User:The stuart/Class Notes/Recent American History (1945-1975)

world war 2 horrific global in scope 10s of millions died devistated europe vaccuum of power soviet union and us great impact as much as the great depression americans shaken but optimistic with out ambiguity beleived they had encountered evil rascism, emperialism defeated the greatest evil ever known bloody but rightous spared isolationist backlash after ww1 was alot of ambiguity violations of civil liberties imprisonment of germans and japanes compared to ww1 very little ethnic groups benifit socially and ecconomiclly rising level of exspectations blacks hoped that its struggle with evil would make it forget rascism Women tansformed the role of women not only excepted into to work froce but also lured matter of patriotism mass participation changed the way they thought

Atomic bomb hiroshima nagysaki creates the possibility of nuclear annilation, end of civilization in the short run we beleived that no other nation could create a bomb estimates were that it would take soviets 25 years to gather materials and technology

ww2 pulls us out of great depression FDR fundamentally fiscally conservative embrassed keynesian spending only in the emergency goverment subsidization of the private sector american industry out produced the axis powers 10 to 1 ended the depression the war also effected the ecconomy because it lead to massive corporations 250 million on war contracts only 100 countries received half war lead to consolidation GM, IBM, rich got rich but, poor got richer too downard redistribution 1941, all familys lived on less than 2000 during war incomes grew by 70% most of the new income went to the bottom 40% Labor unions grew dramaticlly during the war FDR thrown support behind the wagner act, 1935 government support to collective bargaining 1930s AFL joined by the CIO AFL had appealed to skilled, CIO semiskilled world labor board encouraged people to join unions unions doubled more of the workforce won rights associated with unions payed vacations, pensions, some health care the war lead to a massive growth in federal bueracracy government we know today is a product of WW2 war production board FDR declared an emergency which gave the federal government power over private sector allocated man power set quota millions of americans into the working class

isolationism had been fundamental to americans 1930s US dosn't have to become involved with WW2 Nazi agression and china America is safe within fortress america two seas are like moats turns out that modern techonlogy made them not moats but highways isolationists became interventionist if we can't hide, we can control

richest nation only creditor in the war WW2 had devistated most other countries but stimulated ours

Women during great depression women made some gain access to jobs, equal pay 1920s some progress popular culture and propaganda wanted women to return to the home and not compete with men Changed dramaticly with the coming of the war every able bodied male between 18-25 was drafted 6 million women had to enter the work force make ships, plans, and guns 1931 36 women employed in the shipping buisness, 1941 100 thousand before ww2, working female was single, young, and poor 72% of women who enter work force were married, and over 35 women participate significantly in the military befor it was only the nursing core, didn't pay, voluntary womens army core, marines, 1944 millions of american women serving in the aux service most in this country in clerical positions freeing up men for fighting women continue to make less money 65% of what a man makes at the same job

African Americans 2-3 million migrate to bigger city after civil war it is arguable which was worse slavery or sharecropping now they don't have to care about their well being after populism ran its coarse Jim Crowe was the rule during ww2 they flee to north to escape being exsploited and get jobs they still lived in crumbling ghettos but enjoyed phyisical freedom not known in the south black units, 60% more participation blacks who came back had exspectations had not gone abroad to fight fascism to come back and submit to it would be sadly disappointed white americans refused to make the connection between fascism and ratial equality

9:36 AM 8/26/2005

FDR does not live to see the end of WW2 only man to hold office more than 2 terms, 4 terms by fourth term, he is very sick contracted polio in 1921 stress of being president during great depression and WW2 Who the hell is Harry Truman

Harry Truman defines obscurity one of the most controversial of the 20th century born in Missouri on border of arkansas grew up on farm, went to highschool, workedin a bank part time in kansas city, then a family farm member of local army reserve, WWI unit goes national elected, sees alot of action in France retires honorabley as a major sells clothing with army buddy goes broke starts chain of failures goes into politics out of desperation

Pendergast political machine, corrupt, autocratic just as bad as the tweed gang in new york

Truman is elected to county judge, executie rather than legal position prosiding cheif of Kansas city serves intrests to constituients and loyal to machine without being corrupt 1934 runs for senate with machines support elected in the midst of new deal and depression, votes down the line for new deal white house holds him at arms length because of Pendergast little support even ffrom those that he supported next election, white house supports another candidate runs anyway, and wins against republican and white house supported democrats

back in washington after war starts heads senate investigation commitee, Truman committee awarded billions watch dog, no favortism was its job wins him a cover story in Life

Roosevelt turns to truman for his obscurity as running mate was with Wallace, supporter of labor, and supported by conservative groups, was made secretary of commerce Roosevelt should have known he was choosing the next president

insiders scared of Truman, no college degree, small town machine politician personally he was overwhelmed and obssessed by his inatiquacies can do no nonsense administrator, saw things in primary colors, over simplifier equates international politics with machine politician loyalty to freinds replaced FDRs cabinet with his own freinds intempered statements in front of the press

Positive attributes personal integrity, assumed responsibility, dedicated to public intrest as he defined it good politician but no machivelian was a man of personal compassion, social and persoanl views very conservative, socially and ecconomically very liberal governemnt should care for those that can not care for themselves tough and resiliant not easily cave to foreign agressors or antireformers at home

rough time in history some of the lowest popularity ratings of any president

most rapid demiliterizations in American history demand that those who had served get out of service life and back into civilian life

Fear that there would be a return to the great depression possible huge ecconomic down turn New Deal had put in place safe gaurds to prevent ecconomic downturns service mans reajustment act of 1944, GI bill 13 billion to pay returning GIs unemployment, housing, education

1947 2 and a half million in college most returning GIs

ecconomic boom during the war people were forced to save money because there was nothing to buy wages were going up all of these savings were released on the ecconomy

returning service men made babies at a record breaking pace, baby boom late 1940s-50s, cult of families instead of 2 child 4 child family becomes the norm

Far more security concious memories of the great depression trials of war average young person college education would rather work for a corporation than start a buisness, not the boom and bust life of entrapenuer ironiclly during 1940s amazing technological advances, work of corporations automatic transmission, longplaying record, clothes dryer, disposal makers of kitchen appliances asked to standardize appliances everything was custom made before, additions had to be totally redone difference it made in average peoples lives was amazing

Massive housing shortage esitmated that 19% of all american families lived with other family usually parents been that way since 29, crash less than 100,000 units had been made, pop 100,000,000 people 56 dollars a week to by an average house, avg wage 46 a week truman named wilson wyatt to be housing directer, former mayor of louisville kentucky million a year minimum needed if families were to live he couldn't do anythin gabout the ecconomics have to put up as much as 50% to even get a mortgage and only 10 years to pay off federal housing and veterans admin start garunteeing houses set down guidelines so that veterans could put down as little as 10% and 30 years becomes standard 1947 returning veteran can get in a house for 56$ a month rather than week owning a home becomes not a remote dream, but a real reality, housing boom housing producing 1 1/2 million a year by products, suburbia

Suburbia crab grass frontier pioneer in suburbia, william levitt prefab houses for the navy during war 1946, buys 12,000 acres of treeless land long island new york, build 10,000 houses of detached family houses techniques used by ford crew semiskilled working in teams, like an assembly line houses built like this everywhere, Levett towns target of negative social critics lewis lumford, doing more to destroy the city than ww2, destroys rich ethnic culture of city life is uniformed in suburbia becomes a force and symbol of conformity people who lived there were middle to upper class socially mobile white protestant jews and cathlics

	taking taxes with them, inner cities become ratial ghettos

crumbling tennant houses racial keeps blacks and puerto ricans from moving into the city

There were great fears of inflation lots of pentup money and shortage of goods OPA is kept in place to continue rationing Private enterprise demands an end wants to return to supply and demand Republicans rail for it, claim they are facists one of the imeadiate problems facing the Truman admin

Organized labor AFI CIO felt had not benifited proportionally from WW2 1945-46 was treated to nation wide strikes RR, auto mobile, electric, Truman freind of org labor, but beleive that unions have a duty to be socially responsible esecially those who control big things, like RR apeal to them this way, mostly successful one Big Failure, labor managment dispute, mining industry John L Lewis Big Man good with rhetoric mining industry, toughest to organize those who org wagner act risked life and limb

9:33 AM 8/29/2005

Labor before unions got started, corps argued that unions were communistic and socialistic right to bargain with workers on an individual basis workers found this to be futile workers began banding together 1945 - Wagner act forces corps to recognize unions and to bargain with them labor grow exponentially AFL - unskilled labor CIO - skilled labor they merge beleived that workers had not benifited from the war 1946 - Lewis of the United Mine worker leads his miners out on strike want health care and insurance strike threatens to bring country to stand still bigger influence than natural gas or even petroleum would have take at least three months for stock piles to runout western europe had been devistated we were trying to rebuild europe their fuel had been destroyed no electricity in England for up to 12 hours a day Lewis knew this, gave him tremendous leverage Truman tried to get the two to agree, had no luck Federal Government takes over mines and sends in the army to start mining in order to avoid permanent gov take over the owners decide to negotiate, miners get 1.25 raise Railroads country ran on railroads in 1946 they go on strike Truman tries to negotiate, fails invokes wartime legislation, smith-conelly act, gives authority to order gov take over of any strike bound industry that threatened war effort many critics beleive he was violating the constitution supreme court finds it unconstitutional but this took time after thee weeks they were able to negotiate

these incidents lead to resentment of the unions and a conservative trend in politics

Inflation admin had kept the office of price admin even though the war was over set prices on every consumer good and rationed scarce good private industry wants this lifted and supply and demand to take over Truman beleived there would be a shortage legislation sunsets, congress refuses to reauthorize it within two weeks inflation increases 25%, congress reauthorizes the OPA Truman, ironicly, gets blamed for the inflation

post war period Americans had looked forward to a restful period political polarization, inflation, strikes depression had discredited the Republican party presidents had been Republican befor the depression isolation discredited these incidenses give them a foot up conservative coalition in the house/senate alliance between Rep, and southern Dems southern dems more conservative unions and race, more ideaologically more in common Robert Taft, Ohio, leader philosiphy apitamized conservativism states right narrow republican looked back ward when America was a stateless society when private intities existed never existed but this was the idea opposed to the welfare state less gov the better denounce intrusive gov ally of big buisness, cheif spokesmen for free enterprise

Corpate welfare government regulates ecconomy corpratism instead of capitalism big buisness will take all the help they can get subsidies, tax breaks, billions a year insuring they get this help object of big buisness is to eliminate competition monopoly its a scam that americans love to buy the weaker the more gullible the whole idea that the fed is hostile to big buisness is absurd no admin could last a day if it was George Will claim there is a huge ideological void Ellen Goodwin Race was the equivalant of gay marriage, stem cell the idea that one party is hostile to big buisness is a scam designed to create a distiction where there isn't one

Truman new dealer, wants to braoden and deepen it Fair Deal 1946 - program for exstending the benifits under social security, domestic workers increase in minimum wage, prior to new deal didn't exist, established during 1930s natl' health insurance, federally aided education federal aided education taft actually supported it south absolutely opposed, feared intergration by holding their money Tennsee valley authority damns hydro electric on tennesse river people didn't have water or electricty, very depressed private industry would never go there, no money but, violently opposed, feds going into competition with them great success Truman admin lost on virtually everyone of it annitiatives public housing act 1947 first federally financed slum clearance

Taft Hartley act most conservative peice of post war legislation most anti union legislation ever passed wanted to use public disaproval to break the unions back did a number of things prohibited the "closed shop" membership in union is required in unionized industry made it illeagal outlaws secondary boycott union not involved boycotts another unions that is on strikes industry Jurisdiction strikes sometimes two unions competed to represented the same workforce workforce becomes divided one would go on strike demanding that the industry represent it as the sole union cooling off period of 90 days on industries that most effect ecconomy unions most submit finacial statement yearly implying they are corrupt unions must submit afidavits that they are not members of the communist party impying that they are truman denouced the act, claiming that it would divide the country for a decade vetoed it, but congress promptly over rode veto it was passed but significantly modified later

National Security act - 1947 after the war, congress establishes commitee to investigate Pearl Harbor extreme conservatives beleived that FDR admin knew it was coming claimed that they wanted it to happen to stampede us into a war in europe we had broken japanese code, had radar for two weeks not exactly true committee reveiled that we were very poorly prepared internal fighting for resourcing created a department of defense made permanent the joint cheifs of staff was created during the war all of the branches of military are represented, chariman is presidents cheif military advisor did much to strengthen military Natl' secutiy council vice president, created the central intellegence agencyCIA was in intellegence agency prior to 1947 office of stretegic services American spy outfit during ww2 renamed it CIA after only supposed to gather info took on its covert operations by itself with aproval from the president created the modern defense/intellgene community that exists today overwhelmingly supported by congress cold war is growing, intense danger monopoly of the atomic bomb need to keep our stuff secret, and find out there stuff

9:41 AM 8/31/2005

bipartisan stuff gotten past congress during Truman presidential succession act before then if VP and P were both killed then the secratary of state would succeed them people saw this as profoundly undemocratic changed to speaker of the house twenty second amendment to the constitution 2 terms for the president slap in the face for FDR has done more for Dems than GOPs

Race Blacks exsperienced rising level of exspectations could earn a decent living for the first time served in the military encouraged them to hope for the better NAACP and CORE leading civil rights orgs at the time demonstrated at lunch counters staged protests to intergrate public facilities called for laws that would make it illeagal for buisnesses to discriminate in hiring ban practice of lynching south white power had maintained supremacy system of systematic institutionalised technics White primary, literacy, and poll tax ($2.00+) - keep blacks from voting south is a one party region, democrats literacy tests unevenly applied beleived that if blacks got political power, change would follow Truman is sympathetic to their plight 1946 - blue ribbon, presidential, panel on civil rights create a report called: "To Secure The Rights" called for federal intervention to end discrimination 1948 - asks congress to inact action to move forward with the report conservatives block any action filibuster 2/3 of the senate would have to aprove intergration of baseball Late 1940s since the 1890s and the coming of Jim Crowe, baseball had been segragated negro legue, teams owned by the same people who owned pro teams NAACP and CORE pushed for desegragation, seeing the importance in the public sports was Jackie Robinson son of sharecropper who had immigrated to California attended UCA, played sports earned commision in the army and fought segragation in the millitary during WW2 selected for his poise and toughness who ever did this must be able to endure ongoing abuse assigned to the dodgers, lead in hitting 1948 makes his debut with the dodgers because he was good, and could help the win, he was well received in New York on the road it was worse St. Louis Cardinals almost forfieted games but soon other teams began intergrating This country loves sports more than rasicism

communist whitch hunting ideolouges egged on by political opportunists pushed the idea that there was a communist anti democratic group trying to impose a socialistic welfare state on the people Republicans were particularly good at exsploiting these tendencys worked well to equate the New Deal with Communist most absurd idea ever most conservative nation in modern history after ww1 when socialism became a major political force in europe socialist party became exstict by 1948 communist and the threat of subversion became a compelling issue house of antiamerican activity created to defeat in 1930s Fascism switches to communisim Rankin and HUAC claimed there was a movement to destroy capitalism and democracy first target was Hollywood just looking at what was produced during WW2, it is easy to see they were not procommy but ther were communists in Hollywood, particularly in the screen actors guild actors, writers, director, screen writers ran by the big companies of the time ran hollywood like a sweat shop writers had no say as a result alot joined the communist party HUAC Aslo knew that by picking on hollywood they would get the most attention HUAC imposed the 5th amendment, Hollywood 10 the first the 10 ended up spending a year in jail for contempt of congress black list of directors, writers, and actors suspected of being communists forever forbiden from working in the US Smith Act made it a federal crime for any org to support the foreable overthrow of the goverment

in the end the communist party officials are indighted and convicted 1951 Dennis vs. US McCaran Act all members of the communist party must registrar with the government or $10,000 fine stated that there was an international conspiracy to overthrow the government Truman vetos the act, unamerican, congress over rides this was at a time when communists in europe were in a position where they could control the government

