Category: Born March 1819, Category: Assassinated religious personality, Category: Portal: Asia / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biography / Related articles / Religions and beliefs, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Exploration / Related articles, Category: Portal: France in the 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Grand Est / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Lorraine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: People's Republic of China / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Tibet / Related articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: French Catholic priest of the 19th century, Category: French Tibetologist, Category: Wikipedia: Biographical article, 103 0 4 Q3340479 1
Kriegsschuldfrage War guilt issue Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Archive RTS template, Category: Reference article required, Category: Good article in German, Category: History of Germany in the 20th century, Category: Historiography of the First World War, Category: Portal: Germany / Related articles, Category: Portal: 1910s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Between the wars / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Military history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historiography / Related articles, Category: Portal: World War I / Related articles, Category: Portal: Weimar Republic / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: World War I, Category: Weimar Republic, 175 0 29 Q16650756 3
La Chapelle La Chapelle (Seine) Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: La Chapelle (Seine), Category: Page with maps, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Page geolocated by Wikidata, Category: Portal: Communes de France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Paris / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, 273 33 78 Q13103683 3
Lies et passeries Lies and Passeries Category: Former Law, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: History of the Pyrenees, Category: History of law in Spain, Category: History of law in Occitania, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Page using a column layout with a fixed number of columns, Category: Portal: Andorra / Related articles, Category: Portal: Law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Spain / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Pyrenees / Related articles, Category: Portal: International relations / Related articles, 160 15 18 Q3573670 6
Ligne 1 du métro de Lille Lille metro line 1 Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Line 1 of the Lille metro, Category: Page with maps, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Flanders / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Hauts-de-France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Lille Métropole / Related articles, Category: Portal: Public transport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Railway project, Category: Transport in Villeneuve-d'Ascq, 79 48 62 Q3238658 3
Ligne 2 du métro de Lille Lille metro line 2 Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Line 2 of the Lille metro, Category: Page with maps, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Flanders / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Hauts-de-France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Lille Métropole / Related articles, Category: Portal: Public transport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Railway project, Category: Transport in Villeneuve-d'Ascq, 97 52 70 Q3238802 4
Ligne 3a du tramway d'Île-de-France Line 3a of the Île-de-France tramway Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Line 3a of the Île-de-France tramway, Category: Page with maps, Category: Portal: Railway / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Paris / Related articles, Category: Portal: Public transport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports in Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Transport extension project in Île-de-France, Category: Normal gauge tramway, 88 16 93 Q2420695 6
Loi 104 Law 104 Category: 2002 in Quebec, Category: 2002 in law, Category: 36th legislature of Quebec, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: French language in Quebec, Category: Quebec law, Category: Portal: North America / Related articles, Category: Portal: America / Related articles, Category: Portal: Canada / Related articles, Category: Portal: Law / Related articles, Category: Portal: French language and Francophonie / Related articles, Category: Portal: Languages ​​/ Related articles, Category: Portal: Canadian Politics / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Quebec policy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Politics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Quebec / Related articles, 78 35 49 Q3258102 1
Maison au grand péristyle de Vieux-la-Romaine House with the large peristyle of Vieux-la-Romaine Category: Antiquity of Calvados, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using the Monument infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Domus, Category: Roman monument in France, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using P186, Category: Page using P2046, Category: Page using P2596, Category: Page using P31, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Normandy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Vieux-la-Romaine, 1 0 13 Q628833 2
Malgven Malgven Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the infobox Character (fiction), Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Legend of the town of Ys, Category: Magician or fictional wizard, Category: Norwegian fictional character, Category: Portal: Brittany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Brittany / Articles directly linked, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Fantasy and fantastic / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: French or French literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: French literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Valkyrie, 42 2 9 Q3281931 2
