I am a user on en Wikipedia.

At present, I live in Sydney, New South Wales, and started contributing to Wikipedia at the end of October of 2006. For a long time I have been reluctant in creating a user page, given negative edits have been made to many others. Nevertheless, articles that I take an interest to, I have attempted make a contribution, hence my user name: Try0yrt, an anagram of sorts. Like many others, most of my uploaded images have been left on the wayside, orphaned, then predictably deleted. Most images that I uploaded earlier either (in 2007) did not include a fair use rationale or were removed for some other reason so were removed from context and deleted.

I have contributed in creating a number of track listing of various music artists and bands - rudimentary stubs, given the large number of albums I have collected over the last few years.

Over a number of years, I have watched some B&W movies, and have captured and added frames accordingly to articles within Wikipedia so others might be able to see how much improvisation were made in its infancy years as opposed to how extensive technology is used in tv / films today. I have also captured frames from tv from various programs to be viewed as reference.

I haven't edited much over the years, however I have seen from other user's pages that there is a way to check your stats. Another way to view what other wiki sites of the Wikimedia Foundation that you may be on, can be found here.

I can't say that I fit into any category such as being a wikignome or wikiogre. The last I checked I seem to fit more the wikidragon user description.

I have also scanned a number of images from my music collection, on a number of light music composers for an internet user's perusal.

Whether it is being hateful, friendly, imposing, agreeable, or (insert your descriptive adverb here) it's likely I'll hear from others or you soon.