9:40 AM 9/2/2005

Liberal Republicans Herny Cabot Lodge thought about David Eisenhower then president of columbia on leave had never decided wether he was a democrat or repbulcian decide to go with Thomas Dewey, govenor of New York crime fighter, handsome, charismatic nominate him on the first ballot earl warren as the VP

Democrats splintering into three factions Henry Hagar Wallace mid 1940s best known liberal in America outspoken supporter of org labor advicate of civil rights, early freindship with the soviet union not a threat, devistated by WW2 compared to Britain and France, soviets enlightened and democratic breaks away and founds the Progressive party Truman fires him

Americans for Democratic Action

Democratic national convention wallace announces his new party, left wing of the party departs civil rights speach alienates southern wing of the party alabama and missisippi delegates get up and leave

disgruntled southern democrats meet in Burmingham create the states rights party "dixiecrats" by the press denouced immigration, denounced interference by the federal government nominate Thurmond and Wright their strategy was to screw the election up so bad that it had to go to the House, where they held power

Truman is nomintaed Truman is the only one who thinks he can win Firey exceptance speach no tolerance of the soviet union civil rights said that he was glad the repbulicans accepted his fair deal, special cession of congress lasted two weeks, did nothing, party is divided Truman campaigns against the "do nothing" repbulican congress, not dewey

dewey runs a dignified speaches narrowed down to four sentences agriculture is important, our rivers are full of fish, liberty is full of freedom, the future lies ahead reawakens memories of the great depression linking the GOP with that event

Truman wins 303 to 109 popular 24-22

Wallace and Thurmond both got a million votes, thurmond won 4 states

Truman midwesterner, captured midwestern vote Taft-Hartley bill veto, captured org labor civil rights stance, captured black vote

the win angered and frustrated the republicans lead to the republcians being taken over by hardline conservatives never run a "me too" campaign rabid anticommunist

	if Dewey had won american politics may have been more moderate 

foreign affairs, origins of the cold war most significant historical phenomenon of post WW2 americans emerge looking forward to a period of tranquility and peace disappointed totalitarian coalition as meanacing as the access powers

east west split since the founding of the USSR the relation ship between it and the US had been troubled US didn't even recognize it till much later profound mistrust becuase of difference in systems idealogy of anticommunism in 1940s, Soviet Union came to stand for everything evil profoundly undemocratic, one party state, associated it totalitarian, autocratic, communist soviet communism became interchangable as american associated with free, democratic, and capitalist

Soviet Union one party system satellites were occupied not free prices set, everything owned by government, no copetition outlawed religion, godless communism

United states free market, bill of rights, freedom of religion

soviet ideology just as anticapitalist as anticommunism Stalin buys into Marx's materialistic interpretation of history capitalism is seen as fundementally undemocratic elections determined by who has the most money foreign affairs controlled by stock market richest people control everything no accident that the great colonial empires were built during the heyday of capitalism

the two mirror each other product of the cold war as much as a cause function of geopolitical desicions as much as WW2

Hitler is as much to blame because it destroyed the nation state system and created a vacuum of power big three powers left churchill - old fashioned, balance of power the fait of the world would be determined by western europe because britain france and scandanavia had been so devistated US would have to come and protect them from communism Stalin - soviet emperialism and soviet defense security, two sides of the same coin since the founding of modern Russia ther ehad been a push to the east want to control the black sea to have a warm water port there was going to be a buffer zone so no one could come in and take over (napoleon, hitler) keep control of Balcans, parts of Finland, eatern 1/3 of poland, and Romania control these areas directly determined to have Gov freindly to the USSR communist dominated, completely under the control of the soviet

Holocaust Up till WW2, US isolationist profoundly noninterventionist 1778 - first military alliance 1942 - second military alliance avoided alliances with great powers no foreign aid power only temporarily became involved in foreign affairs only till the spring of 1945 did this change Allied troops began discovering death camps and mass graves good against evil, senseless slaughter, disembodied evil Americans began thinking of themselves in a different way fueled missionary impulse americans went to war because of Perl Harbor fighting to defend ourselves physically and ecconomicly only rumors of the final solutions no one really could conceive of the final solution being a reality no American president taking this contry to war has ever resisted equating the other regime with Hitler

9:39 AM 9/7/2005

Yalta late feb, 1945 Churchill, FDR, and Stalin talk about how to end the war, how to divide up the world Germany had not yet surrendered, Fighting still going on in the south pacific declaration of liberated Europe Germany is divided into four occupation zones soviets occupy eastern one third British, southwestern third US, nortwestrn zone French a small south western zone Berlin, huge city, 80 miles across divided into zones allied control council Republicans have always charged that the democrats sold out eastern Europe to the soviets if the occupation zones had been hammered out earlier, the west could have gotten a better deal war in the pacific going well by 1944, US had destroyed virtually all of the Japanese fleet had control of the air, except for kamakazi attacks last stages of the war were going to be horrendous Stalin agrees to enter the war within 90 days of Germanys surrender had a price, the Turil islands, southern half of Satihalin, Manchuria FDR admin is critisized for these provisions because the soviet union didn't play a part in the ending of the war

Potsdam confrence big three meet again FDR had died in march, US represented by Truman Churchill was defeated while at Potsdam, too conservative for post war UK elected a labor party, PM Attlee

Atomic bomb controversial Japan had already been defeated used to intimidate the soviets more than anything else it would have never been used against Germans (white) revenge for perl harbor

this is all hindsight

1942 a group of American scientist many of them European Oppenheimer Szlard came to FDR in 1942 told him that the Germans were trying to split the atom told him that the energy created by this could create a bomb so powerful that if they succeeded Hitler would rule the world FDR is convinced, authorizes crash nuclear program, code named Manhattan Project are able to split the atom in the lab, but still the atomic bomb is theoretical while the big three are meeting in Potsdam july 16, 1945 - detonate first atomic bomb, much larger than anything they had ever dreamed

Truman's three options for ending the war 1. convetional warfare spring 1945, marines had captured many of the Islad to prong invasion from the north and the south converging on Japan would still be a very difficult task 2 million men in the home Island, 1 million in manchuria 100,000 man casualty minimum 2. negotiation if only the Japanese were allowed to keep the institution of emporer they would surrendor Hirohito, emporer, figure head, had played no part in the war, but was the glue holding Japan together culturally Japan was suffering terribley, no air cover, US able to bomb cities at will wood and paper houses burning easily 1942, Churchill and FDR had signed a public pledge to fight till the axis was defeated 3. Shock dropping the bomb on Japan soon after FDR's death, Truman was informed of the Manhattan project Truman names stimson head of a secret committee, Interim Committee what possible weapons would come out of the project? how best to use them to end the war stimson consider a series of options 1. give the Japanese a demonstrations feared that the device might not work, or construed as a weakness. if the object was shock this would not work 2. select an industrial site and forewarn the Japanese Japanese could evacuate, beleived that they would herd POWs into the zone 3. must be dropped without warning

Truman gives the order to drop the bomb on an industrial zone when the weather permitted bomb is dropped on hirroshima from he Enola Gay, exsplodes a few hundred feet above the city 185,000 people die incenterates a three square mile area Soviets declare war on Japan and invade, Japan still does not surrender a second bomb is dropped on Hiroshima witht he same results finally the Japanese surrender

Critics say the use of the bomb was unecessary Truman says he never felt bad Japanese started the war If he had not used it and a 100,000 soldiers had died in an invasion and, the american people had found out that he had had the bomb and not used it, he would have been impeached

9:36 AM 9/9/2005

Soviets were obligated to hold elections in the areas they held pattern emerged set up a small coalition gov in each minister of the poilice was given to the communist one after another a conspiracy was discovered in each to over throw the gov lead by the opposing party, that party was then outlawed election was then held, and the communist party was the only one plebicite, yes or no vote

1946 - not would east europe be communist is was wether west would

Truman admin response to the communization of europe for a year tried to tempromize or compromize, soft line toward soviet europe if the US held up its commitments to the Yalta conference, they would to critisized for being soft inexsperienced didn't find out about the Yalta cards till after becoming president Byrnes - secretary of state masterful politician no more better at foreign affairs than truman US - bombarded with propaganda during the war kindly uncle Joe suddenly we have to think of him as the devil Admin begins to harden

Winston Churchill adress at westminster Iron Curtain Speech call to arms to for the west to defend itself from communism Iron Curtain behind which Stalin was destroing private property taking personal freedom goal of marxism, communism, and lenninism was world dommination against everything that the west stood for liberty, freedom, The United States and the bom is the only thing protecting us Alot of people though that he was a war monger Wallace but he had been a lone wolf against facism in the 30s

Truman gave his appoval by being there

Iran vital area then and now cross roads of asia and europe oilrich since begining of history it was always a cultural cross road soviets and british had occupied Iran to keep it out of fascist hands at potsdam big 3 decided 6 months after war occupied powers leave restore soviernty to the sha 6 months came, soviets wouldn't leave had established an indiginous communist party mast troops in Irans norther province, azerbijan was an azerbijan communist republic that bordered Iran soviets deliver an ultimatem independence for Azerbijan demand formation of Iranian Soviet oil company soviets own 51% Iranin government turn to the United States Truman orders 6th fleet to easter mediteranian secretly communiicates to the Krimlan that if it dosn't leave Iran they would attack Stalin backs down within a month the soviets had left Azerbijan first major crisis of the cold war Truman still afraid to go public with the threat

Henry Wallace - secretary of commerce, FDR him the position as a consolation for not being VP, like GWB being given presidentcy of the ACLU said the soviet union was weak in a speach east europe no more of intrest to them as south america was to us Truman asks for his resignation replaces him with George Marshall credited with being the architect of the powers over communism very unusually to name a millitary man the cheif diplomat Marshall was not an ambitious man, respected seperation of military respected Truman Truman gets high marks for this appointment

Acheson from new england corprate lawyer came into service through the new deal yough minded police maker staunchly anti communism

Kenan significant policy planning staff to make long range planning develope a strategy for americas role he was a criminologist 20s and 30s in the US embacy in moscow could speak and read Russian aritculates Americas response to Soviet domination annonymously published, article became known as the containment article, came to be known written by Kenan history asiatic strech into europe goes back to ancient times, Atilla the hun clothed in Marixsm Leninism we must step up and protect not through war, containment alliances, millitary preparedness strength, draw a line in the dirt contain till it collapses from its own inconsistantcies containment is still in our mindset not possible anymore Invasion of Iraq is Americas inabillity to escape our ideas of containment

Febuary 1947 british inform US they can't defend their intrests in the mediteranian can't afford to protect their bases, very significant area suiz canal since the 1800s had been their life line to asian holds since beginings of their power had no suggestions, just letting the Truman kno 2 hotspots 1. civil war in Greece since 1944 increasingly pit Greek monarchy against insurgency supplied by communists in ugoslavia, strategic importance of Greece is obvious 2. bosporus strait base Soviets want turks to build base since the time of peter the great Russia had been trying to build a base there if greek monarchy fell, soviets can get this area, influence would be great Truman goes to congress to help (4 million dollars) the Greek and Turkish government, major policy speach Truman Doctrine becuase of the US strategic place provide military and eccon aid to any where that was threatened by internal communist subversion/external communist threat by 1948-49 insurgency in greece largely defeated Turks with support from the US tell soviets no Truman critisized because turks were autocratic and greek reactionary monarchy let them become communist, one bad thing for another Truman said that as long as they are not communist

Europe 80% unemployed industrially fucked drought, terrible winter millions without electricity or water threat of starvation political extremists flourish strongest political parties in France and German, communist parties social security, employment, medical care, food, state take over all private enterprise, distribute by his or her need

George Marshall speach Marshall plan calls upon the nations of europe ban together form a program for ecconomic republic intergrated program ecconomic recovery

9:39 AM 9/12/2005

Marshall plan millions of people wandering the country side intense social insecurity truism, political extremism flourishes in souch enviroments

June 24, 1947 marshall delivers an adress "marshall plan" if the nations of europe come together develope an ecconomic plan for the continent US would fund it incluiding soviet satellites contrevesrsial public relations issues, propaganda, reep third world benifits beleived Kremlin would never allow it anyway soviets regect the offer, Molotov provides over meeting of foreign ministries, announces Molotov plan US pours 15 billion into Europe equivlant to 100 billion series of inter European payments union pays existing countrys currency between each other for a while becomes a one market free market

Marshall plans - ecconomic Truman doctrine - millitary first blocks of the theory of containment defend central and western europe

many europeans not satisfied France is still militarily weak still had troops in Eastern Europe what if Stalin attacked

north atlantic treaty organization (NATO) the US and atlantic boardering alliances if a country attacked them all the others would defend promise that US would protect them if there was a soviet Union invasion of Western Union Americans would fight and die Dwight Eisenhower comes out of retirement to be supreme commander, is president of cambrige first military alliance US has ever entered during peace time

Berlin Blocade Berlin is an island in devided Germany four power control over Berlin British, French, Soviet, American needs unanimous aproval from all Soviets veto everything Communist and non communist devide Berlin The Soviets afraid that the Americans would rearm West Germany unleash West on East Soviet occupation authority close access from the west, overland access All west traffic stops Stalin wanted to presure the US into excepting four power control over Berlin block all attempts to democratize germany Truman imeadiatly calls a special confrence lushus clay - commander of 10,000 men stationed in Berlin no interior lines of communication within the city Clay says cut off Truman afraid that this would cause the rest of Western Europe to loose hope must care for the 2 million people there wants to create an air bridge, drop supplies to Berlin Soviets harrass planes but do not attack becomes a perminant, 13 million tons of supply at a time at its hight west wins huge propoganda soviets call of blockade after a year

Republican asia firsters Americas destiny future of the world lies in Asia, not Europe Henry Luce, child of christian missionary in China, biggest Asia Firsters America had been intrigued with China huge nation, disorganized, ripe for ecconomic exspansion, and christian missionary work Myth of the huge China market started in the early 1800s Maternalistic attitude

shock when China fell to Communism in 1949 tramatic, lost the first and maybe greatest battle in the cold war seemed to strengthen the communist block Taft blamed the Democrats and Blamed Truman for the los Mccarthy says the country is riddled with spies others say it was weakness, and incompitance Now it seems that

Jiang Jieshi

9:39 AM 9/14/2005

Korea had never been a single country ruled by 3 kingdoms until 1905, over run by Japanese, turned into a colony

One of th pledges of the United States was to free Korea after World War 2

divided at 38th parallel US in the South, Soviets in the North, establishing puppet governments Communist dictatorship in the north pro wester dictatorship in the south Kim Il Sung and Syngman Rhee respectivley

Nation wide elections by UN, communist wouldn't allow it Soviet Union only recognized the North and US the south

neoisolationist revival modification of the old isolationism lead by asian firsters Robert Taft former president Hoover acknowledged far flung intrest America should never become involved in a war in Asia depend on baracaids, project influence from them, but make no millitary comitments to Asia

1950 mutual defense treaty with Japan

	Japanese constitution emerged out of Japan after the war 

strong and only defense of the island knew anyhting bigger would scare the other asians people were afraid of Japanese military rebuild up more than willing to allow the US to pay for their defense

alliance between Japan and US frightened China Japan had brutalized Asia, and exsploited it searing in their minds some scholars argue that the end of the alliance triggered the Korean war

1949-1950 reduced defense budget response to political power of neoisolationist

Marshall retires, atchenson atchenson makes speach that the defense of Korea and Taiwan no longer in our defensive perimiter open invitation of North Korea to invade June 25th, North Korean well equiped/trained army crossed the 38th within 6 weeks killed and captured majority of the army Day north invades, Truman meets with foreign policy advisors no question of abandoning the south Koreans if we did Asia would loose faith in the US and except communism Later that day US goes befor the security council of the UN passes a resolution denouncng north korea as agressors Soviet Malik was boycotting that day and could not veto absense of him casts doubt on wether the soviets were responsible for the invasion right hand did not know what the left was doing

