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CFGS Debate Cult - 2024


Debate Cult is a prestigious organisation within Churston Ferrers Grammar School that was founded in late 2023 by leader Tsarfia Thomas with the help of other key founding members. Following the leadership change of it's inferior precursor - Debate Club - when Lord Moss passed on the baton to Sir Rambler and most recently to Crackers, the members reached a consensus that the new style was too oppressive and so struck out on their own to create a parallel extracurricular. Debate Cult's Motto (apart from Guardian Reading, Tofu eating, Wokerati) is Partem Cultus Mate (pron. Par-tem cult-us mar-tay) meaning Bit Culty Mate and whilst the English translation was first spoken by Elliot in early 2023, it was soon translated to its final Latin form by either Gen(ius)ny or Empa Loompa, who still contest the rights to the phrase. In early 2024 the phrase then became key inspiration for the Debate Cult Anthem which is still in progress however the lyrics can be found below. The main objective of Debate Cult is to engage in chaotic yet highly intellectual debates on topics ranging from current affairs to philosophy to modern politics systems, however the reality often involves noticeably more political mockery and group therapy Historic Debates are listed below. Recent meetings (every Friday) have been largely dominated by preparation for DC's first competitive debating in ESU Mace, having won the first round they are preparing for the second at the time of writing. It is unknown what the indoctrination process is to become a member of the cult, along with how to navigate the hierarchy within it, so lay people are warned to proceed carefully if they wish to engage, and to expect hostile response from Hamas Wheeler if they attempt contact. Sources say it may have something to do withstanding in a circle around some sort of sacrifice and whispering Partem Cultus Mate in unison.




  • Tsarfia Thomas 2023 -

Founding Members




Honorary Members

  • Simmons the Gender Neutral Toilet
  • Joe's uncle's friend and his penguin
  • Jiminy
  • Tristan
  • Crackers



The history of the formation of Debate Cult is one of violent coups, heart warming comradery and chaos. To fully understand it's origins you must first be versed in the history of its precursor, Debate Club.

Debate Club


Formed on 6th of October 2021 by our revered Lord Moss, Debate club got off to a shaky start under the strain of too many members and an unreasonable amount of rowdy lay people with little intellect to contribute, however less than a year later the members had been whittled down to a select few including Shrem, Gen(ius)ny, Will Buyers, Tomcyclopedia, T. Winstone, Kirsten, Great Britain, Josie, Izlington, Lucas Prime, Gracie and some others whose names could not be recovered. During this time it was run by Lord Moss and a rota of sixth formers (who were not important enough to be named) with debate topics ranging from veganism, aliens, the existence of God, and Human Cloning. This continued until around April 2022 when the interest and therefore participation of the sixth formers started to fade and the young members were left to manage themselves - and did an outstanding job of it too. For some time (est 2 months) Lord Moss and the occasional sixth former would make themselves known, however in September 2022 the Members truly stepped up to manage the club themselves (debates during this time were at their most chaotic and arguably best, note: Rwandan Wine) and had little to no contact with the outside world until the arrival of our leader Tsarfia in late est late October 2022. At this point the club had upwards of 20 members and was run by Tsarfia with her assistant Jiminy (and minute writer Tristan) and the occasional input of Lord Moss. Debates during this time included animal testing, the monarchy, legalising drugs and Simons the Gender Neutral Toilet. However at the end of the academic year in late July 2023 the continuation of the club was called into question, it was even proposed at one point to merge us with our enemy, Discussion Group which was met with horror. It was at this point that the members formed a council separate and secret from our Lord Moss in order to prepare for the worst in anticipation of having to spilt off on our own again. At last the decision was reached by Moss that our new leader would be Sir Rambler which pleased most members and began in September 2023. Sir Rambler introduced new legislation and made it clear that he would be a valuable leader in teaching the member powerful techniques, however the chaos at the heart of the club was somewhat lacking. So in October 2023 the milestone decision was reached to split and form a second club - Debate Cult - run solely by Tsarfia behind Lord Moss and Sir Ramblers back. At the time of writing these two clubs run peacefully in parallel, with the Club on a Monday and mainly covering more serious topics including competition preparation, and the Cult on Fridays.

A note on Discussion Group


Discussion Group, run by Mr Tory Troake, was created in early 2023 and is in clear competition with both Debate Club and Cult. However where Debate is progressive, liberal and open minded; with widespread support of diversity and minority group, Discussion Group is... less so. Historic discussions include: "What should we do about the 'immigration invasion'?" and "A man is a man and a woman is a woman. Discuss.".

Historic Debates


Many (hundreds?) of debates have taken place over the years however here are a few of the most notable. The spreadsheet containing future debate ideas can be found here.

  • Rwandan Wine (should the UK provide free school meals for all?)
  • Gender Neutral Bathrooms
  • Designer Babies
  • Parents Autonomy over children
  • Nurse strikes
  • Legalisation of euthanasia
  • The monarchy and media coverage of Queen's death
  • Legalisation of drugs
  • Zoos
  • Standardised exams
  • Animal testing
  • Stereotyping in society

Future edits will include elaboration on each above debate.

Cult Anthem


The Debate Club Anthem was first written by Izlington in January 2024, however Shrem is in the process of composing musical accompaniment which will be uploaded at the earliest opportunity.

Partem Cultus Mate

We eat cake but we don't party

It's just a ruse to make Sarah come

Then we pull out the big guns

No Joe PUT DOWN THE RIFLE I only meant philosophy

Moss already thinks the cult's a conspiracy

Stop why can I smell smoke?

Hold on someone's gonna choke!


Stop with the gin WE DON'T CARE

Jesus Sofia is that Jacob's hair?!

Lucas and Genny! Now's not the time

To discuss whether the monarchy's fair

Shrem please take that knife away from my head

Great, now Joseph's dead

Moss is coming quick hide the body!

Izzy nobody meant incinerate it

I was only joking when I said Gabs' hair was a fuse

Now I've got a rubiks cube shaped bruise

Why is there a penguin on the loose?!

We were mean to be debating the patriarchy

But shhhh if anyone asks...

Partem Cultus Mate

Rituals and Traditions


The spinner wheel


Originating in the first ever debates in the Club sometime in 2022, it was created by Gen(ius)ny and is used to determine which side of the debate members will be arguing for. It is omniscient and omnipotent.

The fight bracket wheel


Another spinner wheel, however this one is filled with the names of cult members, politicians, teachers, inanimate objects, terrorist organisations, alcoholic drinks... the list goes on. It was created by Tsarfia in late 2023, has a rainbow colour scheme, and can be found here.



The eliteness just keeps on going, the official Cult Discord is an exclusive chat for member of the Cult who either have Discord or are bullied and excluded enough to the point of breaking and forced to download it.

Mexican Wave of shame


The origins of the Mexican Wave of Shame are somewhat unknown as it seems to have simply appeared sometime in early 2023 and therefore cannot be traced to a single member or date. It is initiated whenever Tsarfia says a politically incorrect thing: the buzzer is sounded, and the wave commences.



An idea that has not yet been honoured but will soon be created. A podcast hosted by different members each week describing the events of each cult meeting allowing listeners to listen in and feel baffled and sad that they are not part of such an elite organisation.

Top Trumps


Another concept not yet brought to fruition, Top Tmember of the Cult containing a cartoon drawing of them and rankings in the categories:

  • Controversy
  • Research
  • Passion
  • Contribution
  • Collaboration
  • Eloquence