This user is prone to sudden outbreaks of CTR (Crap Translation Rage). Stand Clear

Crap Translation Rant

I suppose everyone has at least one point which just IRRITATES them to death about Wikipedia, and this is mine.

Crap translations make me see red. Let me define that. Everyone makes small mistakes from time to time, and I have some sympathy with somebody struggling with an unfamiliar language - but if it's that unfamiliar, why translate in it? Is Wikipedia a place for people to learn English? I at any rate don't think so. And as for English speakers who can't be bothered... I saw a translation recently where the English-speaking "translator" had used the word "monastery" spelt three different ways in two sentences. There is simply no excuse for that sort of thing. On the German Wikipedia, they now routinely delete an article if it is not written in something approaching good native German - I go with that totally. Poor translations waste everyone's time.