Douglas Mcarthur chosen to command the forces in Korea was in Japan had been a success in Japan reveired there had some forces in Korea assembles an amphibious landing force American task force establish a landing well behind enemy lines in Inchon catches the NKoreans completely by surprise, thinly defended city NKorean army begins unraveling UN forces supplied 90% by United States Sept 26th reaches 38th Mcarthur urges Truman to give him permission to cross and give him the power to establish democracy by force 27th Truman persuaded by the idea that if we just liberate the south the north would invade again eventually gives permission 10 days later, given the option to unify the country

Zhou Enlai notifys the US through India that China would not stand by passively we had no communication with China

Truman Mcarthur meet in Guam Mcarthur assures Truman that the Chinese would not intervene if they tried, there would be a great slaughter mid october, reports that Chinese volunteers begin trickling in to Korea McArthur says that war would be over before christmas

21 November 10 regimes of Chinese enter Korea and cut Mcarthurs supply lines smash American forces Americans have to deal with the cold and waves of Chinese soldiers 20,000 Americans killed or captured worst military defeat in American history entirely McArthurs fault, function of his arrogance chinese and NKoreans sweep back down the penninsula Americans manage to halt advancement, and go back up the penninsula back up to 38th by June McArthur is removed after advancement is halted, Truman annoucnes that we are stopping at the 38th McArthur is inraged Mcarthur Asia firsters hero commander of UN forces McArthur sends open letter, blaming failure in Korea on the Admin bueracrat, focus of American intrest should be on Asia not Europe must begin with reunification of Korea Truman, furious, releives McArthur of his command McArthur was challenging civilian control of the military one principle that has lead to civilian continuity seperates us from countries in Africa it is very hard to return to democracy after giving supreme control to the military

Investigation into releiving of McArthur McArthur made the case that what happens in the world will be in Asia not Europe, dying society reunify Korea, atomic waste along supply lines Admin Fights back Bradley makes it clear that McArthur had be defying his imeadiate superiors on the joint cheifs of staff McArthur had failed to take into consideration the global politics Europe is the prize, soviet union is the enemy A war with China is the wrong war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time if we started war in China with Atomic Bombs, so would the soviet union first of a series of limited wars

1951 opinion polls 51% beleived that it had been a mistake to become involved with Korea Europeans used to fighting endless wars because of colonys America was independent, and self sustaining at home wars are only for security not suited for fighting long protracted conflicts

1949 Truman commissioned study by the state departemtn long scaled study for fighting the cold war NSC-68 title written by Nitze, successor of Kennan containment document, most significant of the Cold War call for the US and Allies to fight communism on every front assumption any and every advance by communism constituted an unacceptable threat to balance of power Kennan had argued for asymetrical, can't fight every whare Nitze said we could military build up was good for ecconomy, US had the resources, and would help it domesticly spend more money on nuclear weapons if you appease agressors it will only wet their apitite

9:47 AM 9/16/2005

Truman feels pressure from anti communist issues executive order requires loyalty application for federal jobs background checks massive undertaking 3000 investigation over 5 years 300 employees dismissed 200 resign under speculation attorney general publishes a list of organizations that were supposedly communist fronts if individuals had associated or belonged to any of these they were denide or fired Licoln bergaid "the most arbitrary far reaching by a public official in the History of the US" constitutional expert

Fall of China, soviet detonation of an atomic device, 1949

Febuary1950 - Great Britain announces their domestic anti spy network announces that they have arrested a top level atomic scientist, Fuchs in quick succession arrests in this country people accused of being top level spy most dramatic Rosenbergs eventually executed

Aldrige Hiss protege of aldridge risen through the ranks of the treasury self confessed soviet spy, chambers, accuses hiss of being a member of the WARE group a cell of soveit espinonage operating in DC No proof nothing comes from the charges 1948 he repeats it and produces microfilm of 65 documents claiming Hiss had sold him grand jury indights him Truman denounce it as a redherring others do to convicted of purgery, sent to prison served as a trigger that unleased an avolanche of which hunting one of the junior member os the Huac commitee, Nixon, makes his early career charging that communist had penitrated highest levels of the gov and military

repbulicans still hurt over the 1948 defeat Americans more intrested in international rather than domestic Huey had hardly mentioned it want to use the anticommunist stuff to regain control of the presiency form coalitions to lead GOP back into power

class conflict part of the red scare the one defender of mccarthism, americanism with sleaves rolled up appeared to be working class citizens

Joe Mccarthy cathlic, born and raised on a farm went into politics, unable to succeed in anything else as a judge faced impeachment several times tail gunner joe, never flew a mission won a seat defeating Robert Faller Jr. Lazy, unpricipled, by 1950 in political trouble prospects for reelection dim had lunch with his friends communist penetration of gov issue Mccarthy could use to carve out career and insure reelection adresses a republican womens club said he had a list of "card carrying" communists repeats the speach again back in congress, he charges a John Hopkins professor, Lattimore for being responsible for the fall of China next he accuses Jessup

new committee created under Millar Tydings to investigate Mccarthy's report creates a report saying that thing was a hoax McCarthy claims they are all communists

McCarthy circulates an altered photograph of Tydings, looses election conventional wisdom not to challenge McCarthy

people were attracted to anticommunism because it made things easier, played on biggest fears

Voice of Americas included works by leftest writers McCarthy sends two staffers, cohn and schine terrorize state offcials throughout Europe book burnings

1953 - on going investigation targets motion picture industry people continue to appear to denounce their peers as communist any actor whose name appeared could not receive an oscar

9:36 AM 9/21/2005

Dwight Eisenhower, modern Republicanism name given to his policy and modern domestic affairs

Modern Republicanism "when it comes to money I'm conservative, when it comes to people I'm liberal" I'm willing to spend anything but money on people

Eisenhower originally faired poorly with historians, political writers Figure head for big buisness spent alot of time gardening, playing bridge, golf, drinking burben did not understand politics later, it was said that he gave the appearance of ignorance to give him room to be abishouse admin votes got more support from the democrats than republicans

he learned on the job cabinet all conservatives, 8 millionares and a plumber less government more buisness

Humphrey's, secatary of commerce ideas throw back to the 1800's tax cuts, deregulation supply side ecconomics

Treausry dept balance the budget, cut spending pursue this goal with vigor these two things are mutually exsclusive eisenhowers first budget slashed spending, 200,000 federal employees layed off tax cuts across the board the ecconomy went into full recession by 57 humphrey resigned no more tax cuts, growth rate 4% (anyhing over 3 is historiclly good)

Ezra Taft Benson benson elder in Mormon Church leading light in the church a conservative when it came to foreign policy the prinicpal problem for farmer had been over production produce more earn less, constant state of depression farmers struggle with debt and farm foreclosure unwilling to recognize that if you produce less you make more rugged individualism

Parity - relationship between farm cost and farm income 1909-1914 what it cost to run an agriculutral enterprise new deal - gov subsidizes farmers to maintain parity if farm income and farm cost rose, feds made up difference 90% of parity, difference of income and outgo

Benson opposed to parity and subsidys the gov is just subsidizing overproduction farms suffer as a consiquence pay farmers not to plant to let portions of land vacant to let it get refertile, but really just to make less problem is that they could still produce more on less you start to see consolidation, only way farms can make it is on a massive scale

labor unions flourish taft-hartly place restrictions on labor and labor organizing collective bargaining, right of workers to unionize and bargain as a group with managment CIO and AFL merge ending the traditional hostility between skilled and semiskilled workers creates a 15 million person strong union force, becomes major factor while unions grew in policical/ecconomic cloud, troubled by corruption

1953 NY state crime commisions indictemtent for the intl long shoremans associations Grand jury finds that the leadership had been taken over by the Mafia extorting money fromt he membership AFL-CIO conservative exspells the ILA

Senate commision headed by Robert Kennedy and John McLelland Investigation into the teamsters union headed by Jimmy Hoffa and Beck occupy the attention of the nation great forum for Hoffa and Kennedy finds that the leaders of the union had rigged elections, and raided the teamsters pension fund invested money in Casinos, brothels, and number games Teamsters ejected from AFL-CIO but continue to operate independently

Contracts that exspands benifits for workers pensions, payed vactations, medical plans idea of benifits and security for industrail workers did not exist till the advent of labor unions had no leverage, had to deal with corporations

eisenhower opposed to regulation of big buisness, federal intervention into the ecconomy redefine the relationship between the federal governemtn and the ecconomy

1956 - Fulbright and Harris cosponsor bill to deregulate natural gas Natural gas (then as now) principle fuel that heated homes and drove electrcity immeadiatley people in big cities said that the bill was a scheme for the big cities to rob them admin supported it but had to veto it

Tidelands refers to submerged lands off the coast of california and gulf coast states oil exsplorations find huge oil deposits there early in the 20th century States say that they belong to them and they should be allowed to tax them Truman said that they belonged to the whole country overturned two bills to turn them over to the states Eisenhower promised to give them to the states passes submerged lands act of 1953 giving states power to their submerged land (7 miles out) except texas (12 miles out)

Tennessee valley authoirty public power seperates conservatives aliberals conservatives- power should be developed by the private states Libeberals - power is such a basic need, you can't depend private to supply power in rural areas income was not suffiecinet enough to warrent it TVA one of the highlights of New Deal damns and power companys federally subsidized along the Tennessee Valley unprecidented value to the area brings power and limited prosperity brings protest from the private industry Federal government is unfairly competing with them "I'd sell the whole thing" - eisenhower could actually do that instead connect creeping socialism with creeping privatism 1954 - TVA announces that it dosn't have enough power to power the new atomic facilities in Kentucky, asks for millions from congress to build a new power plant Admin instead supports a project from two private companys, headed by Dixon and yates hence the name "Dixon Yates controversy" congress investigates, Dixon Yates contract given with out competition Becomes Dixon Yates scandal Admin drops the whole thing when Memphis says that its going to build its own power plant

national transportation system late 1800s rail syste is national transportation system by late 1950s had fallen into hard times Federal govenerment was going to have to subsidize the RR or something else to camps emerge RR and an interstate highway system gov would have to spen a hundred billion on one or the other dept of defense came down on the side of the interstate if there were an attack, easier to mobilize federal highway aid act - creates the beginings of the highway system

1950s on not wether feds are going to intervene in the ecconomy issue was which intrest is it going to support the whole idea that the fed were going to stand by while the ecconomy stagnated was gone forever

Smith Vs. Allwright outlaw white primary truman and eisenhower justice dept. do nothing to enforce the descisions left to states, not enforced poll tax, literacy test, intimidation blacks kept away 11 southern states on 20% of elligable blacks allowed to vote, less than that actually do Jim Crowe, kept apart lynchings continue to mar the rights of the legions north segragation is more informal highering, salary, wages, housing compel blacks to live in inner city gehhtoos core of crumbling area housing covents prevent escape to suburbia 1954 - averg income of non white familys $2400 twice that for whites

9:38 AM 9/30/2005

Little Rock Crisis first incident after the brown desicion pit liberals against conservatives blossom token intergration at the highschool level and trickle down through elementry first students scheduled to enter in 1957

Orval Faubus convinced if he wanted a political future he needed to side witht the segragationist he was already accused of being too liberal goes on television night before predicts effort to intergrate would lead to wide spread panic was going to use the natl' gaurd to prevent the 9 from entering central high

sept 4 9 had been trained by daisy bates and other naacp nonviolent civil disobediants daries told faubus to withdraw his troops, in violation of federal law faubus withdraws his troops, goes to southern gov confrence, predicts violence 9 are ushered into school by noon crowds are so unruly that they the 9 have to be withdrawn Johnson asks that federal troops restore order troops escort the kids to and from class little rock school closed for a year faubus is elected another 6 times

TV first big crisis to be televised 50 million people had TV most educated news programs had to be taped in regional studies then sent to the natl facillity todays news was usually yesterdays time given to news and public affairs was tiny 2 hours out of 24, 15 minutes for the nightly news

eisenhower critisizes the democrats for being soft on communist responsible for the communising of eastern europe Yalta was a sell out fall of china to the communist eisenhower did not differ from the Truman or FDR admins about what the policy was agreed with containment buys into the monolithic threat of the kremlin determined to communise the whole world through subversion or military agression combating the minence more in common with the democrat did not agree with mccarthy, communist spies attacking from within US should combat communism on every front through treaties and alliance systems and foreign aid principle motivation for running for president neoisolationism military had been seered, scortched, marked by the 1930s when ww2 errupt, US had the 145,000 active troops exsposed our weakness by the end we had 12,000,000 in service never again, said the gov

John Foster Dulles as important as eisenhower himself secrutary of state 1907 started career grandfather had been secretary of state part of the wall street law firm active in the protestant denomination had the reputation of being a hardline, moralist, cold war warrior coined the term "evil empire" reteric black and white america: democracy, judeo christian values Soviet Union: Godless, evil behind the scenes placated his party with hardline dialouge reteric becomes fact what you say frequently circumscribes what you do people beleive what you say true of the Eisenhower admin

52' campaign Dulles and esienhower said liberals lost eastern europe roll back the iron curtain they lied rioting among workers in east berlin wide spread disorder appeals fall of deaf ears

56' hungarian uprising stalin dies in 53' 2 year struggle for power Kruschev emerges as first among equals 56' delivers an adress seemed to be ushering in a loosening of ties between its allies in Europe liberal forces in poland and hungry begin to stir workers, peasents, students call for multi party elections and with drwa of soviet forces kruschev manages to placate the poles but not the hungarians they release Nagy from jail Nagy is chosen as head of the provision government announces that hungry is withdrawing fromt he warsaw pact communist version of NATO simeral to the situation in the late 1980s, soviet unions reaction is way different if hungery was allowed to go its own way, Kremlin is afraid that the rest of east europe will follow sends troops into hungry US implys that if hungarians take up arms the west will come to their aid Eisenhower announces that they deplore the violence and calls for peice

East Asia similar to the hungarian situation at the end of the chinese civil war, driven troops off of the main land to vermosa (Taiwan) there are a number of islands among the vermosa strait two of these islands quemax, matsu previously insignificant become stretigic places in the cold war communist chinese forces start shelling the islands invasion is likely it seemed privately the US said that if the shelling did not stop US would bomb china shelling stops cheng hi sheck had 1/3 of his army 1958 the shelling starts again it becomes apparent that sheck is trying to create a situation where the US starts a war and allows him to reconquer the mainland

dramtic shift in defense and foreign policy charles wilson former head of GM, George Humphrey conservative industrialist from cleveland budgets and taxes must be reduced or the currency would inflate investor would loose faith Humphrey bugdets and debts are great threats than communist reduce exspenditures on military matters and foriegn aid

9:40 AM 10/3/2005

brinksmanship fighting communism on a reduced budget SAC - strategic air command concentrating on planes that carried the atomic bomb don't become bogged down by land conflicts everytime communist starts spreading we would brandish the atomic bomb get to the brink of war without going over the edge the atomic bomb was part of the American arsenal and if necessary we would use it if you bought into the monolithic communist threat, it was kind of logical if everything was coming from the kremlin (the head) don't attack soviet satellites (tentacles) depended on mantaining US superiority weapons and delivery policy based on threat the Soviet Union managed to optain uranium from Africa and detinate a bom in 1949, but didn't have a delivery system at the end of the war, the us was the only country that could span continents the admin realisticly understood that it couldn't brandish the bomb in every situation communist threat also came through subversion and political ajutations the soviet union, after kruschev came to power, used much more suffisticated means aligning themselves with political revolutionizing countries

CIA US turns more and more to intellegence as invisioned an intellegence gathering body, and nothing more most of the employees were academics who did research under eisenhower, the CIA branched out into covert operations developed counter insergency agents become involved in foreign affairs military units, provide money to anticommunist movements engaged in assassination intervening directly to effect the outcome of politics in third world areas that were threatened by communism obssession with military alliances building a fence around the soviet union and China

