"...If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools..." Rudyard Kiplings "If"

Im Tekana (AKA kim), I live in Chesterfield. I am 16 and am a student at Broomfield college in Derby.

Completely random facts

  • I have been addicted to Wikipedia since 25th July
  • I am an Atheist
  • I am one of the 5-10% of women that suffers PCOS... does that class me as a rare subspecies?
  • I am a Patriot
  • I am an amateur artist, but only when I want to be!
  • I believe in Equality amongst all races and species

My life on Wiki

I hereby award you the Exceptional Newcomer award for your hundreds of contributions to WikiProject Dog breeds and related articles.

I contibute a lot to Dog breeds Wikiproject, I have made edits to practically every dog breed page and have made myself the un-official guardian of the Dog Breed Tables. Muahaha! I am also always looking out for rare and relatively unknown breeds to add to the list of dog breeds and making sure each breed has a page (even if it is only a stub).

I see reverting vandalism as a duty, and will help fight the battle against vandalism whenever i see it! I have also recently become interested RC patrol and disambig pages and have been contributing there whenever i have a moment to spare. I also check the opentask every now and again to see if there is anything i would be particularly interested or skilled in.

You can help improve the articles listed below! This list updates frequently, so check back here for more tasks to try. (See Wikipedia:Maintenance or the Task Center for further information.)

Help counter systemic bias by creating new articles on important women.

Help improve popular pages, especially those of low quality.



I am currently taking part in a 2 year Animal Management course. My classes include: Animal collections, animal breeding, animal behaviour, breed development, animal welfare, principles of animal science, animal nursing, pet store management, animal handling, and farm animals.

I am very interested in Ethology and plan to go to university (if i pass college, that is) and take a course in animal Behavior, specifically canine behaviour.

Useful pages


Here are just a few pages a may find useful for my course. If you know of something that i may find interesting or usefull that is not listed here: please add it! I will be thankful of your contributions!

Adaptation - Altruism in animals - Animal cognition - Animal communication - Antipredator behavior - Behavioral ecology - Behavior Modification - Brood parasite - Chaining - Classical conditioning - Comparative psychology - Conditioning - Crepuscular - Ethology - Ethogram - Evolutionarily stable strategy - Fight-or-flight response - Fixed action pattern - Innate behaviour - Innate releasing mechanism - Instinct - Operant conditioning - Reciprocal altruism - Reinforcement - Sexual jealousy - Trophallaxis - Zugunruhe
Altricial - Aposematism - Autotomy - Biology - Camouflage - Dimorphism - Mechanoreceptor - Mimic - Nidifugous - Phenotype - Photoreceptor - Precocial - Ruminant - Superstimulus - Territory - Thermoreceptor - Zoonosis

Cell biology
Adenosine triphosphate - Cell membrane - Cell nucleus - Chromatin - Chromosome - Cytoplasm - Endoplasmic reticulum - Eukaryote - Golgi apparatus - Lysosome - Mitochondrion - (Mitosis - Prophase - Prometaphase - Metaphase - Anaphase - Telophase) - Nucleolus - Nucleosome - Nuclear envelope - Phagocytosis - Prokaryote - - - Ribosome

Animal rights - Animal welfare - Animal Welfare Act - livestock welfare - Vivisection and experimentation debate

External links that may be useful

Biological Altruism
My dog, Deacon