Used by Sri Lankan batsman Tillakaratne Mudiyanselage [TM] Dilshan where the batsman goes on one knee and scoops the fuller length ball right over his and the wicket keeper's heads with the intention of hitting a 4 or 6. Became internationally famous during the ICC World Twenty20 in England during June 2009. The Dilscoop travels straight and should be contrasted with the Paddle Scoop which travels towards fine leg. The term Dilscoop was coined by Sri Lankan - Canadian lawyer Mahendra Mapagunaratne who also coined the term Carrom Ball.

THE TIMES [UK] http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/cricket/article6489070.ece

HINDUSTAN TIMES [India] http://www.hindustantimes.com/Cricket/T20WorldCup/StoryPage.aspx?id=3a0e79a9-d14a-43f3-8b5a-6e7461a3a2fd&category=Chunk-HT-UI-ICCWorldTwenty20SectionPage-LatestNews

THE NATION [Sri Lanka] http://www.nation.lk/2009/06/14/sports2.htm

THE NATION [Sri Lanka] http://www.nation.lk/2009/06/14/sports4.htm