User:Ucucha/Subfossil sites on Madagascar

Notes: "Holocene subfossil sites can be divided into four different types of deposits": caves, marsh deposits in highland regions, coastal marsh deposits, and riverine deposits. It might be good to classify the sites... if we can. At the very least, these four categories and their descriptions should be included in the introduction. – VisionHolder « talk » 21:34, 21 July 2010 (UTC)

I'm afraid we'd be unable to classify many sites. But it's certainly something to mention in the lead. Ucucha 18:45, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

A few minor things we'd better work out now:

  • What citation format are we using?
Your style is fine. I only ask that lemur articles follow my style since I hope to standardize them all. – VisionHolder « talk » 18:53, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Should all species be linked on every occurrence?
I would prefer that we do not... but in lists like this, I really don't know what's best. – VisionHolder « talk » 18:53, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
We probably should, especially if we make the list sortable. Ucucha 19:56, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
  • I think we should also subdivide reptiles and amphibians if we're doing that for mammals. Arguably, we should also do that for birds, especially as some sites have lots and lots of them, but bird classification is such a mess that natural groups are hard to think of.
If you feel comfortable subdividing them, then go for it. As you pointed out, the birds will be a big mess, but I'm not sure if most readers would care much. Distinguishing snakes from lizards, though, might be more helpful. – VisionHolder « talk » 18:53, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
"Lizard" is not a natural group, so I'd prefer avoiding it. Anyway, we have only one site with squamates so far, so the issue isn't really significant yet. Ucucha 19:56, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

Ucucha 18:45, 28 July 2010 (UTC)


  • Goodman, S.M., Ganzhorn, J.U., and Rakotondravony, D. Chapter 13: Introduction to the Mammals in "The Natural History of Madagascar" (2003) ISBN: 0-226-30306-3
Name Name currently in use for the site
Alternative names Other, historical, names
Fauna List of species recorded at the locality. Extinct species are indicated using a dagger (†). When it is uncertain whether material of a species is from the recorded locality, a question mark (?) is used. "Cf." indicates that an identification is uncertain.
In order: reptiles, birds, Plesiorycteropus, tenrecs, bats, carnivores, hippos, nesomyines, lemurs
Age Range of ages recorded in this site
Coordinates Geographic coordinates of the locality

?† – extinct species possibly occurred there

†? – possibly extinct species


Name Alternative names Fauna Elevation Age Coordinates Map
Ambararata[1][2][3] Ambararata-Mahabo[1] Lemurs:Archaeolemur majori, †Megaladapis madagascariensis, †Pachylemur insignis[1] 20°42′S, 44°53′E[1][2][3]
Ambatomainty Nesomyines:Brachytarsomys mahajambaensis,[4]Nesomys narindaensis[5] 15°36′S 46°37′E[6]
*estimate - Google Earth*
Ambolisatra Andolonomby,[7] Amboulitsate,[8] Amboulisatse[7]

Turtles: Testudo grandidieri, Astrochelys radiata[9] Geochelone abrupta[7]
Crocodiles:Voay robustus[9]
Birds:Aepyornis ingens, †Aepyornis maximus, †Centrornis sp.[9]
Bibymalagasy:Plesiorycteropus madagascariensis, †Plesiorycteropus sp.[10]
Tenrecs: Tenrec ecaudatus[9]
Euplerids: Cryptoprocta ferox[9]
Hippopotamuses: Hippopotamus sp.[7]
Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Archaeolemur edwardsi, †Megaladapis edwardsi, †Megaladapis madagascariensis, †Pachylemur insignis[1]
Introduced mammals: Canis lupus, Bos taurus[9]

2[7] 4965–1720 BP[7] 23°04'S, 43°45'E[7]
Ambongonambakoa Nesomyines:Nesomys narindaensis[5]
Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus kelyus[1]
15°31'S, 46°41'E[6]
*estimate - Google Earth*
Ampamalora Birds:Aepyornis sp.[7] 1970 BP[7] 25°04'S, 46°00'E
Ampanihy[1][3] Lemurs:Megaladapis edwardsi[1] 24°42′S, 44°44′E[1][3]
Amparihingidro[1][2][3] Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus kelyus, †Archaeolemur edwardsi, †Megaladapis madagascariensis, †Pachylemur insignis[1] 15°41′S, 46°22′E[1][2][3]
Ampasambazimba Itasy[11] Birds: Alopochon sirabensis,[11] †?Aquila large sp.,[12] †?Aquila small sp.,[13] Stephanoaetus mahery[14]