Manor MRT07 Manor MRT07 Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Formula 1 in 2017, Category: Formula 1 single-seater having never raced in Grand Prix, Category: Portal: 2010s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Automotive / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Formula 1 / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Motorsport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Portal: 21st century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 63 62 63 Q30915275 2
Margot la fée Margot the fairy Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Article to illustrate Legendary creatures, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Creature from Breton folklore, Category: Fairy in the oral tradition, Category: French folklore fairy, Category: Portal: Brittany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Brittany / Articles directly linked, Category: Portal: Legendary Creatures / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, 67 5 16 Q3290617 1
Mariage dans les romans de Jane Austen Marriage in the novels of Jane Austen Category: Quality article, Category: English literature, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Jane Austen / Related articles, Category: Portal: British Literature / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: Literary theme by author, Category: Jane Austen's romantic universe, Category: Georgian period, 204 71 96 Q3291126 2
Match de rugby à XV Afrique du Sud - Japon South Africa vs Japan Rugby Union Match (2015) Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Rugby Union World Cup 2015, Category: Infobox with several class, Category: South Africa Rugby Union Team Match, Category: Japan rugby union team match, Category: Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Category: Portal: South Africa / Related articles, Category: Portal: Africa / Related articles, Category: Portal: 2010s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Asia / Related articles, Category: Portal: Japan / Related articles, Category: Portal: Rugby Union / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Portal: 21st century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: Rugby in 2015, 60 41 44 Q72870132 1
Montchat Montchat Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Montchat, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Category: Portal: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes / Related articles, Category: Portal: Communes de France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Dauphiné / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Métropole de Lyon / Related articles, Category: Portal: Occitanie / Related articles, 233 90 163 Q3322491 1
Mortalité des personnes autistes Mortality of people with autism Category: Quality article, Category: Autism, Category: Mortality, Category: Portal: Autism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Handicap / Related articles, Category: Portal: Death / Related articles, Category: Portal: Medicine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, 54 16 64 Q30068109 1
Mosaïque des chevaux de Carthage Mosaic of Carthage horses Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in Tunisia, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Carthage, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Horse in art, Category: Equestrian world in Tunisia, Category: Roman mosaic, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Portal: Africa / Related articles, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Maghreb / ​​Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Arab world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Tunisia / Related articles, 119 0 9 Q3324693 4
Mystères d'Osiris Mysteries of Osiris Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Mystery Cult, Category: Feast in Ancient Egypt, Category: Egyptian index, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Page using a timeline, Category: Portal: Africa / Related articles, Category: Portal: Festivities and traditions / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Leisure and entertainment / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Death / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Egypt / Related articles, 208 1 32 Q1547788 2
Néron Néron (Isère) Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Massif de la Chartreuse, Category: Page with maps, Category: Portal: Alps / Related articles, Category: Portal: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Grenoble Métropole / Related articles, Category: Portal: Grenoble / Related articles, Category: Portal: Isère / Related articles, Category: Portal: Mountain / Related articles, Category: Summit of the French Alps, Category: Summit in Isère, Category: ZNIEFF type I in Isère, 106 23 69 Q3347188 1
Mont Nyohō Mount Nyohō Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in Japan, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Mountain in Tochigi Prefecture, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page pointing to external databases, Category: Page pointing to bases relating to geography, Category: Page using P1886, Category: Page using P3109, Category: Page using P4708, Category: Portal: Asia / Related articles, Category: Portal: Geology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Japan / Related articles, Category: Portal: Mountain / Related articles, Category: Portal: Tochigi Prefecture / Related articles, Category: Portal: Earth and Universe Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Volcanism / Related articles, Category: Summit in Nikkō National Park, Category: Volcano in Tochigi Prefecture, Category: Volcano in Nikkō National Park, Category: Subduction volcano, Category: Sleeping volcano, 122 66 69 Q11446413 4
Oppidum des Châteliers Oppidum des Châteliers Category: Amboise, Category: Former Roman agglomeration in France, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Historical monument in Indre-et-Loire, Category: Historic monument inscribed in 1985, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Page using a timeline, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Indre-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Celtic world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Celtic town or oppidum in France, Category: Barred spur, 79 28 53 Q22941096 1