South East Asia Trade Orginization (SEATO) MAnila confrence US, Great Britain Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philipenese, Burma Dulles, Eisnehower refused to see that the revolutions springing up in Africa and the lack were had nothing to do with the east west conflict, they were more involved with local problems such as colonial resistants and tribal rivalries they would super impose the cold war "are you for us or against us"

Vietnam had been a french sphear of influence since the 1880s vietnam, laos, and cambodia are an asian federation of France dominate Militarily, ecconomicly, and politiclly exsploit the people Ho Chi Minh and several of his associates form broad antiforieng antifrench group Vietminh dominated by communists but open to all antiforieng Japanese ordered French to give up there holdings Japanese held them till 1945 simpathetic to common peoples needs OSS - Ho Chi Minh gained access within British and Americans helped the French reenter Vietnam French manage to occupy the southern part Fighting breaks out in the north under Ho Chi Minh French find that the gorilla tactics hit and run terrorist tactics as hard to deal with bloody difficult war to fight consumes hundreds of billions of french money and thousands of French men wanted to bringh the Vietminh out into the open Dienbienphu - french fortress was on the boarder between vietnam and laos, major transportation route where chinese were supplying food and arms to the Vietmihn block the supply line and draw the Vietminh into an battle Vietmihn attack Dienbienphu, slaughter 1954 - French officer comes to Washington and ask for Vietnam Eisenhower Admin becomes split Nixon and Dulles say go ahead Johnson, majority leader in Congress, says there would be no support in congress Eisenhower says that they wouldn't go

Geneva confrence geneva accords divided vietnam at the 17th parallel supposed to be temporary prelude to general election by 1956 it had become one of the most rigid impermiatable boundaries in the world North, Ho built a huge fortress communist country South, Bao Dai (heir to the Chinese thrown) built a fortress and non communist country took as his prime minister Diem with in a year he had ousted Bao Dai and established a replubic with himself as president

Latin America closer to the US more likely US was to intervene US had traditionally since the Monroe Doctorice, viewed Latin America as US territory 9:40 AM 10/7/2005 3 factors of Instabillity of the middle east

Turkey on the wrong side in WW1 the Ottomon empire is forced to give up its empire Versaille peace talks, divide up the middle east among each other Iraq, Iran, Palestine created at the confrence delegates just drew lines on the map independent but trusteeship system designed to allow independent people to work their way towards independents well supervised, while supervised they were also exsploited

Zionism movement of the Jews to create a homeland in Palestine started at the turn of the centrury momentum during first world war Balfour Dec - British, work towards Jewish homeland in Palestine old testment home of Judism overwhelmingly an Islamic state no threat 1930s, antisemitism sweeps Europe Jews move to Palestine Palestinians tensions grow, fear of loosing their homes After WW2 with Europe with the remanents of the Holocaust immigration pressure on Palestine 1945-47 British authorities subject to attack Palestinians and Jews British leaves Palestine out by May of 1948 Leaders of Jews announces the state of Israel in Palestine War errupts between Islamics and Jews Jews had been gathering arms for a long time drive people from their homes refugees forced to live in scwaler We are still living with this tension Whole idea of an Arab world is not possible too diverse politiclly Zionism keeps the Arab world together greif, victim psychology

Oil Value of petroleum become apparent world ecconomy shifts away from coal provides energy for virtually every enterprise 1950 long term agreements with oil rich countries of the middle east divied evenly between country and company in many case the largest oil deposits located in densly populated countrys socially ecconomic problems don't have a drop of oil Qutar etc the placement of oil is uneven, some countries get obscenely rich while other stay poor mal distribution of wealth no mechanism other than religous paternalism for redistributing wealth, unable to govern themselves not able to use resources natural to them to create a viable society

Suez Canal more important than the panama canal was for the US 1952 Junior military officers engenery a coup Nasser leads the coup and ends the monarchy starts ecconomic reform, trys to do stuff with health care but egypt is cronicly poor needed control of the Suez canal run by british and French

Asluan Dam hydroelectric plant on the Nile create arable land TVA for Egypt 1955 the United States offers 56 million dollars towards construction British offers money too refuses, trys to work with Russia, then China then puts up the 1956 Cotton crop as colateral in a huge arms deal with Checloslovakia US had refused to sell them playing one cold war antagonist against the other Dulles announces that they aren't playing that game, US pulls out Nasser set up the trap Nasser announces that he is nationalizing the damn and kicking out the French and British Dulles had made the desicion without consultation with them they are humiliated the dam belonged to them

Israel army attacks the sinai penesula hot knife through butter British tell both sides to stay 10 miles away from the Canal Nasser say that its his land they can't do that British and French drop troops in Eisenhower's representative goes to the UN with resolution asking them to stop fighting British and French veto Kruschev exspresses sympathy to the Palestinians US says it will use any means necessary to keep british out Israelies are ready for a cease fire

Suez crisis illustrates problems of the rigidity of the cold war

Suez crisis and Hungarian war too early to have effect on 1956 election

Country is prosperous, united, and complasant Eisenhower runs again, dispight having a major hard attack Adela Steven is run on Democratic ticket, no one pays attention to him 457 electoral votes to 73 Democrats maintain small majorities in both houses of congress

Soviet Union places Sputnik (traveling campaignion) into spaces 1957 first orbiting sattelite Sptnik II launched a few months later devistated the US Brinkmanship depended on the US superiority Soviets had concentrated on long range missles Bomb from space would be devistating

Sputnik was culturally devistating US were the best Russian technology seemed to call into question all these thing

Commisions spring up to investigate higher education we have been neglecting education in Science and math GOP was the party of heedenism and materialism 1958 state of the union adress the missle gap annouces that they are putting funds into education

national defense education act 1.5 billion support education in math and sceince, technology, and foriegn language

Missle gap largely an illusion CIA had developed the U2 known only to a handfull of officials could fly really high and take pictures of the ground equivlant to what could be taken a hundred feet away nothing went on in the soviet union that we didn't know about democratic invention there didn't have to be a gap, only equivlantly

1960 - the US had developed a 3 base delivery system, we could rain atomic missles on our enemy

1958 another crisis in Berlin Russians attampt to cut off access Soviets wanted to hold West Berlin as hotage wanted the US to recognize the soviet governemnt in the west US refuseddd Dulles dies of cancer, 1959 Kremlin announces that they have captured a U2 US announces that a weather plan had landed Kruschev springs trap plane forced to land, pilot admits he's working for the CIA, had camera full of pictures

9:57 AM 10/12/2005

Elvis Presely record companies were looking for a white person that could play black music found it in a truck driver from touplo Mississippi Presley and those who embraced him were foreshadowing the youth rebellion of the 1960s

decade of the automobile the interstate system was well under way lots of cars built tourist industry exsplodes nation of vacationers service stations spring up providing gasoline and junk food Disneyland Kroc cheap fast food stands french fires, handburgers, colas McDonalds suburbia became feasable hieght of the great European nation 1.2 million come to the nation leave the inner city for the suburbs most of the nations cities became concentric circles higher out the higher your soci/ecconomic statis

Suburbia conformity to be different was to risk painfull ostrization back yards opened up onto other back yards houses face other houses with no trees constant flow of social activity people wear the same clothes, watch the same tv privacy and individaulity were seen as subversive dominant social mora was get married yound and have children 60% of all women are married, 3 to 4 children instead of 2 50s nations grows by 30% aproaches that of India

Women conflicted the arbitors of american culture clearly define the role that they beleive women ought to play in society the feminine mastique - Freidein in the 1940s women were told to abandon hearth and home and go to work 1950s they were told to forget all of that and go home make room for returning GIs wedding showers where the bride gets gifts that will define her role women should be a help maid to their husband canning, sowing, or flower arrangement - if they need forfilment women were both inferior

		in terms of competition, dog eat dog world of free enterprise

women were supirior in virtue, in takeing care of the home 25% of all men said they would rather be born as women, 3% of men same question cut off from the world women turn to alchohal and traquilizers sales go up in both cultural norm, not reality life was far more complex women went to college, entered the workforce, became scientists, and teachers live in families that supported that 30% of wives work in 1960s 1960 - typical working women was married with children in their 30s 1950s - typical working women was single young and poor by 1960, a wife had to work if they wanted to maintain middle class statis. hell of a stretch to maintain all this stuff with a highschool education

children Dr. Spock no longer a small adult lump of clay waiting to be molded now it is a wonderous amazing thing needs to be free with out bounderies to exsplore don't need discipline, need love Charles Dewey - unknowing father of deconstructionism not impart knowledge as much as to teach people to think student initiative teachers shun rigid criculum critics, shouldn't the teacher, who is educated, lead the class? "Why Johnny can't read"

second sexual revolution (first 1920s) Hugh Hefner altered nude images but more for the philosiphy that sex isn't bad Marylin Monroe

9:38 AM 10/14/2005

Kinsey - sexual behavior in the human male, human femal brought americans out of the dark ages critics say that sex was still in the 18-1700s sex was something that was enjoyed by men, endured by women, only for procreation he said that done with care it can be enjoyed by both 1 out of every 4 people have had an affair and, did not regret it homosexuality is not a choice human sexuality as a contigent, hetro on one side homo on the other figures for percetage of homosexuals incorrect Kinsey was extremely contreversial demoralizing america intellectual cover for hefner rockafeller cuts off his funding continues working anyway quoted, misquoted, used, misused, throughout the sixties

Religous revival 1945 - 49% of americans indicate that they belonged to one organized church over another 1965 - 64% 90% of american said they beleived in the existants of a divine being religous revival that took place in the 40s and 50s note not for theological clarity or spiritual intensity more for it integration with society civil religon was in the 1950s Hoover - Marxism = Atheism, defining different between west and east eisenhower - "country must have a deeply based faith, dosn't matter what it is" 1954 - in god we trust

peale power of positive thinking blend of dale carnegie and jesus christ argued that one could control ones state of mind ones enviroment onese contitment by thinking the right thoughts banish negative thoughts from your mind be joyful, enthusiastic think good thoughts and good things will happen secular success approach makes the praticioner more liked and popular

feel good protestanism turn the religon on its head

gallop 50% of those polled could not name a single book of the new testement americans confuse ethics and the good life with religon for many, true today, christianity became a means for justifying ones success in life if you look at the judeochristan doctorine wages of misbehavior have consicuinses

Billy Grahm he attractive carasmatic scencere rooted in doctorine particularly attractive to white middle class suburbanites anchor life line to working class people who live in disfuntional families durg use, abuse Grahm penicostal evangilist provide clear moral guide posts continually disorganized family

Rhinehold Nielur headed a school - Christian neorthodoxy ww2, particularly the holocaust, birth of the atomic weapon real forces in the world humans are so threatened by evil cannot rid it of evil humans are not perfectable duty of the human is to struggle against evil and to suffer the human condition it was not a picture which provided particular comfort he and his supporters argued it was the only way a christian could forfill their mission

prosperity dosn't not reach everyone 20% live below the poverty line annual income of $3000 or less problem was particularly accute for elderly americans studies showed that people 60 years or older try to live on a thousand dollar a year many elderly have no health insurance average social security payment was 70 dollars a month 1962 michael harrington widely read book, the other american

Harrington the other american four areas that poverty is cronic and accute 1. growing inner city ghettos - ocupied by blacks and latinos occupied by people who were increasingly marginalized by whites moving to the suburbs taking the jobs and tax bass black continued to move to the north in the 50s pushed by mechanization people who live in inner city ghettos suffer of lack of ecconomic activity schools jobs poor or no health facilities key to escaping the culture of poverty jobs health care poverty discretion makes it in excessable poverty locks them in 2. appalachia coal mining areas of pennsylvania down to Georgia and Tennessee rural poverty, isolated from other life no cultural change small plots of land, raise their own food barter existants 3. rural south both blacks and whites discrimination domination of agriculutral depending on cheap labor and mechanization created perminant peasentr

20% had no plumming no education passed the third grade domestic problems (incest, abuse)

20% was the focus of the new left in the 1960s

Beat generation anticipation of the counter cultural Kerouac, Ginsburg, Burrows lead a rebellion against conformity

Kerouac football scholarship discovers drugs and sex, decides its the center of life gets kicked out and goes to san fransisco lives with Harrington He and Ginsburg take a 3 week trip across the country, stoned the whole time on the road Ginsberg kicked out of school for writing obsenities on the wall best known for writing howl long nonsequitor poem about drugs and sex banned in San Fransisco, test case for obsenity whole host testify for Ginsberg, supressing howl is thrown out

Burrows psycho therapist heroin addict killed his wife by trying to shoot an arrow off her head

literature had been about virtues, they said it ought to be about emotions

for every dominant theme there was a counter theme

liberalism and conservatism have to do with values how to create a community that creates the greatest for the most people Jeffersonian Conservativsm - the individual is intellegent and will make the best choice given the chance the government just polices it, enable the individual, make government as decentralized as possible grows out of and holds up capitalism capitalism is unmatched for creating the greatest good

Liberals - traditionally more elitist, more paternalistic humans beings are not inatley good and can't be trusted capitalism leaves too many people out creates a society of disadvantage the state has to intervene to create a safety net level playing field fix historical rights intervene in times of troulbe, particualarly through counter cyclical spending

consvatiave decade peave, prosperity, resentment of war tiem controls also morally liberals had lost their footing perfectablity of man kind through intellegent concious well intentded planning society is improved holocaust, cold war, perversion of marxism demoralizes liberal

9:43 AM 10/17/2005

Liberalism -Schelsigner, The Report -must look beyond quantitative issues and and look to qualitative issues -enviroment, minorities, aesthetic aspects of life rather than material -Galbraith, The Affluent Society -capitalism, well regulated, best way of organizing society -must be redistributed -more spent on education, art, literature, aesthetic qualitative -affluent society agreed -Keykerhician -Galbraith, elitist -still poverty -advacated counter cyclical thinking -liberals do both -Schlesinger-Galbraith approach worked because there was now a middle class majority -asking the majority to sacrafice for the minorty -new deal had worked because there was an impoverished majority

-1960 clear degree of elite -Quest for Identity, Schlesinger -historical forces had destroyed the jeffersonian dream of a nation made up of self reliant land owners, -cultural forces and corporations had created a herd mentality -member suseptible to scrupulous demagogs -mass society could easily morph into a totalitarian society -liberals want to impower masses, don't entirely trust masses to act in favor of this agenda -1960s choice was which elite to support -liberal intellectuals or elite of buisness and finance? counter cyclical spending -inflation rises production drops - recession -government increases spending - bridges conservatives complain because projects compete with the private sector this spending is the best thing because it puts money in the hands of the consumers increased spending is short termed

1960s approach -liberals smell blood -u2 crisis, 22nd amendment (eisenhower can't run again), deficate spending Democrats Kennedy, Symmington, Johnson, Humphrey

Humphrey liberal credentials unquestionable Johnson second most powerful man in washington, senate majority leader, candidate of the south Synnington virgining military complex Kennedy celebrity, what america thought it wanted, young handsome, glamorous, charismatic

Adelai Stevens still the darling of Schlesinger and Galbrith

polls showed that most prefered Jack Kennedy many drawbacks cathlic, very young (43), and conservative been freind and supporter of Joe Mccarthy Robert had served as minority council for mccarthy advisors and handlers said that he had to enter every primary to show that a cathlic could win (Al Smiths Cathalisism had killed him in the 20s, still strong anticathlic feelings) Kennedy's dad unscupulous and wealthy spent lavishly in mass, put together a network of freinds and family members at his wim JFK - nominated on the first ballot in 1960 shocked and angered many of his liberal supporters by selecting Johnson as a running mate Johnson - souther=rascist, texas=tool of oil and gas, back room politician couldn't have won without Johnson, had to carry texas and the south, political desicion, nothing in common, Robert tried to get Johnson to withdraw after he did it Many people didn't want Johnson to take the job because he was going from being most powerful to VP if he turned the down the VP and the democrats lost because of it, he wouldn't have a future

