User:VladisKemerovo/sandbox/Council of People's Deputies of Kemerovo Oblast

Kemerovo Oblast Council of People's Deputies


Kemerovo Oblast Council of People’s Deputies, also referred to as Kemerovo Region Council of People’s Deputies (Russian: Сове́т наро́дных депута́тов Ке́меровской о́бласти, Sovet narodnykh deputatov Kemerovskoy oblasti), commonly abbreviated as SNDKo (Russian: СНДКо) — is the unicameral legislative (representative) authority of the Kemerovo oblast (Kuzbass). According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993[1], the Kemerovo Oblast is a subject of the Russian Federation with a constitutional right for legislative regulation on issues of joint jurisdiction with the Federation and on issues of regional jurisdiction on the territory of Kemerovo Oblast. According to the Constitution on 20 March 1994 the first Legislative Assembly[2] of Kemerovo Oblast was elected. In 1998 it's name was changed to Council of People’s Deputies[3]. The Charter of Kemerovo Oblast defines status and authority of the Council of People’s Deputies, elections of deputies. Charter[4] also defines Council of People’s Deputies as supreme and permanent body of legislative power in the region.

The Council building is located on Sovetov Square at Central district of Kemerovo. Official address: 650000, Russian Federation, Kemerovo, Sovetskiy Prospekt, building 58.

Council of People’s Deputies of Kemerovo Oblast

Совет народных депутатов Кемеровской области (Russian)

Sovet narodnykh deputatov Kemerovskoy oblasti
5th Council of People’s Deputies
Chairman of the Council
Vyacheslav Petrov, United Russia
since 14 September 2018
First Deputy Chairman
Yuri Skvortsov, Patriots of Russia
since 14 September 2018
Political groups
  •   United Russia (39)
  •   A Just Russia (2)
  •   Communist Party (2)
  •   Liberal Democratic Party (2)
  •   Patriots of Russia (1)
Mixed voting system
Last election
9 September 2018
Next election
September 2023
Meeting place
People’s Deputies Building
58 Sovetskiy Prospect, Kemerovo



The Council consists of 46 deputies, elected for 5 years by the citizens of the Russian Federation, residing on the territory of Kemerovo Region on the basis of universal, equal, direct suffrage by secret ballot with 23 deputies running in single-seat constituencies and the other 23 in the single electoral districts, where winners are identified in proportion to the number of votes cast for lists of candidates nominated by electoral associations[5]. Currently, deputies of 5th convocation sit in the Council[6]. Any citizen of the Russian Federation not younger than 21 years, possessing certain qualifications stated in Federal and regional laws may be elected as deputy. Deputy possesses immunity on the territory of the Kemerovo Oblast whilst holding office. Immunity is guaranteed by federal and regional laws. Article 41 of the Charter requires that deputies take the following oath on the opening session:

In good faith I do solemnly swear, that to the best of my abilities I will fulfill duties vested on me by voters and by the law, will be obedient to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, Charter and laws of the Kemerovo Oblast, will strive for promotion of security and general welfare of people, will protect rights and liberties of man and the citizen. For me no private interest will be superior to the interests of the Kemerovo Oblast and the Russian state”.



The Council of People’s Deputies forms committees and commissions with different areas of authority. There are currently 7 Committees and 1 Commission in the 5th Kemerovo Oblast Council of People's Deputies.

Current list of Committees and Commissions:

  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Budget, Tax Policy and Finance
  • State Structure, Local Government, Law Enforcement
  • Healthcare and Social Protection
  • Industrial Policy, Housing and Communal Services, Property Relations Policy
  • Education, Culture, Nationality Policy
  • Agrarian Policy, Use of Land and Ecology
  • Tourism, Sport and Youth Policy
  • Mandate Commission on Deputy's Ethics and Regulations



The Council of People’s Deputies has special powers enumerated by the Article 39 Charter of the Kemerovo Oblast, by the law of the Kemerovo Oblast "About Council of People's Deputies of Kemerovo Oblast" and other legal acts and laws of the Kemerovo Oblast.

Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies


Representative in the Federation Council


Dmitry Gennadievich Kuzmin is the representative of the Council of People's Deputies in the Federation Council. He's member of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Government and Northern Affairs.

Latest Elections


Elections were held on 9 of September, 2018. Country's major political power[7], United Russia gained 39 out of 46 seats, while Liberal-Democratic Party, Communist Party and A Just Russia gained 2 seats each, while Patriots of Russia gained just one seat.

2018 legislative elections in the Kemerovo Oblast
Party Single list Single seat constituency Seats total % from elected deputies
Votes cast Share of votes Seats
United Russia 851,973 64,31% 16 23 39 84,78 %
Liberal Democratic Party 133,757 10,10 % 2 0 2 4,34 %
Communist Party 133,430 10,07 % 2 0 2 4,34 %
A Just Russia 104,214 7,87 % 2 0 2 4,34 %
Patriots of Russia 72,764 5,87 % 1 0 1 2,17 %
Independent - - - - - -
Total 1,296,138 100 % 23 23 46 100 %

Previous elections

In April 2003 a majority of seats was gained by party bloc “Serving Kuzbass”. In October 2008 36 deputies were elected. United Russia gained 17 seats on region-wide constituency and 18 seats from single-seat electoral districts. A Just Russia gained 1 seat on region-wide constituency.

During the term some seats became vacant and by-elections were held in several single-seat electoral districts.

Youth Parliament of the Council


Youth Parliament of Kuzbass is a youth organization in Kemerovo Oblast consisting of 55 members aged between 14 and 30. First formed as a part of extensive youth policy of Kemerovo Region in year 2000, it became representative body for interests of Kuzbass' youth. Elections are held every two years and during their "term" young deputies launch various social projects and campaigns, develop bill drafts, learn foundations of legislative branch[8].


  1. ^ "Official Website of the Government of the Russian Federation / The Russian Government". Retrieved 2019-04-24.
  2. ^ Regnum, News Agency (21 February 2019). "A special medal for Kuzbass deputies was established". Regnum. Retrieved 2019-04-24. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= requires |archive-url= (help)
  3. ^ "Historical background of Kemerovo Oblast elections". Central Election Commission of Kemerovo Oblast. 24 April 2019.
  4. ^ "The Charter of Kemerovo Oblast" (PDF). Administration of Kemerovo Oblast. 9 April 1997. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= requires |archive-url= (help)
  5. ^ "Kemerovo Oblast Council of People's Deputies Electoral Law". Kodeks, e-database. 14 February 2007. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= requires |archive-url= (help)
  6. ^ Kotova, Victoria (24 April 2019). "Vyacheslav Petrov elected as the Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of Kemerovo Oblast". A42 Newspaper of Kemerovo. Retrieved 14 September 2018.
  7. ^ Andrey Pertsev, Kevin Rothrock (10 September 2018). "Did Russia's ruling political party really lose sunday's regional elections? No". Meduza news site. Retrieved 24 April 2019.
  8. ^ "Youth Parliament of Kuzbass, Kemerovo Oblast Council of People's Deputies". 26 September 2017. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= requires |archive-url= (help)