Bibymalagasy: ?†Plesiorycteropus germainepetterae, †Plesiorycteropus madagascariensis, †Plesiorycteropus sp.[10]
Euplerids: Cryptoprocta ferox[15]
Lemurs:Archaeoindris fontoynontii, †Mesopropithecus pithecoides, †Megaladapis grandidieri[11], †Palaeopropithecus maximus, †Archaeolemur majori, †Archaeolemur edwardsi, †Hadropithecus stenognathus, †Pachylemur jullyi[1]

1200[11] 8245–22550 BP[11] 18°54'S, 46°44'E (18 39 S, 46 01 E according to GR242 - where does this come from?)
Ampotaka[1][2][3] 25°28′S, 45°08′E[1][2][3]
*estimate - Google Earth*

no good options
Ampoza Village Ampoza[10], Ampoza-Ankazoabo[1][3] Turtles:Geochelone abrupta[16]
Birds:Vanellus madagascariensis[17]
Bibymalagasy:Plesiorycteropus sp.[10]
Hippopotamuses:Hippopotamus lemerlei, †Hippopotamus sp.[16]
Nesomyines: Hypogeomys antimena[18]
Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Palaeopropithecus kelyus, †Archaeolemur majori, †Archaeolemur edwardsi, †Megaladapis edwardsi, †Megaladapis madagascariensis, †Pachylemur insignis[1]
570[11] 2760–1350 BP[19] 22°19'S, 44°44'E[11]
Anakao Birds:Aepyornis sp.[16] 3960–2375 BP[16] 23°39'S, 43°39'E[16]
Anavoha Beloha Anavoha[10], (Anavaho?) Bibymalagasy:Plesiorycteropus sp.[10]
Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Mesopropithecus globiceps, †Archaeolemur majori, †Hadropithecus stenognathus, †Megaladapis edwardsi, †Megaladapis madagascariensis, †Pachylemur insignis, †Daubentonia robusta[1]
1954 BP[16] 25°16′S, 44°39′E[1][2][3]
Andrafiabe Lemurs: Prolemur simus, †Megaladapis sp.[16] 12760–4560 BP[16] 12°31′S 49°24′E
several options
Andrahomana Anurans: Laliostoma labrosum, Ptychadena mascareniensis, Scaphiophryne sp.

Turtles: Pelomedusa subrufa, Dipsochelys sp., Astrochelys radiata
Squamates: Furcifer cf. verrucosus, Paroedura sp., Zonosaurus cf. trilineatus, Acrantophis sp., Leioheterodon sp.
Crocodiles: Crocodylus niloticus, †Voay robustus
Birds:Aepyornis sp., †Mullerornis sp., Centrornis sp., †?Puffinus sp., Falco newtoni, Accipiter francesii, Gallus gallus, Numida meleagris, Turnix nigricollis, Gallinula chloropus, Streptopelia picturata, Fulica cristata, Coracopsis vasa, Coua cursor, Coua cristata, Coua cf. gigas, †Coua sp., Tyto alba, Otus rutilus, Apus sp., Upupa marginata, Mirafra hova, Nesillas cf. lantzii, Thamnornis chloropetoides, cf. Terpsiphone mutata, Zosterops maderaspatana, Vanga curvirostris, Leptopterus viridis, Cyanolanius madagascarinus, Corvus albus, Ploceus sakalava, Foudia madagascariensis[20]
Tenrecs: Geogale aurita, Microgale brevicaudata, Microgale longicaudata, †Microgale macpheei, Microgale nasoloi, Microgale principula, Microgale pusilla, Echinops telfairi, Setifer setosus, Tenrec ecaudatus
Bats: Pteropus rufus, Eidolon dupreanum, Rousettus madagascariensis, Hipposideros commersoni, Paratriaenops furculus, Miniopterus gleni, Mormopterus jugularis, Mops leucostigma
Hippopotamuses:Hippopotamus lemerlei
Euplerids: Fossa fossana, †Cryptoprocta spelea,
Nesomyines: Eliurus myoxinus, Eliurus sp., Hypogeomys australis, Macrotarsomys bastardi, Macrotarsomys petteri[21]
Lemurs: Microcebus sp., Cheirogaleus medius, Lemur catta, †Pachylemur insignis, Propithecus verreauxi, Avahi laniger, †Archaeolemur majori, †Archaeolemur edwardsi, †Hadropithecus stenognathus, †Megaladapis edwardsi, †Megaladapis madagascariensis[21][1]
Introduced mammals: Suncus madagascariensis, Bos indicus, Canis lupus, Mus musculus, Rattus sp.[21]