Nixon front runner, VP, Nelson Rocefeller only serious opponent liberal republican me too supported basic new deal reforms containment active policy abroad

thought Eisenhower had been elected twice didn't mean that people liked republicans Eisenhower hated Nixon, thought he was incapable of basic human emotion but thought that Rockefellar was a democrat in republican clothing Eisenhower was continuously afraid of bankruptcy would wake up in the middle of the night worried about bankruptcy so he endorsed Nixon

Nixon reinvents himself flys to New York to meet with Rockefellear 5th avenue core run on a liberal platform wouldn't challenge social security, civil rights,

extremely close election predicted public opinion polls show nixon in the lead by 54% Kennedy would have to be agressive adresses cathalisism adresses a bunch of baptist ministers

Kennedy critisized the Eisenhower admin for being inflexable and unimaginable pour money into the space program, close the missle gap wars of liberation, Kruschev's

in the democratic party you had people most in favor of civil rights and those most apposed Kennedy had to capture some of the sout every state in the south was appose to civil rights NAACP and labor demanding the party take part in the civil rights movement

1959 Kennedy makes several trips to MIT and harvard to win over liberals supports an increase in social security, slum clearance, new houses civil rights movement october 1960, MLK arrested and given 5 months for hard labor in georgia Kennedy calls MLK's pregnant wife, Coreta King, to endorse civil rights and give his support rather he lost more votes or won is debatable

Debates 4 televised debates Nixon's adviors tell him not to do it, no need, he's the front runner natural tenacity comes to the front, incapable of turning down a challenge Kennedy practices like a trial lawyer memorizes everything Nixon dosn't, blur over the differances Kennedy charges republicans for losses in third world areas, missle gap, Nixon says that there wasn't much differance

Kennedy wins inagural adress emphasises liberal policy call to arms to meet the challenge of communist totalitarianism

9:38 AM 10/19/2005

Jack Kennedy sickly Choats School excelled social, achieved academicly, sports Harvard did more extra curricular senior thesis, why england slept - on the coming of the second world war why democracies are more ill equiped for war than dictatorships more disjointed Father beleived that his son Joe would go to the senate then to president Jack would become an acedemic Joe is killed in Europe

Jack advantage war record receives a commision with fathers help commands a PT boat torpedo boat, speed boat, 60 feet long 20 feet wide, 50MPH, patrol and harrassment Boat is rammed and split in two by Japanese destroyer gets his men to an Island, swims to another Island to Australian communication station Jack runs for house of representatives of Boston unexperienced and shy

1952 runs for the senate defeats henry cabot lodge Jr. 1956 unsuccessful for the VP good thing too 1953 marries Jacklyn Bauvier beutifuly smart and wealthy marriage was the high society event of the year

Marriage seemed ideal

as a cogressman rarely goes to his meetings known for his conservatism known as a playboy family immune to the depression

1959 becomes more liberal, realizes that without their support he wouldn't win Robert was a devout cathlic, more socially concious

more intrested in foreign affairs had to pay some attention to domestic 1. increas in minnimum wage 2. helath insurance for old 3. housing legislation 4. aid to depressed areas 5. federal aid for education

education - defeat education completely a state and local governmently funded extremely contreversal for gov funding involved seperation of church and state many problems with the way schools were funded not enough money to fund a truly modern education rich get good edcuation, poor get a poor one Kennedy embrases all aid goes to public none to private cathlic senators say they won't vote for the admins bill southern legislatures say that once the aid is extended they would use it against the south bill is defeated

minimum wage - win raise to 1.50 opposistiion laundry industry, agricultural bill is passed once laundry is exempted

health insurance - defeat 60% of the people didn't have health insurance .25% some subsidy to medical costs for the elderly denouced as a system of socialist AMA said that it would lead to freely practiced medicine most americans favored it fails in senate 52-48

federal aid to depressed areas - win 4 1/2 billion to slum clearance and low cost housing particularly in nations inner cities 350 million pass the area redevelopement bill total budget then was 85 billion

Space program US would not only catch up but would gain supremecy in the missle gap Soviets manage to put a man in orbit summer of 61, Allen Shepard goes up for 15 minutes 62 John Glen circles earth three time american regains lead and never relinquishes it Astronauts are instant celebrities cymbols of Americas success in the cultural aspect of the cold war 61 Kennedy advocates putting a man on the moon within 10 years appauled by the projected cost, 30-40 billion, but had no choic Johnson over sees the space program MLK civil disobiedience of Ghandi 1957 - Sothern Christian Leadership Confrence black church had always been the strongest and most persuasive in the black community natural vehicle to move the masses good spring board for nonviolence christianity and nonviolence complementary 1967 - new important component of the NAACP legal and political 63 sitin in wolworths greensboro NC not served, refused to leave begins the sitin movement effects every city and midsize town in the south lunch counters, theaters, swimming pools, parks Nashville training school for nonviolence Lawson rules of conduct don't strike back or curse curtisy at all times report all incident to the leader remember love and nonviolence the approach most frequently involved alot of courage lots of violence hundreds of brutal incidents

nonviolence not welcomed by all blacks teachers, high class, barbers, lawyers, doctors had made their money by cooperating with the white power structure theratening their status, rocking their vote lots of people exspelled and fired from black colleges and institutions all of this only fuels the movement revolt becomes not only against Jim Crowe and segragation, against uncle tom

Student nonviolent coordnating movement comitee SNCC (snik)

congress of racial equality

Freedom Riders

9:39 AM 10/21/2005

The Republicans knew that the Democrats were divided over the issue groups had been put together on New Deal/ecconomic issues southern democrats welcomed Government intervention for ecconomic issues Nothern deomcrats who represented labor unions also welcomed government intervention wanted to use this issue to divide the Democrats permenantly The strategy worked, the south is now over welmingly Republican to a certain exstent embraced civil right, but has still become overwhelmingly conservatives Republican parties and buisness intrests don't care about race bad for buisness, ruins communitys, rascism is bad for buisness

Kennedy wanted to bring King out into the open match words with deeds

Alabama - Birmingham rigidly segragated city in the country state official had closed down parks and pools rather than see them intergrated black population of Birmingham is large, but can't vote bombings in the black community, 18 in one year residents reffered to their neigbor hood as dynamite hill symbol of the segrargation, confederacy, cheif of police Eugene "Bull" Conner ultimate redneck in power devoted his life to "keep the niggers in place" King knew that if he put together another montgomery bus boycott blood would run in the street violence was inevitable only way to exspose White brutality

King arrives starts speaking on protest begin sitting in King is arrested and Jailed writes Letter from Birmingham Jail one of the classic documents of the modern civil rights movement 19 page letters written on newspapers smuggled in to him published later restatement of ghandi prinicpals

out of Jail king takes biggest gamble of his life 1000 black children set out from the 16th street baptist church Conner and his police arrest them all 1000 black children set out again from the church Conner seals the doors some children get out, Conner sets the dogs on them enraged parents throw bottles and rocks water hoses, police dogs, all on national TV demonstrations continue peaking May 7 Chamber of Commerce, protests stop desegragation and hiring of blacks galvanised the movement

organizations grow start competeing with each other protests and law suits become more militarized mobilizes

civil rights act of 1963 - failed illeagal to segragate public places people gather before the wasghington monuments to hear Kings I Have A Dream Speach Kennedy was a bad congressional politician we know what the people want, just do what we say, bueracrats are stupid we are smart

1964 campaign was going to be tough if the democratic ticket is going to win they have to win texas Lynden Johnson was no garuntee tour of Texas is put together told to stay away from dallas Thriving bed of comerce, insurance, hot bed for right wing radicals Johnson said the vast majority are reasonable, people would be flattered by a visit to Dallas

Love Field to Dallas tradmark downtown Johnson was particularly worried about incidents

Kennedy rejected idea of bullet proof car


Transformed over night into a martyr the idea of Camelot prince died for the sins of the nation

Johnson uses the idea to its fullest

people around Kennedy are devistated cabinet and enterage hated Johnson - nothing but oil and greed

Johnson biggest advantage and disadvantage was Kennedy kept on the entire cabinet initially reacted the same way as Roosevelt had shock but duty and exspectation had allowed himself to think about it but never thought he would be his biggest fear was being dropped fromt he ticket in 1964 first speach played on Kennedy inaugeration speach, "let us begin" "let us continue"

if you wanted to know the truth Kennedy was too conservative for me saw himself as the heir of Theodore Roosevelt bringing the new deal to fruition combining ecconomics with qulity of life, the great society

9:38 AM 10/24/2005

Johnson afraid of being dropped from the 1964 ticket didn't think he'd ever be president Kennedy didn't like him marginalized while VP, almost completely born in stonewall texas in 1908 father teacher, real estate dealer, 5 terms state house of representatitves mother, degree from bailer, well to do family from th hill contry, taught drama, owned a paper both parents intrested in politics, fascinated grew up around Johnson

75 miles west of austin rain fall small, soil hard to farm mostly german from 1840, dominant ethic strain oldest of 4 children, favorite alphabet by to, read by 4 fairly normal parents lived seprate lives in the same house high class women forced to live a rugged life father drank too much Johnson, typical gifted child bored to death by the material given to him president of graduation class small rural enviroment spent alot of time in austin and san antonio

gradutes high school parents want him to go to college decides to go to California instead to find his fortune meets some movie stars returns home goes to college

teachers college south texas, normal institutes, make public school teachers by this time price of cotton had dropped to nothing, father on hard time work his way though college odd jobs, edited the school news paper practice teach, pitula texas, most conspicuous descrimination of mexicans becomes principal at the mexican school, told his students that they had the same rights as everyone else

moves to houston teaches debate in high school leaves in 1931 for washington to serve as secretary for Kleberg Kleberg wanted to play golf and spend money Johnson, perfect secretary, learned everything he could about being a congressman servees basicly as defacto senator

Marries Lady Bird East Texas earns two degrees in journalism proposed in the first 24 hours of meeting her, she did except later Johnson beleived marraige was a partnership monogomy had nothing to do with it Johsnon wasn't a filanderer like Kennedy, just constantly in love with someone

Falling out with Kleberg becomes head of NYA national youth administartion help highschool age kids go to college or continue high school

1937 runs for house kennan dies suddenly, runs to fill unexspired term

Johnson was intellegent, ambitious, insecure campaigns like he is possesed

10 years in college devoted new dealer Roosevelt considered him a protege

WW2 resigns his post in the house, goes on active duty first member of congress to do that

1943 resigns commsion goes back to congress

runs against conservative cokes stevens both sides claim exstensive fraud, Johnson wins

congress LBJ proves master at the power structure raises money for other senator

becomes minority leader at 44, youngest ever

1954 - becomes majority leader until 1960

1950s on the cover of time many reffered to him as the second most powerful man in Washington put together voting coalitions that allowed eisenhower to pursue moderate agenda

study in contridiction sophisticated and crude confident and insecure almost paranoid filled with stress poor health 6 times namonia kidney stones 1955 major heart attack reputation ultimate back room politician unprinicaled but succuessfull refused to name people to jobs because of their position master of high politics issue oreinted, value oriented didn't black male people knew he had information abou them but that was enough never asked anyone to do anything that he knew would get them defeated most successful legislative president more done on the domestic front that any other president incluiding FDR very thin skin obssessed about what the media thought of him read all the major newspapers eventually became an object of ridicule he would act it out if he was portrayed as crude he acted crude worst relationship with the press of any president of the twentieth centry

Media if there is no realtionship with the press, you can't get anything done amazing that johnson could get anything done miniacle urgency to get things done

parents used him as a pawn in their struggle mother had unrealistic exspectations as the oldest child they made him feel responsible for everyone and everything

came to power at the right time conservatives were pushing the cold war had his hand on the trigger civil rights growing country might split apart assumed that if he could not control he could at least manage and hold the country together

favorite whipping boy for conservatives

Johson enters office fisrt duty to take care of the assassination almost hysterical about it on tapes admin was terrified that the russians had done it some people wanted the russians to have done it so that there could be an all out war state homicide in texas investigation should be carried out by the attorney general of texas alot of people beleived that texas had killed him murderer in charge of the investigation knew that he was going to have to deal with civil rights knew that the state/fed implications would be a strike against him names national commision headed by warren, supreme court, author of the Brown decision

Warren Report 1000 pages found no conspiracy loan gun man theory sigh of releif to the admin, big disappointment to conspiracy

9:40 AM 10/26/2005

Johnson Civil rights first president wholely dedicated to civil rights Lincoln more concerned with preserving the union had to do with his up brining in a populist enviroment exsperience with mexican americans not a churchy person, but very religous politics are about values higher offices need to push morales chritsain morales belived civil rights was fairly morale realized political thought it would help the white south and black south as long as it stayed rascist it was going to remain poor the dream of the new south, progressiveness, segragation has to go more in the intrest of whites than blacks main goal, rural electrification to central Texas lower colarodo river administration end to segragation was an intrigal part of the plan Johnson headed a party that those most in favor and most opposed where in biggest job needed to be securing the 1964 and 1965 civil rights movement first southern in the white house since woodrow wilson, only arguabley a southerner public opinion polls showed that he wasn't going to be supported there demanded that he had better not make bobby kennedy VP told them that if he dosn't support him bobby kennedy will be VP told the south in a speach that tehy were betraying their forfathers

when Jim Crow really does leave, the south will be the racial haven because Blacks and whites have lived together and there is a history

Dixiecrats -last ditch effort against the civil rights richard russel on there dream that Johsnon be in the white house he knew what Johnson was about told one of Johnsons reporters that if I'm going to feel the rod no one I'd rather feel it from than Johnson Russel man of the 19th century, conservative morales, student of history, inevitablility of change take one person at the same time understand, embrace the future

civil rights act still pending, Johsnons first priortiy

civil rights 1964 - passed 73/27 theaters, parks, street cars mandated a cut off in funds that discrimiation race, sex, religion in all hireing practics justice dpeartmant institute suits ofor school segrargaion up to the victims before to initiate action justice department can find the places and file suit on its own any intity receiving money from the governemnt would loose it word sex was added by howard w smith banked on the strength of male chavonism white males being more concerned with denying women more than blacks he was wrong, gender provision did not bog it down open wedge for gender discrimination 1960s-1970s if it was going to pass, needed support of liberal democrats and moderate republicans senate seen of action, southern senators lead by richard russel filabuster, talk it to death designed to protect the minority from the majority took 2/3 to stop talk never had they been able to do this bills watered down til they are nothing Dirkson either the republican part is the party of licoln or its not strength is in the north and northwest where blacks can vote reluctantly he aagreed finds 2/3 vote, filabuster stoped bill provided that in states or districts that have literacy tests, poll taxes, ristrictive measured where 50% of the pop had not voted Fed would dispatch investigators to registrar legitamate voters those interfereing would be subject to fine prison or both 1/2 of adult blacks in the south were registrated to vote 1980s black southerners out vote white voters start to see blacks getting elected to office

62 64 supreme court decisions 1 man 1 vote rule many southern states voting distritcs hadn't been changed in 100 years political system dominated by a minority did not reflect the change from rural to urban districts have to reflect population can't have a legislative district that is extremely uneven

1966 executive order affirmative action for employees this is why radical rights hate Johnson elected by the moderate wing of the Republican party did not incluid quotas meant minority and women are encouraged to apply when it comes down to two equally qulified people, the minority gets the job

unconditional war on poverty, Johnson speach forfil a promise in the kennedy admin kennedy had been enfluenced by a book written in 1962, culture of poverty byharrington, social scientist, studying work of other social scientist people isolated in gehtos infirior education, no tax base, no jobs, crime and drugs circular flow to existant that made escape impossible government must act vigerously and massively 1964 johsnons introduces a series of measures known as the poverty program community action program impoverished communities, innercity ghettos, committees of welfare, local officails social workers come together to develope a plan for the community, how to stimulate employee ment how to control drugs then develope funds not only to poor money in, but give the poor some political ground, also supposed to be liberating agency created, shriver leads it, brother in law of kennedys father in law of arnold schwartzenager Job core - based on civil conservation camps youths from disadvatngaed can learn vocational skills become self supporting members of society head start, help preschoolers vista - volunteers and services to america work for free in depressed areas the great society would have been his 1964 platform commencment adress in tennesee, something for everybody price supports for farmers, civil rights, social security elderly, anti poverty aid to education, clean up the enviroment, funds for national cultural innitiatives new wilderness areas, sweeping ambitious plan, liberal vision of the 1950s merging of ecconomic and quality of life

johnson getting to the middle republicans leaving republicans drop the moderate and embrace conservatism radical right comes back time magazine, ultras all walks of life, all socioecco, most in southwest and california true beleivers militant anticommunist aposed to coexist and containment object is win not coexist from the social issues that come to dominate present day strains of religous fundementalism

John Burche Society billy james welch, candy manufacturer - anticomunist crusade hargis - makes alot of money off anticommunist

right wing radio programs smoot implicitly opposed to civil rights, states rights, overwheening governemtn that would surpress liberty inevitable link between liberalism and communism

return to old values but distrust democracy Italy same with 1930 equated compromise with morale weakness

Barry Goldwater darling of the radical right two Goldwaters afibale southwesterner, easy going rigid ideolog, conciousness of the conservative campaign track 64

states rights, less government Goldwater wanted to get rid of bueracry farm subsidys, curbs on labor unions, insisted on total victory over communism when asked about the gorilla war fare in Vietnam drop a few nukes, shell them with the fleet, do whatever is necssary never authored a bill goal is to stop bills

national review tear down the berlin wall and invade cuba

Rockefllar attempted to defeat Goldwater, but was out organized divorced and remarried, bad for religous right

Johsnons nomination was a forgone conclusion, no serios challenge to him vp was the big deal kept all the kennedy cabinet many with in it pushed for Bobby Kennedy, Johnson wouldn't be president without kennedy need to continue Johnson didn't want him knew he hated him in 1956 joe kennedy through bobby had approached Johnson that he would throw all his money and wiehgt behind him if he would run for president with Kennedy as a runing mate Johnson say no because he will loose positioning kennedy for president in 1960 Bobby thought no one had a right to say no to him or his father american aristocrats from the east

Johson picks Hubert Humphrey he could trust him and he could be personable

campaign featured the Daisy commercial what kind of America do you want?