Ours dans la culture Bear in culture Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Article containing a call for translation into Russian, Category: Article containing a call for translation into Vietnamese, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Reference article required, Category: Commons category with different local link on Wikidata, Category: Bear in culture, Category: Portal: Culture / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ursidae / Related articles, 256 24 77 Q27192357 2
Histoire du mouvement pacifiste allemand jusqu'en 1945 History of the German peace movement until 1945 Category: Quality article, Category: Reference article required, Category: Pacifism, Category: Page containing a link to be specified towards a disambiguation page, Category: Portal: Germany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Peace / Related articles, Category: Portal: Politics / Related articles, 192 0 7 Q16659591 3
Palaegithalus cuvieri Palaegithalus cuvieri Category: Article with taxobox-animal, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Paris underground quarries, Category: European fossil bird, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Geology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ornithology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Paleontology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Paris / Related articles, Category: Portal: Earth and Universe Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Zoology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, Category: Sylphornithidae, Category: Taxobox taxon using the extinct parameter, Category: Taxobox using an unspecified classification, Category: Eocene vertebrate, 21 10 11 Q16676993 1
Parc du Thabor Thabor Park Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with different local link on Wikidata, Category: Botanical garden in France, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page pointing to external databases, Category: Page pointing to bases relating to tourism, Category: Page pointing to bases relating to architecture, Category: Page using P1529, Category: Page using P5818, Category: Park or public garden in Rennes, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Botany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Brittany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ille-et-Vilaine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Gardening and horticulture / Related articles, Category: Portal: Rennes / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, 68 7 42 Q942434 6
Pavillon français French flag Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using the Monument infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Allocine identifier title absent from Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page geolocated by Wikidata, Category: Page using P1265, Category: Page using P1435, Category: Page using P17, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Palace of Versailles / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: World Heritage / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Versailles / Related articles, Category: Portal: Yvelines / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Trianon, 61 7 27 Q15311040 3
Période d'exil de Caravage Caravaggio's period of exile Category: 1600s, Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Article containing a call for translation into Italian, Category: Quality article, Category: Article with insufficient reference, Category: Caravaggio, Category: Portal: Arts / Related articles, Category: Portal: Baroque / Related articles, Category: Portal: Campania / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Malta / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Naples / Related articles, Category: Portal: Painting / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sicily / Related articles, 8 7 12 Q98094749 1
Pile de Cinq-Mars Pile of Cinq-Mars Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using the Monument infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Monument in Indre-et-Loire, Category: Roman funerary monument in France, Category: Historical monument classified in 1840, Category: Historical monument in Indre-et-Loire, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page geolocated by Wikidata, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Heritage of the 3rd century, Category: Battery (monument), Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Indre-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, 122 4 24 Q2094901 2
Pilier d'Yzeures-sur-Creuse Yzeures-sur-Creuse pillar Category: Art of ancient Rome, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: History of ancient France, Category: Historical monument classified as object, Category: Historical monument classified in 1896, Category: Historical monument in Indre-et-Loire, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Heritage of the 3rd century, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Arts / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Art history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Indre-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Roman religion, 42 10 20 Q29164714 2
Plan de Rome Map of Rome (Bigot) Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Art infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with different local link on Wikidata, Category: Geography of ancient Rome, Category: Model making, Category: Historical monument classified as object, Category: Historical monument in Caen, Category: Monument in Brussels, Category: Page using P1435, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Belgium / Related articles, Category: Portal: Brussels / Related articles, Category: Portal: Caen / Related articles, Category: Portal: Calvados / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Normandy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Work preserved in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, 378 17 49 Q3391237 2
Pollicitation en droit civil français Pollicitation in French civil law Category: Quality article, Category: Contract law in France, Category: Portal: French law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Law / Related articles, Catégorie:Portail:Europe/Articles liés, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, 137 38 51 Q3395338 1