10[16] 6724–1536 BP[16] 25°12'S, 46°38'E[22]
Andranovato[1][2][3] Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Megaladapis edwardsi[1] 22°55′S, 43°30′E[1][2][3]
*estimate - Google Earth*

Anjajavy[2] 15°02′S, 47°14′E[2]
Anjohibe OLD SE Tsinjomitondraka, grottes d'Andranoboka[23] Bats: Eidolon dupreanum, Hipposideros cf. commersoni, †Triaenops goodmani, Triaenops sp.[24] ≤10 ka[25] 15°32′S, 46°53′E[1][2][3]
TW-10 Bats:Hipposideros besaoka[26] ≤10 ka[25]
NCC-1 Bats: Hipposideros commersoni, Triaenops sp., Rousettus cf. madagascariensis[27] 87–70 ka[28]
SS2 Bats: Hipposideros cf. commersoni, Rousettus madagascariensis, Myotis goudoti[29] Unknown[28]
Unspecified Birds: Buteo brachypterus, Falco newtoni, Coturnix sp., Numida meleagris, Turnix nigricollis, Coracopsis vasa, Tyto alba, Otus rutilus, Merops superciliosus, Hypsipetes madagascariensis, Foudia madagascariensis[30]

Bibymalagasy:Plesiorycteropus madagascariensis, †Plesiorycteropus sp.[10]
Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus kelyus, †Babakotia radofilai, †Archaeolemur edwardsi, †Megaladapis madagascariensis[1]

Anjohikely[1] Lemurs:Archaeolemur edwardsi[1] 15°35′S, 46°49′E[1]
*estimate - Google Earth*
Ankarana Euplerids: Cryptoprocta ferox, †Cryptoprocta spelea[15]
Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus maximus, †Babakotia radofilai, †Mesopropithecus dolichobrachion, †Archaeolemur majori, †Archaeolemur edwardsi, †Megaladapis madagascariensis, †Pachylemur jullyi[1]
13°5′S, 48°55′E[1][2][3]
Ankazoabo (Ankazoabo-Grotte?)[1] Euplerids:Cryptoprocta spelea[15]
Nesomyines: Hypogeomys antimena[31], Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Mesopropithecus globiceps, †Archaeolemur majori[1]
24°34'S, 43°55'E[31]
Ankevo Ankavo[32] Bibymalagasy: ?†Plesiorycteropus sp.[10] 20°36'S, 44°07'E

Tenrecs: Tenrec ecaudatus, Setifer setosus, Echinops telfairi, Geogale aurita, Microgale brevicaudata, Microgale nasoloi, Microgale cf. majori[33] Bats: Miniopterus gleni, Otomops madagascariensis, Mormopterus jugularis[33] Carnivores: Cryptoprocta ferox, Galidia elegans, Galidictis grandidieri, Mungotictis decemlineata[33] Hippopotamuses:Hippopotamus sp.[33] Nesomyines: Hypogeomys antimena, Macrotarsomys bastardi, Macrotarsomys petteri, Eliurus myoxinus, Eliurus sp. Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Archaeolemur majori, †Megaladapis madagascariensis,[1]Daubentonia robusta, †Pachylemur sp., Microcebus griseorufus, Microcebus murinus, Lepilemur leucopus, Lemur catta, Eulemur rufus, Propithecus verreauxi[33]
Introduced mammals: Mus musculus, Rattus rattus[33]

