Organisation Survey Year Ranking
Columbia University /
Yale University
Environmental Sustainability Index 2001
Rank 27 out of 122 countries
Rank 18 out of 142 countries
Rank 27 out of 146 countries
Heritage Foundation /
The Wall Street Journal
Index of Economic Freedom 2006 Rank 12 out of 157 countries, not accounting 5 that were not ranked
Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Ranking 2004
Rank 11 out of 167 countries (tied with Germany, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago)
Rank 11 out of 167 countries

Rank 6 out of 168 countries (tied with Norway)
State of World Liberty Project State of World Liberty Index 2006 Rank 1 out of 159 countries
Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2004
Rank 31 out of 146 countries (tied with Botswana and Slovenia)
Rank 27 out of 158 countries
Rank 24 out of 163 countries (tied with Barbados)
UNDP Human Development Index 2004
Rank 36 out of 177 countries
Rank 38 out of 177 countries
Rank 40 out of 177 countries
World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2005–2006
Growth Competitiveness Index Ranking – Rank 26 out of 117 countries
Growth Competitiveness Index Ranking – Rank 25 out of 125 countries World Democracy Audit 2006 Rank 18 out of 150 countries