Portrait d'Isabelle d'Este Portrait of Isabelle d'Este (Leonardo da Vinci) Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Art infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, Category: Department of graphic arts of the Louvre, Category: Page with wikidata link in Other projects, Catégorie:Page utilisant P135, Category: Page using P136, Category: Page using P170, Category: Page using P18, Category: Page using P186, Category: Page using P195, Category: Page using P2048, Catégorie:Page utilisant P2049, Category: Page using P217, Category: Page using P276, Category: Page using P571, Category: Portal: Arts / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Art history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Louvre Museum / Related articles, Category: Portal: Museums / Related articles, Category: Portal: Paris / Related articles, Category: Portal: Painting / Related articles, Category: Portal: Renaissance / Related articles, Category: Portal: Modern era / Related articles, Category: Portrait of a woman, 11 3 8 Q591128 4
Poudrerie nationale du Ripault Ripault National Poudrerie Category: 1786 in France, Category: 1943 in France, Category: Wikipedia article with authority record, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated on Earth, Catégorie:Article utilisant l'infobox Usine, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Industrial disaster in France, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: History of Indre-et-Loire, Category: History of pyrotechnics, Category: Page with maps, Catégorie:Page sans coordonnées Wikidata, Category: Page using P18, Catégorie:Page utilisant une frise chronologique, Category: Portal: Weapons / Related articles, Category: Portal: French Army / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Chemistry / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Military history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Indre-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Major risks / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Technologies / Related articles, Category: Pyrotechnic risk, 63 40 45 Q21009292 1
Préhistoire de Malte Prehistory of Malta Category: Quality article, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Portal: Cenozoic / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Malta / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Prehistory / Related articles, Category: Prehistory of Malta, 125 5 9 Q1392671 6
Prélude et fugue en fa majeur Prelude and fugue in F major (BWV 880) Category: Wikipedia article with authority record, Catégorie:Article de qualité, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Category: Portal: Baroque / Related articles, Category: Portal: Harpsichord / Related articles, Category: Portal: Classical music / Related articles, Category: Portal: Music / Related articles, Catégorie:Œuvre en fa majeur, 3 3 13 Q16855824 2
Prélude et fugue en si majeur Prelude and fugue in B major (BWV 892) Category: Wikipedia article with authority record, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Catégorie:Le Clavier bien tempéré, Catégorie:Page pointant vers des bases externes, Category: Page pointing to music-related basics, Category: Page using P839, Category: Portal: Baroque / Related articles, Category: Portal: Harpsichord / Related articles, Catégorie:Portail:Musique classique/Articles liés, Category: Portal: Music / Related articles, Catégorie:Œuvre en si majeur, 5 3 16 Q17591233 2
Prieuré du Louroux Priory of Louroux Category: Military architecture of the Middle Ages, Category: Article with geopolygon, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Historical monument in Indre-et-Loire, Category: Historic monument inscribed in 1973, Category: Historic monument inscribed in 1975, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a timeline, Category: Page using a column layout with a fixed number of columns, Category: 12th century heritage, Catégorie:Patrimoine du XVIIe siècle, Category: 15th century heritage, Catégorie:Portail:Architecture chrétienne/Articles liés, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Catégorie:Portail:France/Articles liés, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Indre-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Middle Ages / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Possessions of the Abbey of Marmoutier de Tours, Category: Priory in Indre-et-Loire, 70 0 77 Q22942003 1
Procédé Thomas Procédé Thomas Category: Quality article, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: History of metallurgy, Category: Portal: Chemistry / Related articles, Category: Portal: Industry / Related articles, Category: Portal: Metallurgy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Technologies / Related articles, Category: Portal: Economy / Related articles, Category: Metal processing technology, 84 2 35 Q356282 10
Protagonistes de la guerre israélo-arabe de 1948 Protagonists of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Category: History of Zionism, Category: Page containing a dead link, Catégorie:Portail:Afrique/Articles liés, Catégorie:Portail:Arabie saoudite/Articles liés, Category: Portal: Asia / Related articles, Category: Portal: Israeli-Arab conflict / Related articles, Category: Portal: Military history / Related articles, Catégorie:Portail:Histoire/Articles liés, Category: Portal: Iraq / Related articles, Category: Portal: Israel / Related articles, Category: Portal: Jordan / Related articles, Catégorie:Portail:Liban/Articles liés, Category: Portal: Arab world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Middle East / Related articles, Category: Portal: Palestine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Syria / Related articles, Category: Portal: Yemen / Related articles, Category: Portal: Egypt / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 143 4 21 Q3407885 2
Puits des houillères de Ronchamp Ronchamp coal wells Category: Quality article, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Ronchamp coal mines, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a timeline, Category: Portal: Coal basins of the Vosges and Jura / Related articles, Category: Portal: Bourgogne-Franche-Comté / Related articles, Category: Portal: Companies / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Franche-Comté / Related articles, Category: Portal: Haute-Saône / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Industry / Related articles, Category: Portal: Economy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Fossil energy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Energy / Related articles, 115 55 63 Q3410692 1
