User:Viking1808/officers of frederikssteen

Translation from the Sorte registrant for Frederikssteen(1800)
( - this page is problematic to find on internet. I have a screen-shot - Viking1808)

Launched 1800
In Dock or Laid Up 1801 (NB the Danish kølhalet translates literally as Keel Hauled!)
Fitted out 1802
Lost/Captured 1807
Displacement 390½ Lst (presumably tons? No meaning for Lst found)
Length 129'2"
Breadth 22'6"
Draught 14' (aft)
ditto 13' (fore)
Crew of 195 men

4 x 8 pounder cannon, 20 x 30 pound and 2 x 12 pound carronades,
6 x 12 pound howitzers, all of iron
4 x onepound falconettes of metal (af metal til mersene - translation difficult! any ideas?)
This is armament for hostilities, as reference "FLT 1800-1907"
(Various obscure references follow.)

the following notes are all sourced from
T. A. Topsøe-Jensen og Emil Marquard (1935) “Officerer i den dansk-norske Søetat 1660-1814 og den danske Søetat 1814-1932“. Volume II henceforward known as TJ II (sadly my copy of Volume I is corrupted and no longer useable.) The old notes in Sorte Registrant for this ship are annotated with the pages for these officers.

Throughout TJ II the name of the ship is recorded as Frederikssteen No notable actions are recorded during the life of this ship from launch in 1800 to surrender at Copenhagen in 1807


With Frederikssteen to the Danish West Indies (Voyage 1)

Carl Adolph Roth (TJ II,413) born 08/12/1767 died 12/07/1834 (with the rank of Rear Admiral). As Captain of the ship on this voyage. He also took his place on the Ruling Commission for the Danish West Indies for matters relating to the Naval Service. Returning to Denmark in 1803, the ship carried the retiring Governor General Major Walterstorff. Roth was an officer on Prinds Christian Frederik in 1808 at the Battle of Zealand Point where he was severely wounded and taken as POW for two months to Gothenburg. Later still he was involved with Admiral Jens Schou Fabricius, accusing him of not pushing the Danish king's position regarding the five brigs (which the newly independant norwegians eventually paid 95,000 specie dollars for).
Jens Peter Stibolt (TJ II,558) born 23/09/1774 died 21/02/1860 as Senior Lieutenant on this voyage (Around 1811 he was involved in the theft of lead from Christiansand dockyards, but was eventually absolved) On retirement he held the rank of Vice Admiral

With Frederikssteen to Danish West Indies (Voyage 2)

Niels Gerhardt Langemach (TJ II,68) born 8/01/1781 sacked 1814 for persistent abuse of alcohol. As Junior Lieutenant on this voyage. Was on board the brig Lolland in 1811
Thomas Joachim Lütken (TJ II,143)born 21/06/1786 died 29/03/1842 as Junior Lieutenant. (Retired in 1838 with the rank of Kommandør (Commodore)
Jacob Johan Lund (TJ II,118) born 12/07/1783 died 19/05/1860 as Junior Lieutenant. (In 1811 this officer was mentioned in dispatches for the capture of The Swan)(Is there a British record of this?)
Constantius Rasch (TJ II,353) born 16/01/1777 died 16/03/1855 promoted to Senior Lieutenant during this voyage.
Peter Nicolay Skibsted (TJ II,519) as Junior Lieutenant
Hans Emanuel Wulff (TJ II,748) born 4/03/1776 died 1/5/1857 with the rank of Kommandør (Commodore) He was a Senior Lieutenant on this voyage.

Frederikssteen in home waters

Rasmus Rafn (TJ II,347) born 18/10/1764 died 24/12/1805 was captain (Kapt Lieutenant) of Frederikssteen in the Evolution Squadron
Michael Christopher Ulrich (TJ II,665) born 12/12/1760 died 03/08/1806 also captained this ship in 1805 in home waters.

Frederikssteen in home waters

Jean Andre Svenson (TJ II,575) born 30/11/1773 died 15/01/1840 was second in command of Frederikssteen when she was the watchship in the Sound (Øresund, off Copenhagen)



Hi Viking1808: This looks good. I will start transferring the info to the article. Many thanks for your efforts. As for Swan, see Hired armed cutter Swan - scroll down to the second Swan.Acad Ronin (talk) 15:24, 14 October 2016 (UTC)

Re mersene: any relation to this: [[1]]? Acad Ronin (talk) 15:29, 14 October 2016 (UTC)
Fantastic! So this translates as "Fighting Top" Viking1808 (talk) 17:06, 14 October 2016 (UTC)
From HDMS Holsteen: could "Lst" be related to this from the Holsteen article: "Ship displacement = 1.01 Læster (=2,020 tons)". I suspect the number in brackets should be 2,020 pounds, not tons, though the pounds would probably be Danish pounds, not English. It it should be tons, thne the number is too high for our purposes; if it is pounds, then the number is too low for Holsteen. Acad Ronin (talk) 00:37, 22 October 2016 (UTC)