Gold water in campaign talks about nuclear war, social security ought to be voluntary Johnson poised to acheive his goal landslide victory

9:40 AM 10/28/2005

George Wallace enters some early primarys 1964 did well with segragationists and blue collar workers when Johnson began to assert himself, Wallace withdrew real run was in 1968

Democratic convention 1964 significant for the party Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party out growth of an initiative for racial equality Moses and Dennis poorest and most racially divided state in the union half black, 5% black, most of them didn't vote 42% white, 1,500$ a year they create the freedom summer, asking kids black or white to come fan out into rural areas set up freedom schools when out to communities, persuaded tenant farmers to become familiar in the idea of voting making them aware of their rights most literaly illiterate activities of the outside adjitaters created angst warned of violence, and they were right reports reach Moses And Dennis that three students have disappeard Goodman, Schiverner, and Chaney - black bodies found in a damn that was being constructed Goodman and Schiverner shot through the heart Chaney beaten to death Mcomb Mississippi 37 church burnings They worked hard, but by the end of the summer only 60,000 had be registered to vote put together a party to go and disrupt the all white DNC scared Johnson not because he disagreed he was trying to hold the south in the Democratic party Johnson knew that thtis could make the rest of the party walk the convention refused them seating, forced to sit as visitors in the gallery Johnson promised that never again would segragated delagation not be seated 64 convention set up a mechanism to allow this to never happen again 64 was middle aged men 68 was diverse, chaotic, and unfocused more representative but less effective

Johnson is an old line white traditional man culturally a man of the 1930s -1940s the country was becoming younger and younger

begining on the youth movement GI generation making up for making babies shoots up 18-24 year olds shot up 1962 average age is 17 country is becoming younger and younger

birth of the free speach movement

inloco parentis in place of the parents college and universities establish rules. regulations they beleived were and exstension of what the parents want females have curfew, can't live off campus under 21, strictly gendered no smoking, no parking, dress codes no tshirts, jeans, women must wear skirs people had very little lee way in what they studied degree plans planned for them, student commitees absurd Berkley 1964 chancler Kerr prohibits student political orgs from setting up booths suddenly he is confronted with a major protest movement felt like their rights were being trampled sit ins shut down the campuse starts the free speach movement in other campus leads to at least partial democraziation of campuses

Johnson over joyed and depressed by his mandated a man in a hurry beleived that the mandate he had would only last a short time those opposed/in favor in civil right are in the democratic party had to capitalize on JFK which he did in splendid fashion Freedom summer brings black voting to the fore was an issue that resonated with Johnsons beleived in the virtues of democracy once blacks obtain the right to vote political bargains had to be struck with them as with others as long as they are politically powerless any gains they make will be taken away

1965 MLK and Johnson act in harness King and Johnson take advantage of the enrgy to achieve legislative goals highlight for the nation sad state of politics in the south Dallas County Alabama Selma county seat Dallas county 325 black voter 10,000 white voters majority of the population was black daily marches on the selma county court house James clark was no bull connor, understood what King was doing segragationist but protected King from violence, kept it restraint MLK stages a march from Selma to Montogmery, to hand an innnitiaitve to govenor Wallace knew that Wallace didn't have the sophisticaiton police meet them on a bridge beat kick cattle prods on horse back press is there Johnson federalizes the Alabama national gaurd and they protect the march so it is finished LBJ is at his moralizing best

soon after the voting rights act is passed

9:43 AM 11/2/2005

1962 - Silent Springs -the impact of modernisation on the enviroment in case terms -the byproducts of modern industialization on the enviroment -mostly on lakes and streams -essential to all animal species on the planet -animals destroying their own nest -very products being saved can't be made in the future -must be control, regulated -initially can get her essays published -magazaine came under pressures from its advertisemnet -New Yoker serializes her essays

-Johnson had already commited to legislation to control water and air hadn't gotten anywher till silent spring

water quality act of 1965 - passes as the clean water restoration act requires states that had waters that crossed state line to enforce water quality standards fore runners of the enviromental protection agency

taks force on air pollutions factories, cars coinss "acid rain"

urban pollution 1965 thanksgiving atmospheric oversion 2 pounds out soot per person 80 people die

1967 tougher standards for autos the begnining of the modern enviromental movement

as VP Johnson in charge of space program one of his passions Kennedy avid supporter of the space program doubles the program twice man on the moon by 69

Kennedy space center

survior one soft landing on the moon begins transmitting pictures of the moons surface

July 16 1969 moon landing Aldrin, Collins, Armstrong Aldrin and Armstrong land with the Eagle on the surface

Foreign Affairs

much of the Kennedys program was justified in the global contest of Marxism, Communism, and Leninism Kennedy was a cold war warrior everythng that underlays the coldwar sharply critisizes the threat of the cold war weak inept US would be more dinamic, we would win capitalism will win contradiction in the strategy Kennedy persues in the cold war Schlesinger, Goodwin, McNamarra, Dean Rusk, George Bundy bright risk takers eisenhower reactionary US has aligned itself with every regime thats anti communist autocrats, and tools of former colonial powers would not change in the develpoing world because thats hwere the future is fighting to throw off colonialism and a degree of prosperity Kennedy admin is going to seek the political left, use foreign aid for social justice insure that revolutions in the third war were democratic anti communist signals more flexible strategy for these people same time except concept of monolithic threat from moscow nsc68 us must fight communist on every front any change in the balance of power is a threat to national security can't allow communist from exsternal conversion to take over additonal countries, spread must choose from left revolutions and anti communist dictatorships chooses dictatorships, same trap as eisenhower and Johnsons falls right in to traps of the soviets and china supporter of colonial powers and oligarchys Kennedy hawk defense spending goes way up nuclear arsenal will increase to 100,000 dare not temp the soviets with weakness safety and stability only possible with US superiority soviets and chinese don't see it that way touches off arms race 50 Billion military annual budget a year Kennedy and advisors critisize the Eisenhower admin for not using conventional methods less nuclear level convential forces in deplorable commit to doubling force

max taylor chariman chief of staff resigned from the military during eisenhower wrote the uncertain trumpet critisizes the stragies came out of retirement could speak 5 languages

counter insurgency gorilla war experts had studied malasia and the philipenes techniques by which gov forces use gorilla tactics to fight gorillas Kennedy admin beefs up the special war center new kind of soldier capable of meeting gorillas on their own terms green beras increase by 4,000

special forces able to go into hostile territory, sabatage networs identify presensce so they can be bulild bridges agriculutre win the hearts and minds of the local peasentry

Kruschev wars of national liberation soviet union seeks to spread marxism leninism with liberation

counter insurgency designed to counter act

Peace core campaign rally at college asks if people would give 2 years of their life to work in asia enthusiasm in the students astounds him establishes the peace core, names his brother in law Robert Shrivor as director sends kids out to help by all accounts was a more effective weapon in the struggle against communism young idealistic unarmed not ideological by the 1960s-1950s anticommunism had of a life of its own political struggle of the time only thing republican party had going for it was anticommunism supporters of mccarthy revival in the 60s if you were going to be in politics you had to be part of anticommunism or you were dead in the water china and eastern europe given to communism establishing a link between liberalism socialism and communism liberal presidents like Johnson and Kennedy had to be more anti communist than their accusors to protect themselves politicall nativist movement zenophobeo many americans can only think of themselves as who they are not must think about the other for identity psychology is at the core of anti communism far more than dislike fear of communism own characteristics power force in the country that if you were in public life you had to deal with all of this self incrimination the look at vietnam as iff the presidnet and sercutarys in state wwere free actores is incredibley naive we did see these thinsgs abilitiy s of these peopls bein able to contreol foreing fairs is controled by historical memory and these people should be critical but must take into consideration historical context

Bush admin has done its best to keep the war on terrorism another cold war in that sense from preventing anti islamic from getting to the level of anticommusim.

9:42 AM 11/7/2005

US helped Cuba gain independence convert Cuba into a protector ecconomic control, not politica 1934-59 ruled by military strong man, Batista typical, rule with heavy hand, dictator, established cuban/american buisness intrest catorer tiny elite backed by his military rule plantation workers and other people live in poverty strong counteraction to the dominance several revolutionary social justice US becomes closely aligned in the minds of cuba with Batista some sympathy within the US for the people

Castro 1959 batista regime collapse under its own coruption Castro able to sweep into power benign at the time, freindly with Americans fatigue clad cigar smoker declares 1959 year of revolution begins imprissoning all sympathizers to batistas, or kills them declares that he is a marxist/lenninst 1960 1960 agrarian reform seizes more than a million dollars in fruit property casinos and landowners begin demanding that the US do something to protect their intrests

Eisenhower gives orders to train a cuban exhile army the CIA organizes 1450 cubans who volunteer to participate in an invation of cuba over throw of of government camps in guatamala as soon as Kennedy takes office, CIA advises him of the invaions wnats his aproval, time is of the essence if the president doesn't OK the invations the military force of exhiles will have to dibanneded play into the hands of the republicans, soft on communism need to act quickly, the soviet union was reinforcing the cubans, sending weapons Kennedy gives his OK to the "bay of pigs invasion" under no circumstances will the US intervene directly CIA and sponsors where on their own if the US sent troops and plans, americans lives were lost, full scale invasion would follow nuclear war with Russia

april 17, 1961 bergaid lands at the bay of pigs they were initially succesfful inflict heavy causualies on castros army soon castro had 20,000 soldiers in the area the exhile force begins running low on ammo tiny airforce consisting of a dozen b26s supposed to stage a suprise raid, castros airforce on the ground confusion, miss target, Castros army manages to sink a freighter full of Ammo and communication equipment exhasuted and out of ammo the forces surrender CIA urge Kennedy to send the army to rescue the exhiles and invade cuba he says no and reminds them of his reasoning Kennedy takes full public responsibility for the fiasco

Kenndey felt betrayed we looked like fools to freinds, rascals to the enemys americas obviosu hand in the bay of pigs rekindled antiamerican sentiments in central and southern american castro made kenndey a more hardlined cold warrior no small part to pave the way for the cuban missle crisis

castro announces not only going to consolidate in cuba, spread to the rest of the hemisphere kenndy responds in two way meets in uragway, punta deleste in 1961 creation of new hemisphere program, alliance for progress international financal agencies pour 20 billion into latin america upgrade education, modern farming, adress social injustices, rampant poverty porvide energy for revolutioinary movements being taken over by international communism

operation mongoose

soviet union no autocracy so rigid where their are no opposing political factions certainly true under kreschev US had more missles this imbalance could not stand 1962 soviets begin secretly sending nuclear war heads and bombers to Cuba not defensive weapons, offensive weapons 1000 mile range, and 2200 mile range could breach 750 miles from cuba with the missles cubans could reach new york, kansas city, chicago

sep 1962 kenet keddy floor of senat, charges that there were soviet troops "concave metal structures in cuba" offinsive sites kenndey calls soviet embassodore dobryian gives assurse the president that there were no offensive weapons in Cuba Kenndey goes on tv assuring the US that there weren't there, and if they were they would not stnad for it U2 fly overs prove this wrong, scares Kenndey, couldn't be tolerated 90 miles from our coast russia is violating agreements EXCON is formed and meets almost hourly to focus on the cuban missle crisis, very real potential of WW3

falling th 15 EXCON looks at ways to end the crisis, mostly 2 1. air strikes, surprise, surgical strike, problem frought with danger, russia might respond by destroying Jupiter sites in Turkey we had our own sites very minimum soviets would destroy those attack would certainly kill soviets and could lead to nuclear exchange air strike maximally succesful would still take out 90%, 2. blockade, keep soviets from landing nuclear tipped war heads missle there but nuclear warheads weren't used term "quarintine" because blockade is war term decided to go with this option

end of first week U2 shots showed sites that could launch 32 missle capable of killing 80 million what we didn't know was that Cuba was already brissling with warheads 3 weeks before the crisis freigheter had arrived carrying 45

oct 22 kenndey goes on tv to announce that Cuba was building sites and that we would establish a quarintine

"On the Beach" book about submarine sailors survivng nuclear holocaust

people begin stock piling fallout shleters

the end of the world seemed emininatn

Kruschev announced the quarintine was piracy people heal their breathe as the ships approached

Kruschev sent 2 top secret messages to Kennedy 1. untie the war of knot, remove and dismantle the sites if the us would not invade 2. almost simultaneous they receive another message if they would dismantle the sites if the us didn't invade and dismantled the jupiter sites in turkey kennedy not unwilling to do this as long as it was not tied to the missle crisis but wouldn't let it the soviets potetnially use nuclear blackmale again EXCON agrees to the second message and ignores the first message

Hotline established, red phone

nuclear test band, step toward nuclear noproliferation

9:38 AM 11/9/2005

War in the south pacific was bad in every way imaginable

Asians didn't like Japan but there was some respect for an asian country that finally stood up

Vietnam had been since the 1880s a part of french indochina france controlled vietnam, laos, cambodia politically and ecconomiclly

Ho Chi Mihn august 1945 just after Japans surrendor declares a new country democratic republic of vietnam legitamate government in hanoi at this point Ho Chi Mihn had been in contact with the US had supported the Vietmihn because they were an effective weapon had trained in the Soviet Union dominated by Ho and the Communists

vietnam was occupied after the surrendor british south, Chinese north british made it possible for the french to move back in french and the vietmihn negotiate a temporary breaks down in 1946 France and the DRV fight the first french indochinese war feirce Ho and the soldeirs of the democratic republic create a country wide marxist leninist republic gradually french loose ground vietmihn fight convintionally and use terrorist tactics to drain financial and morale 1953 more french officers are dying in vietnam then the french graduating military acadmey consumng millions dienbienphu - forced to surrendor 1954 geneva confrence great powers divide vietnam at the 17th parallel temporarily army of the DRV must with draw all foreign troops are to be out of by 1956 the french do with draw but leave in power Baol Dai

