User:The man from Gianyar/Post-Suharto era in Indonesia

The Post-Suharto era in Indonesia, also known the Reform era (Indonesian: Era Reformasi), is the contemporary historical period in Indonesia. The period has been characterized by a more open and liberal political-social environment. In contrast to the pervasive censorship under the New Order, the period has also resulted in a higher degree of freedom of speech in the country. Issues over this period have included a push for a stronger democracy and civilian rule, elements of the military trying to retain their influence, a growing push for Islamism in politics and society, and demands for greater regional autonomy.

The period began with the resignation of authoritarian president Suharto on 21 May 1998, and the installing of Vice President B. J. Habibie as president. As president, Habibie undertook numerous political reforms, presided over the first free legislative election since 1955, as well as a referendum on the future of East Timor. In 1999, an indirect presidential election was held, which saw the election of Abdurrahman Wahid as president. Wahid's presidency lasted until 2001, when he was impeached over his decision to dissolve the national legislature, with Vice President Megawati Sukarnoputri taking over as president. Under Megawati, the process of democratic reform which began under Habibie and Wahid continued, though terrorism increasingly became a problem.

In 2004, a direct presidential election was held, which saw the election of former general Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as president. Yudhoyono's tenure saw the end of the armed separatist conflict in Aceh, as well as several natural disasters, including an earthquake and tsunami in 2004. Yudhoyono was re-elected in 2009, with more than 60% of the vote. Yudhoyono was constitutionally barred from running for a third term, and he was succeeded by Joko Widodo, the first president without a high-ranking military or political background. His tenure....