User:Universoft/Zona Franca del Pacifico

Zona Franca del Pacifico ... Zona Franca del Pacifico S.A. is a modern private manufacturing and logistics platform located in the department of Valle del Cauca in the Republic of Colombia since 1993. PFTZ provides incentives of Colombian duty-free system for manufacturing and services companies, and helps to improve its competitiveness by taking advantage of international bilateral agreements signed by Colombia.

Companies located at The Pacific Free Trade Zone and the Special free trade zones under its operation, represent important sectors such as manufacturing, pharmaceutical, energy, chemicals, food, logistics, port services, production of sugar and ethanol and BPO services. They generate over 4,000 jobs and foreign trade transactions over USD 800 million.

The operation and development executed with private capital, guarantees high specification infrastructure and the provision of excellent services. Its board of directors is constituted by entrepreneurs with great experience in international trade, creation and promotion of large scale projects and the development of social plans, which can offer solid guidance in the mission and strategic processes.