23°28′S, 44°32′E[1][3]
Ankomaka[1] Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Megaladapis edwardsi[1] 23°32′S, 43°55′E[1]
*estimate - Google Earth*
Antanimbaribe[1][2][3] 20°32′S, 45°43′E

not 100% certain - coordinates may be east of location shown on source maps
Antsingiavo Antsingiavo-A & Antsingiavo-B[34][6] Nesomyines:Brachytarsomys mahajambaensis,[4]Nesomys narindaensis[5]
Lemurs:Archaeolemur sp.[34]
15°06'S, 47°12'E
*estimate - Google Earth*
Antsirabe Sirabe, Sirabé,[32] marshes of Sirabé[10] Crocodiles:Voay robustus[35]

Birds:Aepyornis hildebrandti, †Aepyornis mulleri, †Mullerornis agilis, †Centrornis majori, †Alopochen sirabensis, Anas erythrorhyncha, Anas melleri, †Hovacrex roberti, Ardea intermedia, cf. "Platalea tenuirostris", "Astur sp.", "Plotus nanus" (a Mauritian species, but apparently based on misidentified cormorant material, according to Darter)[36] (M. betsilei according to Brodkorb, 1963, p. 206)
Bibymalagasy:Plesiorycteropus madagascariensis, †Plesiorycteropus sp.[10]
Euplerids: Cryptoprocta ferox, †Cryptoprocta spelea[15]
Nesomyines: Hypogeomys australis[18]
Lemurs:Megaladapis grandidieri, †Pachylemur jullyi[1]

19°51'S, 47°02'E[18]
Antsiranana[3] Diégo-Suarez[3] 12°16′S, 49°17′E[3]
Belo Belo-sur-Mer[1][32] Invertebrates: Cardisoma carnifex[37]

Birds:Coua primaeva[37]
Bibymalagasy:Plesiorycteropus madagascariensis[10]
Euplerids: Cryptoprocta ferox, †Cryptoprocta spelea[15]
Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Mesopropithecus globiceps, †Archaeolemur majori, †Archaeolemur edwardsi, †Hadropithecus stenognathus, †Megaladapis madagascariensis, †Pachylemur insignis[1] |

20°44′S, 44°0′E[1][2][3]
Belobaka Nesomyines:Brachytarsomys mahajambaensis[4]
Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus kelyus[1]
15°41′S, 46°25′E[1][6]
Beloha Euplerids: Cryptoprocta ferox, †Cryptoprocta spelea[15]
Nesomyines: Hypogeomys australis[38]
25°10'S, 45°03'E[38]
Bemafandry Bibymalagasy:Plesiorycteropus sp.[10]
Euplerids:Cryptoprocta spelea[15]
Lemurs:Archaeolemur majori, †Megaladapis madagascariensis, †Pachylemur insignis[1]
25°6′S, 44°16′E[1][2][3]
(3 clustered sites on source map)
18°44′S, 44°47′E[1]
*Google Earth*
Bemavo[1][2][3] 21°37′S, 45°23′E
Betioky Euplerids:Cryptoprocta spelea[15] 24°36′S, 44°45′E several options
Bevoalavao-Ouest[1][3] Bevoalavo-Ouest[2] 24°59′S, 44°16′E[1][2][3]
*estimate - Google Earth*

