— Wikipedian  —
Tanya L. Tompkins
Education and employment
OccupationAssociate Professor & Chair
Linfield College
EducationPh.D in Clinical Psychology (2002)
Contact info

I was inspired by the APS Wikipedia initiative to incorporate a new group assignment into my Introduction to Abnormal Psychology course this fall.

I conduct research in five major areas:

  • Interpersonal processes that confer potential benefits and risks (e.g., co-rumination, parentification)
  • Cross-cultural differences in co-rumination, support seeking and self-disclosure
  • Suicidality and suicide prevention
  • Prescription privileges for psychologist
  • Role of fitness in mental health

I teach courses in areas related to clinical/abnormal psychology including: introductory, seminar and research courses in abnormal psychology, theories of counseling and psychotherapy, psychological assessment, research methods.

Tanya Tompkins' homepage


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