Puits du Magny Well of Magny Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Hamlet or locality in Haute-Saône, Category: Ronchamp coal mines, Category: Page with maps, Category: Geolocatable page without parameterized coordinates, Category: Portal: Coal basins of the Vosges and Jura / Related articles, Category: Portal: Bourgogne-Franche-Comté / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Franche-Comté / Related articles, Category: Portal: Haute-Saône / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Records / Related articles, Category: Portal: Fossil energy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Energy / Related articles, 34 12 15 Q3410694 1
Puits Saint-Charles Saint-Charles well Category: Audio article, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Ronchamp coal mines, Category: Page with maps, Category: Geolocatable page without parameterized coordinates, Category: Portal: Coal basins of the Vosges and Jura / Related articles, Category: Portal: Bourgogne-Franche-Comté / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Franche-Comté / Related articles, Category: Portal: Haute-Saône / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Fossil energy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Energy / Related articles, 43 17 26 Q3410665 1
Quintette pour piano et cordes Quintet for piano and strings (Vierne) Category: Wikipedia article with authority record, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Page pointing to external databases, Category: Page pointing to music-related basics, Category: Page using P1994, Category: Page using P435, Category: Page using P839, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: 1910s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Military history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Classical music / Related articles, Category: Portal: Music / Related articles, Category: Portal: World War I / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: Piano Quintet, Category: Work of Louis Vierne, 4 14 23 Q47498277 1
Renaissance florentine dans les arts figuratifs Florentine Renaissance in the Figurative Arts Category: Quality article, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Florence, Category: History of Tuscany, Category: Portal: Arts / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Florence / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Renaissance / Related articles, Category: Portal: Tuscany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Modern era / Related articles, Category: Italian Renaissance, 175 44 58 Q913340 2
Républicains français sous la Restauration French Republicans under the Restoration Category: Former political party in France, Category: Quality article, Category: Charles X of France, Category: France in the 19th century, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France in the 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: French politics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Politics / Related articles, Category: Portal: 19th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: French catering, 124 10 14 Q15974488 2
Retable de la chapelle de l'Immaculée Conception Altarpiece of the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception Category: Angel in painting, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using the Art infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Crucifixion in painting, Category: John the Baptist in painting, Category: Page with maps, Category: Wikidata contactless page, Category: Page using the Citation template with a newline, Category: Polyptych, Category: Dispersed polyptych, Category: Portal: Arts / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Lombardy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Milan / Related articles, Category: Portal: Painting / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: Renaissance / Related articles, Category: Portal: Modern era / Related articles, Category: Altarpiece, Category: Virgin Mary in painting, Category: Madonna and Child in painting, Category: Work of art in Milan, Category: Lost pictorial work, 4 3 9 Q60400364 1
Reversi Champion Reversi Champion Category: Adaptation of a board game into a video game, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Amstrad CPC game, Category: Software game, Category: Oric game, Category: SC-3000 Game, Category: Puzzle video game, Category: Video game developed in France, Category: Video game released in 1984, Category: Video game released in 1986, Category: Othello, Category: Portal: Video game / Related articles, Category: Portal: Games / Related articles, Category: Portal: Leisure and entertainment / Related articles, 27 0 12 Q56147096 1
Sac de Dinant Bag of Dinant (1914) Category: 1914 in Belgium, Category: August 1914, Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article in German, Category: Quality article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Battle of 1914, Category: Battle of World War I, Category: Western Front (WWI), Category: History of Dinant, Category: History of Wallonia during the First World War, Category: Massacre in Belgium, Category: Massacre or atrocity of the First World War, Category: Massacre or atrocity targeting a village, Category: Memory of the First World War in Belgium, Category: Memorial of the First World War in Belgium, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Portal: Germany / Related articles, Category: Portal: 1910s / Related articles, Category: Portal: French Army / Related articles, Category: Portal: Belgium / Related articles, Category: Portal: German Empire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Military history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: World War I / Related articles, Category: Portal: Province of Namur / Related articles, Category: Portal: Wallonia / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, 31 6 32 Q1669385 4