coordinates appear to be here, but won't load
Bevoha Beavoha[1] Euplerids: Cryptoprocta ferox, †Cryptoprocta spelea[15]
Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Archaeolemur majori, †Megaladapis edwardsi, †Megaladapis madagascariensis[1]
24°40′S, 44°46′E[1][2][3]
Bungo Tsimanindroa[1] Lemurs:Archaeolemur majori[1] 15°03′S, 47°18′E[1]
*estimate - Google Earth*
Cape Sainte-Marie Birds:Aepyornis medius[8]
Gouffre de Tolikisy[1] 23°49′S, 44°03′E[1]
*estimate - Google Earth*
Itampolo[1][2][3] 24°41′S, 43°57′E
Itampolobe[1][3] Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Archaeolemur majori, †Megaladapis edwardsi, †Megaladapis madagascariensis[1] 22°14′S, 43°15′E[1][3]
*estimate - Google Earth*
Itampulu Vé Itampolo, Itampolobe? Birds:Aepyornis maximus[8]
Lakaton'ny akanga Euplerids:Cryptoprocta spelea[15] "in the far north near Antsiranana"[39] **unknown**
Lamboharana[1][3] Lambohorano[2] Birds:Aepyornis maximus,[8] Vanellus madagascariensis,[17] †?Aquila small sp.[13]
Lemurs:Archaeolemur majori, †Megaladapis edwardsi, †Pachylemur insignis, †Daubentonia robusta[1]
3495–1220 BP[13] 22°11′S, 43°14′E[1][2][3]
*estimate - Google Earth*
Lelia Euplerids: Cryptoprocta ferox[15] 24°34′S, 43°58′E
Manombo Manombo-Toliara[1] Euplerids: Cryptoprocta ferox, †Cryptoprocta spelea[15] "Excavations in the southwestern Madagascar date back at least to the White/Ramamonjy expedition to Manombo in 1929"[2], suggests "Manombo-Toliara"
one of these choices
However, I suspect it is close to the city of Toliara
Masikoro Machicora[8] Birds:' Aepyornis maximus[8]
Masinandraina Masinandreina,[10] Masinandriana[3] Bibymalagasy:Plesiorycteropus sp.[10]
Lemurs:Archaeolemur edwardsi[1]
19°59′S, 47°34′E[1][3]
Mitoho Birds: †?Aquila large sp.[12]
Nesomyines: Hypogeomys antimena[31]
24°03'S, 43°45'E[31] (edge of Lac Tsimanampetsotsa, SW Mad.)[12]
Morarano[1][2][3] Morarano-Betafo, Betafo[1] Lemurs:Archaeolemur edwardsi, †Megaladapis grandidieri, †Pachylemur jullyi[1] Morarano: 19°59′S, 46°59′E
*estimate - Google Earth*


Betafo: 19°50′S, 46°51′E[1][2][3]
Mouroundava "southwest coast near Mouroundava" Birds:Aepyornis maximus,[8]Mullerornis agilis[40] Also (B206) M. rudis from "west coast between Bélo and Mouroundava" and (B207) A. maximus there. See Andrews 1894. Also probably A. medius (ME & Grand)
Mt. des Français[1]
(same as Andrafiabe?)
Lemurs:Megaladapis madagascariensis[1] 12°31′S, 49°19′E[1]
*estimate - Google Earth*
Sambaina[1][2][3] Lemurs:Archaeolemur edwardsi[1] 18°54′S, 47°47′E[1][2][3]
Sirave Tsiravé,[15][3] Tsirave,[10][1][2] Tsirave Beroroha[10] Bibymalagasy:Plesiorycteropus sp.[10]
Euplerids: Cryptoprocta ferox[15]
Nesomyines: Hypogeomys antimena[18]
Lemurs:Mesopropithecus globiceps, †Archaeolemur majori, †Hadropithecus stenognathus, †Megaladapis madagascariensis, †Pachylemur insignis, †Daubentonia robusta[1]
21°50'S, 45°07'E[18]
Taolambiby[1][2][3] Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Mesopropithecus globiceps, †Archaeolemur majori, †Megaladapis edwardsi, †Megaladapis madagascariensis, †Pachylemur insignis[1] 23°38′S, 44°34′E[1][2][3]
*estimate - Google Earth*
Tsiandroina Euplerids:Cryptoprocta spelea[15]
Lemurs:Palaeopropithecus ingens, †Mesopropithecus globiceps, †Archaeolemur majori, †Megaladapis edwardsi, †Megaladapis madagascariensis, †Pachylemur insignis[1]
24°34′S, 44°06′E[1][3]
*estimate - Google Earth*



Elephant bird nomenclature after Brodkorb (1963):

