User:Stevey7788/Britney Spears

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Igbo wordlist


Basic words
English Igbo
Yes é
No mba
Good nma
Bad njo
Come bia
Sit no odu
Stand guzoro
Mother nne
Father nna
Is/are bu
Your gi
And na
Of nke
We/us anyị
Money ego
Fool mugu
Son/daughter nwa
Name aha
My name is... aha mú bú...
People (ethnic group) ndi
Man madu
Help me yelum aka
Food nri
Sky/heaven igwe
King/lord eze
Hand olu
Hear anu
Book/paper/school akwukwo
Land/soil ala
Water mmiri
God Chukwu
Devil ekwensu
Prayer ekpere
Pen/pencil mkpisi

English Igbo
Hello nda
How are you? kedu
Good morning ité-la
Good-bye no-nu
Thank you imé-la
Please biko
English Igbo
Day Ubochi
Week Izu
Month Onwa
Year Afo
Yesterday Unyaahu
Today Taa
Tomorrow Echi
Morning Ututu
Afternoon Ehihie
Night Abali

English Igbo
One otú
Two abuo
Three ato
Four ano
Five isé
Six isii
Seven asaa
Eight asato
Nine itolu
Ten iri
Eleven iri-na-otu
Twelve iri-na-abuo
Twenty iri-abuo
Thirty iti-ato
One hundred nari
One thousand puku
One million nde
One billion njeri
English Igbo
Bird/hen okuko
Snake agwo
Squirrel osa
Dog nkịta
Eagle ugo
Goat ewu
Tortoise mbe
Antelope ené
Monkey enwe
Lion odum
Elephant eni
Horse nyi-nya