Ligne de Saint-Cloud à Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche - Forêt-de-Marly Line from Saint-Cloud to Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche - Forêt-de-Marly Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Rail line infobox with argument number, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Article to illustrate Rail line, Category: Reference article required, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Railway line in Hauts-de-Seine, Category: Railway line in the Yvelines, Category: 25000 V - 50 Hz electrified line, Category: Portal: Railway / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Hauts-de-Seine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports in Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Portal: Yvelines / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, 25 1 22 Q3239876 1
Sainte Anne, la Vierge et l'Enfant Jésus Saint Anne, the Virgin and the Child Jesus (cardboard) Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Art infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, Category: Portal: Arts / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Art history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Painting / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: Renaissance / Related articles, Category: Portal: Modern era / Related articles, 20 10 15 Q97170016 1
Saison 1948-1949 des Sports réunis Colmar 1948-1949 Season of Reunited Sports Colmar Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Page using a timeline, Category: Portal: Alsace / Related articles, Category: Portal: 1940s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Colmar / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Football / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Grand Est / Related articles, Category: Portal: Haut-Rhin / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: 1948-1949 football club season, Category: Season of Combined Sports Colmar, 114 1 103 Q3465021 2
Saison 1978-1979 du Racing Club de Strasbourg Racing Club de Strasbourg 1978-1979 season Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Page using a timeline, Category: Portal: Alsace / Related articles, Category: Portal: 1970s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Bas-Rhin / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Football / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Grand Est / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Strasbourg / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: 1978-1979 football club season, Category: RC Strasbourg season, 165 120 138 Q3465254 2
Le Schtroumpfissime The Smurf Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Dictator of fiction, Category: History of the Smurfs, Category: Story published in Spirou, Category: Story first published in 1964, Category: Politics in Comics, Category: Portal: Francophone comics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Comic strip / Related articles, Category: Portal: Fantasy and fantastic / Related articles, Category: Portal: Monarchy / Related articles, 49 0 13 Q29181 4
Jurisprudence Schubert Schubert case law Category: 1973 in Switzerland, Category: 1973 in law, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Constitutional law in Switzerland, Category: International law, Category: Human rights in Switzerland, Category: Hierarchy of standards, Category: Case law in Switzerland, Category: Portal: Swiss law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Switzerland / Related articles, 70 10 37 Q2250573 2
Scuderia Lancia Lancia stable Category: Quality article, Category: Commons category with different local link on Wikidata, Category: Lancia, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Portal: Automotive / Related articles, Category: Portal: Automotive endurance / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Formula 1 / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Car rally / Related articles, Category: Portal: Motorsport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Endurance stable, Category: Formula 1 team missing, Category: Rally team, Category: Motorsport team in Italy, 145 11 102 Q2246685 5
Site archéologique de Carthage Carthage archaeological site Category: Roman Africa, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in Tunisia, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Carthage, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Page using a template with an obsolete parameter, Category: World Heritage in Tunisia, Category: Portal: Africa / Related articles, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Maghreb / ​​Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Arab world / Related articles, Category: Portal: World Heritage / Related articles, Category: Portal: Phoenicians, Carthage and the Punic world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Tunisia / Related articles, Category: Ancient site in Tunisia, 123 4 13 Q52284968 4
Studios Disney de 1950 à 1973 Disney Studios from 1950 to 1973 Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Article to illustrate History of Disney Studios, Category: Page using a column layout with a fixed number of columns, Category: Portal: America / Related articles, Category: Portal: Animation / Related articles, Category: Portal: Cinema / Related articles, Category: Portal: Disney / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: 20th century / Related articles, Category: Portal: Contemporary period / Related articles, Category: Portal: United States / Related articles, Category: Walt Disney Pictures, 227 4 10 Q3501062 1
Supporters du Stade rennais football club Supporters of the Stade Rennes football club Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Page using a timeline, Category: Portal: Brittany / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Football / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ille-et-Vilaine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Rennes / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Stade Rennes FC, Category: Football fan by club, 256 139 139 Q3504920 1
Symbolique du cheval Horse symbolism Category: Quality article, Category: Horse in culture, Category: Portal: Culture / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, Category: Symbolic, 236 6 47 Q3507505 2