  • Mullerornis (type M. betsilei) = Flacourtia (type M. rudis)
    • M. betsilei (Antsirabé)
    • M. agilis (near Mouroundava)
    • M. rudis (betw. B & M)
  • Aepyornis (type A. maximus) = Aepiornis, Epiornis, Epyornis
    • A. maximus = A. modestus = A. titan = A. ingens (Ambolisatra, Masikoro, Mouroundava, betw. B & M, Itampulu Vé, Lamboharana)
    • A. medius = A. grandidieri = A. cursor = A. lentus (Cape Sainte-Marie; prob. betw. Bélo & Mouroundava)
    • A. hildebrandti = A. mulleri (Antsirabe)
    • A. gracilis (apparently no precise localities)


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch Godfrey et al., 2010, table 21.1 (in press)
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad Mittermeier et al., 2006, p. 41
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao Godfrey et al., 1997, p. 221
  4. ^ a b c Mein et al., 2010, p. 103
  5. ^ a b c Mein et al., 2010, p. 104
  6. ^ a b c d Mein et al., 2010, Figure 1
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i Burney et al., 2004, p. 43
  8. ^ a b c d e f g Brodkorb, 1963, p. 207
  9. ^ a b c d e f Grandidier, 1900
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q MacPhee, 1994, table 1
  11. ^ a b c d e f g Burney et al., 2004, p. 44
  12. ^ a b c Goodman and Rakotozafy, 1995, p. 242
  13. ^ a b c Goodman and Rakotozafy, 1995, p. 243
  14. ^ Goodman, 1994, p. 422
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Goodman et al., 2004, table 3
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Burney et al., 2004, p. 45
  17. ^ a b Goodman, 1996
  18. ^ a b c d e Goodman and Rakotondravony, 1996, p. 286
  19. ^ Burney et al., 2004, pp. 44–45
  20. ^ Mlikovský, 2006; Burney et al., 2008, table 2
  21. ^ a b c Burney et al., 2008, table 2
  22. ^ Burney et al., 2008, p. 14
  23. ^ Samonds, 2007, p. 40
  24. ^ Samonds, 2007, pp. 41–49
  25. ^ a b Samonds, 2007, p. 42
  26. ^ Samonds, 2007, pp. 49–53
  27. ^ Samonds, 2007, pp. 54–58
  28. ^ a b Samonds, 2007, p. 43
  29. ^ Samonds, 2007, pp. 58–61
  30. ^ Goodman and Ravovy, 1996, table 1
  31. ^ a b c d Goodman and Rakotondravony, 1996, p. 284
  32. ^ a b c MacPhee, 1994, p. 11
  33. ^ a b c d e f Muldoon et al., 2008
  34. ^ a b Orlando, L.; Calvignac, S.; Schnebelen, C.; Douady, C.J.; Godfrey, L.R.; Hänni, C. (2008). "DNA from extinct giant lemurs links archaeolemurids to extant indriids". BMC Evolutionary Biology 8 (121). doi:10.1186/1471-2148-8-121
  35. ^ Brochu, 2007, p. 840
  36. ^ Andrews, 1897
  37. ^ a b Milne-Edwards and Grandidier, 1895, p. 11
  38. ^ a b Goodman and Rakotondravony, 1996, p. 285
  39. ^ Goodman et al., 2004, p. 140
  40. ^ Brodkorb, 1963, p. 206

Literature cited


To look at:

  • Brodkorb, P. 1965. New taxa of fossil birds. Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences 28:197–198. (should have something on Antsirabe)
  • Goodman, S.M. 1994a. The enigma of antipredator behavior in lemurs: evidence of a large extinct eagle on Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 15:129–134.
  • Goodman, S.M. 1994b. Description of a new species of subfossil eagle from Madagascar: Stephanoaetus (Aves: Falconiformes) from the deposits of Ampasambazimba. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 107:421–428.
  • Goodman, S.M. and Ravoavy, F. 1993. Identification of bird subfossils from cave surface deposits at Anjohibe, Madagascar, with a description of a new giant Coua (Cuculidae: Couinae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 106:24–33.
  • Howard, H. 1964. Fossil Anseriformes. Pp. 233–326 in Scott, P. (ed.). The waterfowl of the world. Volume 4. London: Coutry Life.
  • Olson, S.L. 1977. A synopsis of the fossil Rallidae. Pp. 339–373 in Ripley, S.D. (ed.). Rails of the world. Boston: David R. Godine.