Baol Dai member of the royal dynasty that had ruled since the begining of the 19th century allowed himself to be a figure head while japanese were occupying

Ngo Dinh Diem apointed prime minister, powerful cathlic family, ousts Baol, appoints himself president China recognizes Ho and the DRV patirotic, but incapable of building broad based suppport cathlic, mandarin, line that had served, saw themselves as elite permanently distrust democrats and politics

US chooses to see south east asia as a cold world battle ground puppet of moscow exstension of the internationl communist threat

1950s eisenhower pours millions of military aid into vietnam helps diem organizes military and police force

diem decides to rule through family members and cathlics cathlic flee the north to the south still only 10% is cathlic 90% budists budists fell repressed

Diem trys land reform but decides to rule through aristocracy huge ecconomic divide between ruling elite and impoverished workers political intollerance wide spread descent then open revolution communist exsploit

1959 Diem's government army of vietnam was engaged in continuos battle with soldiers of the national liberation front indigenous revolutionary movement buddists agitators object was the over throw of diem the democratic republic institute social justice

1960 DRV rulers of north vietnam decide hadn't participated in politics in the revolution in the soth central comittee decides to take a role in that sends arms and soldiers to the south sends food and soldiers

Munich Analagy if you appease an agressor you only wet the agressors apetite encourages rather than discourages

Domino Theory if one country falls to communism in a region they will all fall

monolithic threat all communists nations are part of a whole controled and directed by Moscow eventual goal is the conquest and destruction of the US

all of these are reinforced by communist propganda we will barry you, democracy is evil

given these three assumptions it seemed impartitve that the US take a stand in asia US aware of the growing competition for the loyalty of other communsit states nver the less american policy makers continued to beleive that any confrontation the powers would stick together

Kennedy's campaign critisizes the Eisenhower admin for being weak

1961 fall, Maxwell Taylor Walt Rostow pays a visit to south vietnam recomends they send some troops to help Kennedy rejects direct combat role

Kennedy talks about the fact that vietnam vietnamese would to do it themselves we'd send arms some people claim that he had planned to pull out has to do with the who Johnson Kennedy fued actually absolute continuity same advisors

1962 US agress to the nuetralization of Laos communist regime in cuba

is it comprensible is the question not wether it was right or wrong would any reasonable person have done something different or would the have done the same thing many agreed that we should be in Vietnam most desnect came from people that we weren't doing enough hawks people beleived that communism was evil, succesor to fascism seemed undeniable that communist regimes were autocratic no political freedome no political opertunity Godless communism to a country where 90% of people beleive in God

Idea to day is that is was obviously a mistake

could the war have been avoided, probably if it hadn't been in vietnam it owuld have been osme where else we had to make a stand in asia some where the west could not stand to loose Japan had to incluid in their constitution that they could not have an amry we couldn't have stood by and let Japan get over run

1963 Kennedy admin had become disillusioned with Diem students demonstrating Diem had becom isolate military hierchy cronies and corruption autocratic regime puppet of an autocratic power controls 50% of the peopl eand territory and the south novemenber US spoorts a coup Diem and Nhu escape to China, surredor and are shot

9:36 AM 11/16/2005

1967 very active visible antiwar movement the movement, as it was known in the press diverse group

Many on the right alienated from the war, hawks, super patriots, southern deomcrats,pro anticommunists beleived that we were engaged in a morale and strategic war to the death frustrated with the limitations Johnson refused to allow bombings of chinese supply lines refused to allow american troops to go into cambodia if we aren't going to win the war we ought to pull out

On the left a morale, counter productive, strategicly impossible traditional passivists, quakers, beleived that war was evil counter to teachings of christianity constitute the core of all war movements disillusioned anticommunists george mcgovern, bill fulbright, Ball had supported the cold war communism was evil supported truman docterine, marshall plan beleived that the war was threatening to turn the countrey into what they were fighting south east asia was not strategicly vital to us money and resources spent wasn't worth it US in south vietnam was working through a military dictatorship in the name of freedom and democracy there indonesia and south america strategic blindness was leading to the creation of a militerist state would become undemocratic itself

New Left student driven youth culture, baby boom, trumendous increase in college students disillusioned with the confomity of the 1950s many had joined the civil rights movement politicly sensitized and energized 1960 university of michigan students founded the students for a democratic society (SDS) port huron, first meeting port huron statement condems the exisiting america system mechanism controlled by the verywealthy military industrial complex fighting communist while helping the rich condoning rascism anti reformists called for students to join with the poor to create a new political force condemned the war in veitnam as the ultimate biproduct of this corrupt state

1967 had reached 30,000 a month and with the increase you got an increase in draft resistants war resisters league trained young men in methods of avoiding the draft produced 57500 draft avoiders

1968 US suffers a nervous break down war, blackpower, urban rioting

black power civil rights created a rising exspectation smoldering since slavery had been to dangerous to exspress there were great gains increase in opertunities actual gains were slow and marginal many still trapped in a cycle of poverty less than a week after the 1965 civil rights act riots begin in los angelos fire bomb local buisnesses loot others when fireman go to put out the fire they are hit with rocks and bottles national gaurd starts shooting looters violents rages for a week order is restored watts gehetto is burned down dividing line of the 1960s

Malcolm X black muslim movement puritanical appeals to those with their backs against the walls didn't drink, smoke, no extra marital sex advicated violence encourage the study of black history fund its own education glorify its own past X joins and eccilpses Elisha Mohamed if some one puts a hand on you send him to the cemetary spiritual deseperado all black males need to be extreme 1964 pilgramage to mecca read Koran in earnest black muslims contradict the Koran returned less violent, more like MLK advicates peaceful coexistants shot by henchmen of Elisa Mohamed

Nation of Islam most visible

by 1966 had begun to effect traditional orgs student nonviolent stovy Carmichal over the passivist for the leader beleived in redemtion through violence coins the term Black Power Black Panthers Huey Newton and seale paramilitary, heavily armed

significants of black power more psychological found that 86% favored intergration poll in chicago 57% chose MLK as their leader, 3% Carmichal but the call for them to embrace their past and see themselves as legitimate parts of americans literature: poetry, protest stop trying to look white, stop straighting hair wearing black clothing stimulates white backlash would be a fundemental current in society for the rest of the century

Kennedy's plaining tended to overlook all of the socio ecconomic issues -people on the ground thinking in local terms while kennedy plays risk

Johnons in tune with kennedy -containment -cold warrior -system of alliances, it would eventually collapse under its own contradictions

he would have to hold the line

ironiclly while we fought the war in vietnam fought a war of datont in the soviet union -Kruschev's soveit union saw was becoming more conservative -you could negotiate with them just like any other state -no longer a revolutionanry state

adiidtional factors Johnson and his advisors taken by the idea of credibitlity if they loose here other contrys would loose faith in the US and join Russia for political reasons cant alter JFKs policies knew he was a care taker, not elected bueracractic momentum felt he was weak in foreign affairs keeps on all of Kennedy's team McNamarra, Rusk, Bundy, wants continuity, they had personal investments, their careers feared that if he left he would suffer the same attacks truman had after the fall of chinas conservatives would accuse him on being soft on communism, can't realize goals of great society

Johnson had to have the support of souther democrats SD were the most hawkish in congress about vietnam politically he could not ask them to support his liberal policies and support a policy of nutralism in vietnam absolutely fundemental even though white house tapes reveal he had grave misgivings all the soldiers who died in vietnam died for civil rights not a concious desicion

day after becoming president gives his support to vietnam to henry cabot lodge

General Willaim C Westmore named by Johnson in command of US and Ally forces in vietnam by johnson in 64 deccorated in korea graduate from millitary college systems, management techniques, loyal to the admin good soldier in to the application of technology case of a 5th or 6th rate power fighting a warmachine like the world has never seen

US is advising the Vietnamese on every front

late 1964 intellegents reports that the north vietnamese have begun work on the Ho Chi Mihn trail in 1960 DRV had decided to land active aid to the south food, weapins, few soldiers system of jungle trails that had been there for a thousand years to facilitate trade as far down as sygone combat engineers have begun improving the trails widening, gravel, passable with trucks and tanks end of 64 urging johnson to condone bombing campaign against the north gradually escalating bombing begining with the Ho Chi Mihn Trail and moving north in order to compell the north to stop it's inflitration Johnson is intitially reluctant will lead to direct involvement full scale invasion by the north could not escape the fact that the situation is continuing to deteriorate

Toncin gulf incident adviors wanted him to use it as an escuse for direct invovlement Johnson resists attacks occur again Johnson goes full fledged out secure passage of a resolution, tonkin gulf resolution use of military force to defend american forces in the region

Fulbright would say that they were decieved, second attack never occured much has been made of the gulf of Toncin incident US would have to use any force necessary to stop it it is now generally agreed that the second attack never happend

if the Vietnam had not giveing the US a reason to intervene who knows what might have happend

operation rolling thunder campaign of gradually increasing bombing from the 17th to the 20th parallel put a squeeze on vietnam so they will stop sending troops two divisions of american soldiers one in sygone, one in the central highland take an active combat roll in harness with the vietnamese these troops conduct spoiling In March these two met by TV cameras and the local mayor young vietnamese women draping lays seems un real precursor of what was to come later that month Joint cheif authorize 40,000 soldiers enclave strategy conduct offensive country side becomes more unsecure search and destroy missions American military personel allowed to move anywhere in pursuit of the enemy required more troops admin aproves another 100,000 soldiers

inevitabley the war becomes americanized, as Johnson had fore seen

Americans not prepared for vietnam refused to beleive that they could not do with the French could not do difficult war fought in the south fighting guerilla wars no uniforms, traditional peasant dress hit and run tactics NVA regular units fought a few pitch battles tryed to avoid this manuever around the country harressing american units further complications from gorilla activitiy open border with the south can't be sealed off supplied by two communist super power can not do anything to stop these lines, touch of armageddon bombing the north relentlessly soldiers still keep coming, 20,000 a month latest equipment well fed US had lost 500 aircraft by 1967 success measured by body count never aproached the mobilization level in the north population in the north continues to rise by the time the war was over the US had dropped a hundred million tons of bombs on south vietnam million tons of defoliant spray, agent orange, sprayed on the south deny them cover Diem government used strategic handling round up the peasents and relocate them gaurded at night by watch towers over looked vietnamese religous ties to land

millions of refugees

south koreans and americans had tightly connected units others could not do it seucirty risk

south war was a civil war southerners had family in the north

Johnson was determined to pursue a middle coarse did not want the conflict escalate to a direct nuclear conflict with chinese or soviets chinese make it clear that as long as the US don't attack supply lines or attack the north china would not take part if they did it would be a repeat of Korea 1964-65-66 both sides have nukes pressure to use nukes would be overwhelming world super powers would go to the edge of armageddon

Haight Ashbury counter culture college drop outs gather wear any kind of strange colorful clothing change thier names smoke marijuana more serious ones write scathing critisism of the government critics think they are obssessed with sex and drugs most popular Marijuana Heroin popular with musicians Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin, Beatles eventually effects normal culture

Timothy Leary Havard fired discovers drugs on trip to Mexico thinks its the driving force of life

Beatles Acid vivid drug that create hallucinations Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band could not have been made without LSD

Communes not new associated with reform since the 18-19th century concious people withdrew from society apartments and farms democratic all profits divided America is the most individualistic nation on the world Jealousy and pride would tear most apart

If the counter culutre had not existed the it would have benifited the conservatives to invent them perfet punching bag caught up in anti war movemnt

Hippies 20 years later were stock trading suburbanites

Johnson things are going farely well light at the end of the tunnel south vietnamese have a constitution willingness to defend themselves level of combat has declinde it was welcoming reassuring news that sense of well being shatterd by the tet offensive

January 30, 1968 lunar holiday most soldiers would be on vacation team of gorilla sappers penetrate court yard of us embassy in siagone six hours they occupy trap prime minister shoot through windows military police manage to subdue them one of thousands of attacks 36 of 64 potential capitals dozens in small villages show that no place was safe in south veitnam

Vo Nguyen war wearyness in this country war of politics and propaganda could never hope to win with a frontal assault stragey that would maximize us discontent

late 67 68 draw forces away from major cities Con Thien, Dac To, most notabley Khe Janh many incluiding linden Johnson beleived that Khe Jaan would be Fu

counter attacks in siagone and other cities VC sacrafice themselves out gunned out manned cleared out within a week hold out for three weeks at wiegh several thousands VC die no American military presentin wigh ancient capital is ruined

efforts to romantisize the VC mistake to white wash them ruthless terrorists

one or the reasons why democracys have so much trouble with dictatorships is because dictatorships have little or no regard for human life

Tet seemed as a terrific broke the back of the viet cong never recovered aproval is reached for for more troops

military point of view recomendations make sense johnson rejects them

nightly scenes of bitter fifghting in the heart of vietnam definate impact on US perceptions of war aproval ratings of the war had dropped to 26%

Croncite What the hell is going on? I thought we were winning. him and other comentators echoed the rest of the country on going slaughter anticommunist support from the public starts to die out americans have to stop dealing with myths and illusions where our intrests lay in this struggle what would really happen if the area fell to vietnam however public opinion polls still showed that we need to be there ideas of communism was still there just the idea of fighting it 7000 miles away in a jungle was waining always a close connection between civil rights and vietnam white backlas, urban rioting, under cut the idealism that lead to americans fighting there in the first place liberals even thought that blacks were ungratful destroying what they had made evil empire is just as popular as ever during the reagan years

Westmoran Johnson give them 10,000 more troops but that is it

1968 haggard and tired johnons goes on tv ristrict us bombing to just north of the 17th parallel declared that the admin was ready for unconditional negotiations drops bomb shell would not stand for reellection in 1968 most people viewed johnson as the apitamey of the thirst for pwer the very idea that he wouldn't run, most thought he would win, americans loath changing leaders esecially in war time most people predicted he would win chose to advicate for a number reasons heart attack, wife and family didn't think he would live through another term heart lied in domestic reform but with vietnam the chances for urban renewal were nil he realized that he had become a symbol of the war and if he removed himself his place in history might be saved

May 30 peace negotiations start and continue ofr the next 5 years 3rd government this governemen indibviduals Johsnons said we would negoation any where anytime anypalece us was unable to abandon the idea of an independent south vietnam completely free of us troops johnson claimed that he couldn't find anyone to negotiate the possibility of a communist take over in south veitnam at this time the communist control 50% of the conturey side 40% of the population mid fifties nation wide elections south vietnamese won't allow it to happen would win American people are disillusioned even before johnson decided to step down Johnson movement within the american party americans for democratic action senator eugene mcarthy step forward and challenges johnson new hampshire primary did surprisingly well junionr senator from minesota intellectual in politics liberal forces wanted bobby kennedy unwillinging to challenge johnson but he would runs the risk of being seen as a political oportunist big chance to continue the kennedy dynasty

MLK is shot in memphis midst of 1968 primary showing support for the striking garbage workers white rascist ex convict named James Earl Ray news of kings assassination, leads to more urban rioting washington dc more than 700 fires not as bad as many had anticipated died out Johnson uses the assassination to push through the fair housing act