Tableaux de la chapelle Cerasi Paintings from the Cerasi Chapel (Caravaggio) Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Art infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: New Testament in painting, Category: Page using P195, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Paul of Tarsus in painting, Category: Peter apostle in painting, Category: Portal: Arts / Related articles, Category: Portal: Baroque / Related articles, Category: Portal: Catholicism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Christianity / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Lazio / Related articles, Category: Portal: Painting / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: Rome / Related articles, Category: Series of paintings, Category: Caravaggio Painting, Category: Work of art in Rome, 12 2 9 Q26766739 1
Tableaux de la chapelle Contarelli Paintings in the Contarelli chapel Category: Apostles in painting, Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Art infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with different local link on Wikidata, Category: New Testament in painting, Category: Portal: Arts / Related articles, Category: Portal: Baroque / Related articles, Category: Portal: Bible / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Lazio / Related articles, Category: Portal: Painting / Related articles, Category: Portal: Religions and beliefs / Related articles, Category: Portal: Rome / Related articles, Category: Rome R. VIII Sant'Eustachio, Category: Series of paintings, Category: Caravaggio Painting, Category: Work of art in Rome, 34 3 8 Q19331941 2
Teka-her Teka-her Category: Audio article, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Creature of the Underworld, Category: Fantastic creature from Egyptian mythology, Category: Egyptian index, Category: Portal: Africa / Related articles, Category: Portal: Legendary Creatures / Related Articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Death / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Egypt / Related articles, Category: Legendary Snake, 21 1 1 Q3517218 2
Temple gallo-romain de Tours Gallo-Roman temple of Tours Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Fanum, Category: Monument in Tours, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Indre-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Tours / Related articles, Category: Roman temple in France, 59 12 22 Q18609494 1
Théâtre de la Reine Queen's Theater Category: Article containing a call for translation into Italian, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Allocine identifier title absent from Wikidata, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using P1265, Category: 18th century heritage, Category: World Heritage in Île-de-France, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Palace of Versailles / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: World Heritage / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Theater / Related articles, Category: Portal: Versailles / Related articles, Category: Portal: Yvelines / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Theater in the Yvelines, Category: Trianon, 115 3 36 Q3322463 5
Thématique de l'œuvre poétique de Robert Browning Theme of Robert Browning's poetic work Category: Quality article, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Page containing a link to be specified towards a disambiguation page, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: British Literature / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: Poetry / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: British poetry, Category: Robert Browning, Category: Literary theme by author, 187 21 36 Q3526290 2
Thermes gallo-romains de Tours Gallo-Roman thermal baths of Tours Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using the Monument infobox, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Monument in Tours, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Page using a timeline, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Water / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Indre-et-Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Earth and Universe Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Tours / Related articles, Category: Roman Baths in France, 98 8 30 Q19947750 1
Thermoélectricité Thermoelectricity Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Reference article required, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Energy engineering, Category: Portal: Physics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Technologies / Related articles, Category: Portal: Electricity and electronics / Related articles, Category: Portal: Energy / Related articles, Category: Thermoelectricity, Category: Thermal transfer, Category: Electronics, 34 6 12 Q14594844 13
Tasciaca Weather in Tasciaca Category: Former Roman agglomeration in France, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Ancient Roman ceramics, Category: Monument in Loir-et-Cher, Category: Historical monument classified in 1840, Category: Historical monument in Loir-et-Cher, Category: Page with maps, Category: Wikidata contactless page, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Heritage of the 2nd century, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Archeology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Center-Val de Loire / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Italy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Loir-et-Cher / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Historical monuments / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Ancient Rome / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Peutinger table station, Category: Daily life under ancient Rome, 70 25 42 Q21485498 1
Tournées américaines des Beatles en 1964 American Beatles Tours 1964 Category: 1964 in Canada, Category: 1964 in the United States, Category: August 1964, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Portal: North America / Related articles, Category: Portal: America / Related articles, Category: Portal: England / Related articles, Category: Portal: 1960s / Related articles, Category: Portal: Canada / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Music / Related articles, Category: Portal: Rock / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: The Beatles / Related articles, Category: Portal: United States / Related articles, Category: September 1964, Category: 1964 Tour, Category: Beatles Tour, 46 1 10 Q3535486 2
