Reminder: This page is under construction!

I'm in my third year of college at Penn State Altoona studying English and Criminal Justice. While I understand they're pretty different majors, they do go hand in hand with each other. English helps you write, which is great since CJ has a lot of paperwork, while CJ has a lot of different things that can inspire you to write creatively or for fact based papers.



My favotire author has to be Charlie Huston. I could honestly read anything that guy writes. My favorite book of all time is definately Dracula by Bram Stoker, and I mostly like dark, gothic, or crime books. But I read other things too. My favorite movies are The Crow, Batman Begins, Ghost Rider, and a bunch of others. I love 90's cartoons, TV shows, music, and pop culture. Honestly, I'm probably overly obsessed with the 90's so I guess the 90's is my favorite decade.



In my spare time I like to write (fiction), read, watch TV or movies, play video games, work out, and research things. I spend the most time researching the 90's, Criminal Justice stuff, books, movies, and TV/Cartoons. I honestly have a ton of random facts in my head which comes out in my personality.



So far I haven't created any pages from scratch except for The Pizza Head Show and Dreams pages, but they've been added to and fixed since my base stuff. I've also edited them since I created them. Most of the time I just go through and fix a fact or grammar mistake. Recently I also touched up Charlie Huston's site since it had an awkward flow to it and was missing some dates. Hopefully I'll be able to add more in the future.
