User:Syncategoremata/Pre-telescopic observations of the transit of Mercury and Venus

There are various claims for pre-telescopic observations of transits of Venus and Mercury. Transits of Mercury cannot be be observed without a telescope.[citation needed]

"It is interesting to note that in connection with the transit of Venus he [that is, Abū Ṭālib] mentions the name of Quṭbuddīn Shīrāzī (1236–1311), to whom it was known. We know today that Ibn Sīnā (d. 1073), Ibn Bājja (d. 1138) and others had observed 'the two planets as black spots on the face of the sun', [n26] evidently due to the transit(s) of Venus and/or Mercury. In fact Quṭbuddīn has referred to the observation of the Venus transit by Ibn Bājja. [n27].", p. 137

n26. Sayili (1958), p.360, esp. f.n. 24.

n27. Goldstein (1969), esp. p. 55.

Sayili (1958) is "Islam and the Rise of Seventeenth Century Science", Belleten (Ankara), Vol. 22, no. 87, July Issues, pp. 353–368

Transits of Mercury


In a study of naked-eye sunspot visibility,[1] it was determined that the lower limit for visibility was an overall apparent diameter of 19.3″. At its greatest, the apparent diameter of Mercury is just 13″[2] and so its transits would not be visible to the naked eye.

Transits of Venus


Most if not all pre-telescopic observations of transits were of sunspots


Sunspot observations during the Aristotelian period would have been taken to be observations of planets as Aristotelian doctrine was that the sun was immaculate and not subject to change.[3] Assuming that the text is not corrupt, this can be seen at work in the observations of 807 of a spot on the sun for a period of 8 days. Any transit of Mercury would last no longer than 6 hours and yet this event was still described as a transit.


  1. ^ Keller, H. U.; Friedli, T. K. (June 1992). "Visibility limit of naked-eye sunspots". Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society. 33: 83–89.
  2. ^ Williams, David R. (2010). "Mercury Fact Sheet". National Space Science Data Center, NASA. Retrieved 18 May 2010.
  3. ^ Stephenson, F. R. (24 April 1990). "Historical Evidence concerning the Sun: Interpretation of Sunspot Records during the Telescopic and Pretelescopic Eras". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences. 330 (1615): 505–6. doi:10.1098/rsta.1990.0031.