Traductions de Jane Austen en langue française Translations by Jane Austen in French Category: Quality article, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Jane Austen / Related articles, Category: Portal: French language and Francophonie / Related articles, Category: Portal: Languages ​​/ Related articles, Category: Portal: British Literature / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Translation of the work of Jane Austen, Category: Jane Austen's romantic universe, 183 44 46 Q18745514 1
Tramway de Verneuil-l'Étang à Melun Tramway from Verneuil-l'Étang to Melun Category: Old tram of France, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using the Rail line infobox without number argument, Category: Article using the infobox Rail line without line map, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Railway line in Seine-et-Marne, Category: Portal: Railway / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Seine-et-Marne / Related articles, Category: Portal: Public transport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports in Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Transport in Seine-et-Marne, 157 0 90 Q3537041 2
Château du Petit Trianon Petit Trianon Castle Category: Neoclassical architecture in France, Category: Article containing a call for Dutch translation, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Ange-Jacques Gabriel building, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Castle in the Yvelines, Category: Allocine identifier title absent from Wikidata, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Page containing a dead link, Category: Page using P1265, Category: 18th century heritage, Category: World Heritage in Île-de-France, Category: Portal: Architecture and town planning / Related articles, Category: Portal: Palace of Versailles / Related articles, Category: Portal: Châteaux de France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Castles / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: World Heritage / Related articles, Category: Portal: Heritage protection / Related articles, Category: Portal: Versailles / Related articles, Category: Portal: Yvelines / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Trianon, 231 4 78 Q2971765 3
Univers de Jane Austen Jane Austen Universe Category: Article containing a call for translation into English, Category: Quality article, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Jane Austen / Related articles, Category: Portal: British Literature / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Literature / Related articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Jane Austen's romantic universe, 315 107 136 Q16020758 1
Gare du Val d'Or Val d'Or Railway Station Category: Article with an empty or incomplete section, Category: Quality article, Category: Quality article geolocated in France, Category: Article geolocated on Earth, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Station in the Hauts-de-Seine, Category: Station in Île-de-France in correspondence with a tram station, Category: Page with similar contact details on Wikidata, Category: Page with maps, Category: Portal: Railway / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Handicap / Related articles, Category: Portal: Hauts-de-Seine / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports in Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Portal: Transports / Related articles, Category: Portal: Île-de-France / Related articles, Category: Saint-Cloud, Category: Transilien L, Category: Zone 3 of Île-de-France public transport, 28 14 29 Q2699008 4
Arnt van der Dussen Arnt van der Dussen Category: Medieval art, Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Article to illustrate Biography, Category: Date of death not specified (15th century), Category: Date of birth not specified (15th century), Category: Death in Brussels, Category: Member of the magistrate of Brussels, Category: Birth in the Duchy of Brabant, Category: Birth in Brussels, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Brussels personality, Category: 15th century personality, Category: Portal: Arts / Related articles, Category: Portal: Belgium / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biography / Related articles / Culture and arts, Category: Portal: Brussels / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Art history / Related articles, Category: Portal: History / Related articles, Category: Portal: Late Middle Ages / Related articles, Category: Portal: Middle Ages / Related articles, Category: Portal: Renaissance / Related articles, Category: Portal: Textile / Related articles, Category: Portal: Modern era / Related articles, Category: Upholsterer, Category: Wikipedia: Biographical article, 22 0 24 Q2863419 2
Violence dans l'autisme Violence in autism Category: Quality article, Category: Autism, Category: Crime, Category: Portal: Autism / Related articles, Category: Portal: Law / Related articles, Category: Portal: Handicap / Related articles, Category: Portal: Psychology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Humanities and social sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sociology / Related articles, Category: violence, 75 29 77 Q30754235 1
Welsh cob Welsh cob Category: Quality article, Category: Article using an Infobox, Category: Commons category with identical local link on Wikidata, Category: Cob, Category: Page using a limited summary, Category: Sport pony, Category: Portal: Agriculture and agronomy / Related articles, Category: Portal: Biology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Europe / Related articles, Category: Portal: Equestrian world / Related articles, Category: Portal: Wales / Related Articles, Category: Portal: United Kingdom / Related Articles, Category: Portal: Sciences / Related articles, Category: Portal: Sport / Related articles, Category: Portal: Zoology / Related articles, Category: Portal: Breeding / Related articles, Category: Project: Biology / Linked pages, Category: Horse breed originating in Wales, 16 5 17 Q2748830 7