Out of 9667 infobox journals, 1 have an empty abbreviation parameter, 9329 have the same as guessed by the bot, 337 have something different. (0 have no computed abbreviation)

The first 50 mismatches:

page title infobox title infobox abbrv bot guess validate lang matching LTWA patterns
Akropolis: Journal of Hellenic Studies Akropolis [Edit]

Akropolis [Edit]

Akrop.: J. Hell. Stud. [Create]

Akrop: J Hell Stud [Create]

Verify all
-polis	-p.	mul
journal	j.	fre, eng
hellen-	hell.	gre
helléni-	hell.	fre
Studie	Stud.	dut
studi	n.a.	ind
studi-	stud.	ind, nor
studies	stud.	eng
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (journal) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Antonie van Leeuwenhoek [Edit]

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek [Edit]

Antonie Leeuwenhoek [Edit]

Antonie Leeuwenhoek [Edit]

Verify all
Antonie	n.a.	mul,ext
-ton	-t.	eng
Carnets Geol. Carnets Geol. [Edit]

Carnets Geol [Edit]

Carnets Geol, [Create]

Carnets Geol, [Create]

Verify all
carnet	n.a.	fre
Chemistry: A European Journal Chem. Eur. J. [Edit]

Chem Eur J [Edit]

Chem.: Eur. J. [Edit]

Chem: Eur J [Edit]

Verify all
chemist-	chem.	eng
europ-	eur.	mul
journal	j.	fre, eng
Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B [Edit]

Chin Ann Math Ser B [Edit]

Chin. Ann. Math. B [Edit]

Chin Ann Math B [Edit]

Verify all
Chinese	Chin.	eng
annal-	ann.	eng, fre
mathemat-	math.	fre, eng
serie	ser.	mul
series	ser.	eng
série-	sér.	fre
EMBnet EMBnet.journal EMBnet.journal [Edit]

EMBnetjournal [Edit]

EMBnet.j. [Create]

EMBnetj [Create]

Verify all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Fondation Louis-de-Broglie Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie Ann. Fond. Louis de Broglie [Edit]

Ann Fond Louis de Broglie [Edit]

Ann. Fond. Louis Broglie [Edit]

Ann Fond Louis Broglie [Edit]

Verify all
annal-	ann.	eng, fre
fondation-	fond.	fre
Humana.Mente Humana.Mente [Edit]

HumanaMente [Edit]

Hum..Mente [Create]

HumMente [Create]

Verify all
human	hum.	eng, hun
mente	n.a.	spa
Johnson Matthey Technology Review Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev. [Edit]

Johnson Matthey Technol Rev [Edit]

Johns. Matthey Technol. Rev. [Edit]

Johns Matthey Technol Rev [Edit]

Verify all
Johnson	Johns.	eng
technolog-	technol.	mul
review-	rev.	eng
Journal of Xenobiotics J. Xenobiot. [Edit]

J Xenobiot [Edit]

J. Xenobiotics [Create]

J Xenobiotics [Create]

Verify all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods [Edit]

Limnol Oceanogr Methods [Edit]

Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods [Create]

Limnol Oceanogr: Methods [Create]

Verify all
limnolog-	limnol.	mul, hun
oceanograph-	oceanogr.	fre, eng
océan-	ocean.	fre, mul
-graph-	-gr.	eng
method	n.a.	eng
Novel: A Forum on Fiction Novel [Edit]

Novel [Edit]

Nov.: Forum Fict. [Create]

Nov: Forum Fict [Create]

Verify all
novel-	nov.	eng
forum	n.a.	lat, fre, eng
ficti-	fict.	fre
Questions: Philosophy for Young People Questions [Edit]

Questions [Edit]

Quest.: Philos. Young People [Create]

Quest: Philos Young People [Create]

Verify all
question-	quest.	fre, eng
philosoph-	philos.	mul
young-	n.a.	eng
people	n.a.	eng
The Critical Review (Chinese journal) [[{{native name{{!}}zh{{!}}学衡{{!}}italics=off}}]] Xueheng [Edit]

Xueheng [Edit]

{{native name{{!}}zh{{!}}学衡{{!}}ital.=off} [Create]

{{native name{{!}}zh{{!}}学衡{{!}}ital=off} [Create]



itali-	ital.	ita, fre
Topic: The Washington & Jefferson College Review Topic [Edit]

Topic [Edit]

Top.: Wash. Jefferson Coll. Rev. [Create]

Top: Wash Jefferson Coll Rev [Create]

Verify all
topic-	top.	eng
Washington	Wash.	eng
-ton	-t.	eng
Colleg	Coll.	ger
college-	coll.	fre, eng
review-	rev.	eng
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – Crystalline Materials Z. Kristallogr. Cryst. Mater. [Edit]

Z Kristallogr Cryst Mater [Edit]

Z. Krist. – Cryst. Mater. [Create]

Z Krist – Cryst Mater [Create]

Verify all
Zeitschrift-	Z.	ger
kristall-	krist.	rus, ger
-graph-	-gr.	eng
crystalli-	cryst.	eng
materia-	mater.	spa, lav, ita
material-	mater.	slo, lit
materials	mater.	eng
matéri-	matér.	fre
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – New Crystal Structures Z. Kristallogr. NCS [Edit]

Z Kristallogr NCS [Edit]

Z. Krist. – New Cryst. Struct. [Create]

Z Krist – New Cryst Struct [Create]

Verify all
Zeitschrift-	Z.	ger
kristall-	krist.	rus, ger
-graph-	-gr.	eng
crystal	cryst.	eng
structur-	struct.	eng, fre