Fair housing act 1968 - passed prohibited real estate agents from discrimination had been trying to get it through congress for two years notion of residential housing wide spread opposistion in the north

many northerners viewed segragation as something for the south eating at the same counter working together one thing liveing in the samw neigbhorhood was something completely different

after kings death Kenndey meets with abernathy succeeded king as the leader of the southern christians gave his support for kennedy

kennedy able to get support from the blacks migrant farm workers

humphry third person on the fringe declared candidancy

kennedy vs Mccarthy duke it out climactic contest is in california june the 4th kenney beats mccarthy there well on his way to victory post election news confrence shot in the head and killed jordanian Sirhan Sirhan reasons not clear palestinian zealot kennedy's had been strong supporters of Egypt

seemed then that the 1968 country is suffering nervous break down RFK, MLK assassination student movenemtn violent tet offensive most tramatic year of the post war effort

democratic convention held in Chicago last convention dominated by the old gaurd democrats new faces ethnics women deeply divided culturally ethnicly over the war hawks fight off effort by peace delegates to force a peace plank withdraw from vietnam convention chooses hubert humbrphrey over mccarthy then seen ardent liberal on domestic issues identified with the war outside was chaos protestors demanding a peace candidate culturally conservative people radicals there the "Yippies" youth internation party head was a former stand up comedian Hoffman "Revolution is fun" spread rumors that the water source had been poisoned with LSD Richard Daly mayor assembles the illinois national gaurd cursing and throughing union police take off badges and assualt demonstrators for three days televised live all of this lead americans to beleive that the country was falling apart

9:40 AM 11/21/2005

Richard Nixon

Republicans in the wake of the 1968 DMC white house is there if they don't blow it extremist candidate

RNC Richard Nixon was politicly dead defeat in 1960 loss of govenorship of california no life for him without politics joins lawfirm campaigns for goldwater centrist, clear that if he becaem president he would dismantle new deal fair deal great society Nelson Rockefeller on the otther side, too much of an elitist, eatern establishment figure Ronald Reagon on the right, heir appaparent to Goldwater, ran but nixon easily put him down no base yet Spiro Agnew running mate publicly denoucing urban rioting issue of law and order

Humphreys delima pary regulars those who had supported johnson south east asia disenchanted with policies and johnsons how to retain loyalty of demcorats while attracting peacenics 1968 speach - would be willing to stop the bombing in the north unconditionally if it would move peace talks faster, far as he would go

first three candidate election since 1948

George Wallace - Independent Party ran as a third party candidate presidential primaries biographer dubbed him, politics of fear made it clear that he thought the brown descision 1954, wrong imoral integration ought to be a personal choice urban rioting thugs hoodlums declared that anti war protestors cowardly hippies he'd run over anyone infront of his car appeal to southern segragation white backlash appeal to ethnic working class, felt threatened by urban rioting, wellfare cheats extremeist, marginal, but his ratings in the polls climbed from 9 to 16 to 21 after the DNC

after DNC Nixon far ahead of humphrey and Wallace but hard man to trust hard man to buy even for conservaitives seemed to reek of coruption lacked integeraty if Eisenhower could trust him he must be untrustworthy but disillusionment with war and conservative wave in the country beat humprhey by half a million votes wallace very strong showing just how strong conservaitve backlash was in the country

RICHAR NIXON quaker parents second of 5 sons was a alternately inspired and terrified by his mother tended witteir college studeied played football duke law school married thelma pat ryan, school teacher runs for the house captures seat in senate running against douglas,women mcarthiet campaigns composite photographed etcetra in washington prominent outspoken member of anti american activities study in contridictions protectors of middle class values gaurdian of libery and free interprise respect authority intellegent accomplished politician trusted no one congress, presidentcy, private life the serach for enemies those apposed to him and his policies would lapse into schizophrania referred to himself in the third person on paper he wasn't a reactionary or without compassion insecurity capactiy for self pity mad him much less of a person because he wasn't an ideologue had both liberals and consrevatives in his admin ambitious without any focus for ambition wanted to be famous wanted to make his mark like kennedy wanted to focus on forigen affair liberals have it all over domestic make mark in foreign affairs summons kisenger peir hotel in new york nixon acted as if kisenger was hireing him for a job talked about foreign affairs 2 days later he was named natinal security advisors

Kisenger fled nazis went to new york enlisted in the army counter intellegents in europe because of langauge academia earns PHD teaches at harvard till they denied him tenor wrote lectured books got attention nuclear weapons and foreign power making limited nuclear war exceptable successfull enough to regain position at harvard harvard international seminar, most of the worlds leaders pass at one time or another these releationships formed during these seminars formed the base of his power oppisite of nixon women, opera, nixon was hobbyless liked to walk on the beach and discuss politics but alot alike neither trusted anyway, loners loved intrege for intrege sake, secrets for secret sake saw each other as mutually useful kisenger could use nixon for political base nixon had drive and ambition, but no real exsperience or deep knowlege of forigne affiars two creat a new world order secretly nixon and kisenger plan to turn cold war on its head make opening to soviet union and china establish international system based on international and strategic self intrest kisengers hero metternidchi - balance of power, world war 1, chancler of austria during and after napoleon advicate of concert of power association of power, stability antirevolutionary, peace should take precidents over democracy nixon and kisengers ideal bringing it to an unstable world

problem of vietnam nixon had been a hawk supports johnson for not doing enough not bombing the north, releaseing the troops getting in was a mistake, we exagerated once there we had to stay the course people wouldn't trust us if we gave up

by inogeration day the war had to end during campaign he hinted that he had a secret plan to end the war kick the living daylights out of the enemy he couldnot beleive that a 4th rate power like vietnam didn't ahve a breaking point determeinde to win war, but nmust be honorable meant american withdraw from south vietnam that was strong enough to defend itself beleived that they could acheive this if they could convince china and soviet union to quit supporting while simotaneously pounding

1969 secret bombing of cambodia authorized by nixon johnosn admin had prohibited interference in cambodia staging grounds just across the boarder military had been pressng for it ensuing operations, menu, 1500 campaigns, 100,000 tons of bombs vietnamese simply move deeperinto jungle

Nixon secret policies and bombin had no effect on north vietnam both us and north vietnam had people talking in paris they were not going to agree to anything that supported south vietnam US wasn't going to settle for anything less than a settle ment for democrcy in south vietnam supplies coming down ho chi mihn trail double then triple

secret back channel between kisenger and vietnamese secret channel produces negotiations in the long run

Nixons secret plan become clear that was just more of the same anti war movement cranks up

most college campuses most violent

nixons respons to antiwar stragey, placate by beging to with draw troops while denouncing them nixons, agnew, holdomen divides into two groups communists and cowards nixon authorizes secret program, conintelpro more that 2,000 agents infultrate antiwar groups create disorder, discredit them calls them new isolationist, turning back on war, then announces that he is bring home 2500 troops draft calls canceled for december

Vitenmasziton over time the us would turn the war over to the vietnamese this had been the policy of every admin since Johnson desprately wanted to turn the war over nixon was determined no matter what denoucning anti war protestors irrational irresponsible rabble openly appealed to the great silent majority

great silent majority the new forgotten american many of them had ironicly been made conservative by the new deal, great society, up into lower middle class obsessed with keeping this place no college education, steady job, mortgage, 2 cars, watch ed sullivan, go to race tracks, admire military, respect police, saved to send kids to college exsperience they never had, angry that the institutions collapsed, counter culture appauls them, distrust intellecutals, media, international establish, deeply and sudley rascist, core of nixons support, great silent majority

Sprio Agnew conservative hitman hit the baquet circuit with a vingence in danger of being overwhelemd with nationalism crusade to restore order laudable woes blaimed on acadmis print and broadcast new execs nabombs of naderism nixon and agnew denounce opponents of war, while still with drawing 150,000 troops by new year

bombing of cambodia does not acheive anything continue to raid across the border

ruler of cambodia struggling to maintain nuetrality destablizing march 1970, overthrown while in europe by general military intensely anticommunist, wanted to align nation more clearly with south vietnam and us American immeadiatley establishes alliance with them and gives military aid to army

Nixon promises that troops will be home by June but firey protest of invasion of cambodia not withdrawing escalading conflict

kent state protest, national gaurdsmen firesinto crowd, kills four students, wounds 11, 2 dead just walking to class shift toward center conventially dressed mainstream denomineations cultureally conventiaonal people, seeing war as a threat now to their values

9:40 AM 11/30/2005

Nixon southern plan appeal to the south segragation, bussing capture ethnic vote midwest, northeast populated supreme court with conservaitves, states righters, roll back social policy new deal, fair deal, great society

appoints warren burger to supreme court

John Mitchell state rights strategy no political exp, advertising exec alot of nixon's admin was advertising execs appointing judges strategy Plainsworth, segragationalist, founder of an all white golf club he is rejected Nixon is angry Carlswell, even worse, stupid, rejected by the bar association he is rejected admin pulls out all the stop Roman Bruska, conservative, typical, takes floor to defend Carlswell "Don't we need some c students, too many intellegent judges"

Nixon gives up and hires a few judges Renquist - only conservative Powell - liberal, oppose nixon and reagan admins on enviromental and racial issues

Liberals have more to thank Richard Nixon for than any other president even though the appointments were inadvertant

1960s-70s on going debate over the issue of civil liberties Nixon, exsploit law and order issue railed against student protestors, urban rioter rascist overtones strong appeal in the south, strong appeal to working class ethics, middle class in general wanted to keep the 68 DNC alive forever radical left plenty of ammo 69-70 chicago 8 group of dissitants, charged with trying to cross state lines to insight a riot lunitic left yippies - Ruben, black pathers - Bobby Seal, Hayden (Jane Fonda's husband) show up to court wearing camo, halloween costumes, shout bullshit, called judge "Juley" sneared at the proceedings, turned it in to a circus convicted, but overturned

Nixon use of wire tapping against organized crime ACLU decried the activities surprisingly bastion of civil liberties supreme court with nixons appointees

Meranda vs. Arizona supreme court garuntees that anyone under arrest has to be given their rights supreme court trys to have members of the supreme court impeached beacuse of the miranda descicon

other things passed to keep police from using evidence illeagally seized

Nixon admin trys to roll back advances being continually stopped by the court

1968 - green vs board of education freedom of choice laws illeagal parents free to send children to any school in their district, was outlawed

Mitchell admin campaign to roll back civil rights admin refused to support voting rights act fair houseing act of 1968 key issue, bussing

bussing viseral issues cuts across lines of class involved children and the phyisical managament of children south and north many urban areas defacto segragation occur because of choice and circumstance rasces seperated beause of white flight, inabilitiy for blacks to leave the inner city bussing across school districs good way to end defacto segragation Nixon rejects it demonstrations in the south and north against bussing, sometimes violent school busses attacked set on fire supreme court serves as a counter balance to the president swan vs mclenburg board of education

Social security and other plans to help the poor was undermining american work ethic average welfare check 31$ a month Nixon was not without compassion form the downtrodden wanted a welfare plan that satisfied liberals and conservaitives

Moynahan lightning rod, authored a paper on the culutre of poverty family assistance plan - fails subsidize incomes governemnt provides direct payments 1600 a year direct payment to families that fell below the povertty line replace all other welfare thought it was a great plan that would appeal to both liberals and conservaitives required resipiants to be employed appeal to conservaitives but the plan alienates both sides, Liberals - antipoor anitblack, no family of four could live on that Conservaitives - creeping socialism

Feminists movement pulse - turn of the century, progressive era, new deal women sufferage, sustained in the 1960s ERA - Equal Rights Amendment statistics still apauling, women still last hired first fired inequality of pay sexual harrasment - not even adressed deep split among womens activists emphasis on legislation protecting women equlity under the law under no less than a constitutional amendment probably the most emotional issue was abortion, right of a women to control their own body vs the rights of an unborn child

	passage of an ERA would lead to no less than - destruction of the nuclear family, unisex 	toilets, legalized abortion

also wanted a nationalized daycare system Nixon opposed the ERA prolifer

Most families had two people working outside the home less clear cut both husband and wife bread winners and nurturers both made to adress the traditionalist day care plan was a clear attack on the nuclear family

Abortion most states have abortion as a felony no egulation, no way to prosecute psudo practitioners back alley abortions 1970s could college women could rely on underground nothing for the poor

Texas women wants to have an abortion to save her child from abject poverty Rowe v. Wade court attempts to defend with prolife forces under the desion, the women was allowed to have an abortion within the first trimester fetus unable to sustain life alone second trimester state could prohibit third would prohibit

9:52 AM 12/5/2005


Nixon was paranoid beleived everyone was out to get him enemies list

first admin IRS launch 40,000 investigation on his enemies common knowledge that people in power would do this

surrounded himself with narrowly educated people

tom houston told HR holdomon beleived SDS was plotting to over throw the gov beleived that they had the power to do it authorized houston to root out the enemies intellegent agencys wiretaps, open mail, breaking and entering to gather info on the admins enemies

1971 the plumbers, secret group established with kissenger former CIA aftermath of the pentagon papers install bugs and wiretaps around people who leak info to the press elsbergs psychatry office, leaked the pentagon papers

relelection commitee (creep) comittee to Reelect the president g gordon liddy, top member of the plumbers persuaded john mitchell to authorize him to put togeter a secret team together authorized burglers do anything to get the presidnet reelected night watchmen at the DNC headquarters catch red handed 5 men burglerizing and placing bugs in DNC headquarters call the police, men are arrested McCord, list of white house phone number tying burglers directly to the whitehouse

June 20th Nixon learns that McCord and burglers have been arrested curcial meeting day that the 18 and a half gap in the taping system appears Nixon comes clear that political bugging is just part of the game, best to just cover it up instructs FBI to stop investigating the burglery, claiming it had something to do with natl' seucrity president becomes part of conspiracy taping system in the white house catches this conversation nathon gray, replaced hoover, nixon loyalist, agrees to obstruct justice and destroy evidence

Dean sprung the burglurs from jail money funneled to the burglers to keep them clean pay off money itself illeagally raised, funneled through offshore banks in the cambin island treasurer of creep serves jail time for money laundering

Whitehouse press secretary says that the burglury has nothing to do with the presidnet

George McGovern hopelessly poor politician acid, abortion, and amnesty supported by Hunter S Thompson only a handfull of propoliticians at the DNC first venture into national politics blacks, hispanics, young people, counter culture mcgovern tried to make the break in an issue, couldn't nixon wins a landslide victory mcovern only carries massachuesettes

watergate 7 trial deny a connection to the whitehouse judge sirica, no fool, threatened them with long prison terms, tell the truth one finally breaks and spills the whole team

carl bernstein and bob woodword begin convering the watergate trail find out about the secret pay offs and trace back to creep relying on info given by highly placed official, FBI agent Mark Felt

congerss own investigation dem in control they and some republicans beleived that the admin had gone too far dirty tricks threat to the constitution and the two party system ervin 4 dems, 3 rep watergate comittee almost continuos session ervin very conservative had voted with nixon many times, couldn't be accused of being a bleeding heart well educated, more than a match for dean and halderman

John Dean cancer close to the president that is growing breakin cover up conspiracy warn that some one is going to break

e howard hunt, burgler had told dean that he was going to testify unless he got a million dollars nixon tells dean that he should find the money and pay him dean beleived he was being set up by the president and hires his own lawyer

archibald cox hired by the justice department to investigate watergate new attorney general ricardson nixon beleived that richarson was a loyalist, would praticipate in the conspircay may 73' irvin comittee series of televised hearings dean decideds to testify against the presindet for imunity describes the presidents role reveals the secret tapeing systemn control battle over the tapes nixon claiming exectutive pribilage, them saying dosn't apply

Sprio agnew indited for taking bribes when he was county judege in baltimore nixon names gerald ford to replace him

fall 1973 picketor regularly surround the white house "hawk for impeachment"

oct cox orders white house to turn over the taoes nixon orders richardson to fire cox he refuses richardson resigns replaced by Bork fires cox "Saturday night massacre" last straw for most people under intense pressure, nixon agrees to turn over 1300 pages of transrcipts

tapes reveal a bunch of crude rascist unprincipaled exsplictit deleted became a national joke

Nixon begins discussing resignation couldn't get more than 10 votes in cogress impeachment was certain

Nixon resigns on TV Gerald Ford president promised he wouldn't pardon Nixon Watergate was a watershed in history, veitnam and other events, shook the peoples faith in politicians created the cynacism and distrust of government that is so prevelant today on the other hand, watergate was one of the gov finest hours, branch of one gov trying to subvert media, court, congress did their job balance of power worked republic saved much more was made of the negative then the positive