User:Two hundred percent/Dirtbox/Lingam video tape controvesy

The Lingam video controvesy is a scandal in Malaysia that began on ... after a video purpotadly depicting lawyer VK Lingam

Precedences edit

Video edit

On September 19, 2007, Malaysiakini published an article reporting the release of a 8 minute 25 second long video, depicting

Response edit

Opposition parties edit

Government edit

The initial reaction of the Malaysian government to the video centered primarily around the authenticity of the video

On September 25, an independent panel to investigate the video was announced to have been set up, consisting of three members: former Chief Judge of Malaya Tan Sri Haidar Mohd Noor who is leading the panel, and National Service Council chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye and former Court of Appeal Judge Datuk Mahadev Shankar. Their findings would be made public later in an unspecified time.

Independent panel to probe lawyer video V.P. SUJATHA September 25, 2007 MYT 7:32:43 PM

Bar Council edit

Spurred earlier by Ahmad Fairuz's comment to replace the English Common Law in August 2007, the

External links edit