Hi, I'm Chris.

I've been a digital enthusiast and video game aficionado since the early 80s. I like to collect various bits and pieces, and currently my area of focus has shifted to joysticks, gamepads and controllers. I love the classic form factor of Atari's iconic CX40 joystick as well as the intricate design of current-gen wireless controllers. As a photographer, I am fascinated by the variety in design and in my pictures I try to capture the aesthetics of those video game controllers.

My photo project under the alias Spritekollision is called [kənˈtrəʊl] - the phonetic spelling of control (sometimes I try to appear clever).

You can see my pictures on flickr at:https://www.flickr.com/photos/artefish If you have any questions or memorable joysticks to spare, feel free to contact me at: spritekollision \AT/ gmail.com