Eitz syllables

b r t m g s p l d f k n
 Vowel   a   D    E   F   G   A   B    C  
 e   D    E    F    G   A   B   C 
 i   C   D   E    F    G    A   B 
 o   B   C   D   E   F   G    A  
 u   B    C    D   E   F   G   A  
Pitch class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note /
Double sharps B  C  D  E  F  G  A 
ru tu ga pe le fi no
Sharps B C D E F G A
bo ro mu sa pa de ki
Naturals C D E F G A B
bi to gu su la fe ni
Flats D E F G A B C
ri mo go pu da ke ne
Double flats D  E  F  G  A  B  C 
be ti mi so lu fa ka

Note names

Style Type prime second third fourth fifth sixth seventh
English name Sharp C sharp D sharp F sharp G sharp A sharp
Natural C D E F G A B
Flat D flat E flat G flat A flat B flat
Symbol Sharp C D F G A
Natural C D E F G A B
Flat D E G A B
Northern European name Sharp Cis Dis Fis Gis Ais
Natural C D E F G A H
Flat Des Es Ges As B
Dutch name (sometimes used in Scandinavia after 1990s) Sharp Cis Dis Fis Gis Ais
Natural C D E F G A B
Flat Des Es Ges As Bes
Byzantine Sharp Ni diesis (or diez) Pa diesis Ga diesis Di diesis Ke diesis
Natural Ni Pa Vu Ga Di Ke Zo-
Flat Pa hyphesis Vu hyphesis Di hyphesis Ke hyphesis Zo hyphesis
Southern & Eastern European Sharp Do diesis Re diesis Fa diesis Sol diesis La diesis
Natural Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si
Flat Re bemolle Mi bemolle Sol bemolle La bemolle Si bemolle
Variant names Ut - - - So - Ti
Indian style Sa Re Komal Re Ga Komal Ga Ma Ma Teevra Pa Dha Komal Dha Ni Komal Ni
Approx. Frequency [Hz] 262 277 294 311 330 349 370 392 415 440 466 494
MIDI note number 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

Note names (vertical layout)

Note names Key color Approximate
frequency (Hz)
MIDI note
English German Dutch Byzantine Romance Italian Indian
Short name Long name Pronunciation Name Pron. Short name Long name
C C /siː/ C /tseː/ C Ni Do Do Sa white 262 60
C C sharp /siː ʃɑrp/ Cis /tsɪs/ Cis Ni diesis Do Do diesis black 277 61
D D flat /diː flæt/ Des /dɛs/ Des Pa hyphesis Re Do bemolle Re Komal
D D /diː/ D /deː/ D Pa Re Re Re white 294 62
D D sharp /diː ʃɑrp/ Dis /dɪs/ Dis Pa diesis Re Re diesis black 311 63
E E flat /iː flæt/ Es /ɛs/ Es Vu hyphesis Mi Mi bemolle Ga Komal
E E /iː/ E /eː/ E Vu Mi Mi Ga white 330 64
F F /ɛf/ F /ɛf/ F Ga Fa Fa Ma white 349 65
F F sharp /ɛf ʃɑrp/ Fis /fɪs/ Fis Ga diesis Fa Fa diesis Ma Teevra black 370 66
G G flat /dʒiː flæt/ Ges /gɛs/ Ges Di hyphesis Sol Sol bemolle
G G /dʒiː/ G /geː/ G Di Sol Sol Pa white 392 67
G G sharp /dʒiː ʃɑrp/ Gis /gɪs/ Gis Di diesis Sol Sol diesis black 415 68
A A flat /eɪ flæt/ As /as/ As Ke hyphesis La La bemolle Dha Komal
A A /eɪ/ A /aː/ A Ke La La Dha white 440 69
A A sharp /eɪ ʃɑrp/ Ais /aɪs/ Ais Ke diesis La La diesis black 466 70
B B flat /biː flæt/ B /beː/ Bes Zo hyphesis Si Si bemolle Ni Komal
B B /biː/ H /haː/ B Zo Si Si Ni white 494 71

Fixed do solfege (vertical layout)

Chromatic variants of fixed do
Note name Syllable Pitch class
English Romance Traditional
5 sharps / 5 flats
C  Do  do duf daw du 10
C Do du de do 11
C Do do do do da 0
C Do di da di de 1
C  Do  das dai di 2
D  Re  re raf raw ru 0
D Re ra ra ra ro 1
D Re re re re ra 2
D Re ri ri ri re 3
D  Re  ris rai ri 4
E  Mi  mi mef maw mu 2
E Mi me me me mo 3
E Mi mi mi mi ma 4
E Mi mis mai me 5
E  Mi  mish mi 6
F  Fa  fa fof faw fu 3
F Fa fo fe fo 4
F Fa fa fa fa fa 5
F Fa fi fe fi fe 6
F  Fa  fes fai fi 7
G  Sol  sol sulf saw su 5
G Sol se sul se so 6
G Sol sol sol so sa 7
G Sol si sal si se 8
G  Sol  sals sai si 9
A  La  la lof law lu 7
A La le lo le lo 8
A La la la la la 9
A La li le li le 10
A  La  les lai li 11
B  Si  si sef taw tu 9
B Si te se te to 10
B Si ti si ti ta 11
B Si sis tai te 0
B  Si  sish ti 1
A dash ("–") means that the source(s) did not specify a syllable.

This sentence is a place to put the Carr/Benward citation while I figure out what to do with it.[7]


  1. ^ a b Demorest, Steven M. (2001). Building Choral Excellence: Teaching Sight-Singing in the Choral Rehearsal. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 46. ISBN 978-0-19-512462-0.
  2. ^ Benjamin, Thomas; Horvit, Michael; Nelson, Robert (2005). Music for Sight Singing (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thompson Schirmer. pp. x–xi. ISBN 978-0-534-62802-4.
  3. ^ White, John D. (2002). Guidelines for College Teaching of Music Theory (2nd ed.). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. p. 34. ISBN 978-0-8108-4129-1.
  4. ^ Hullah, John (1880). Hullah's Method of Teaching Singing (2nd ed.). London: Longmans, Green and Co. pp. xi–xv.
  5. ^ Shearer, Aaron (1990). Learning the Classical Guitar, Part 2: Reading and Memorizing Music. Pacific, MO: Mel Bay. p. 209. ISBN 978-0-87166-855-4.
  6. ^ Siler, H. (1956). "Toward an International Solfeggio". Journal of Research in Music Education. 4 (1): 40–43. doi:10.2307/3343838. JSTOR 3343838.
  7. ^ Carr, Maureen A.; Benward, Bruce (2007). Sight Singing Complete (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. xviii. ISBN 978-0-07-312706-4.

Fixed do solfege (vertical layout 2)

Traditional fixed do[1]
Note name Syllable Pronunciation Pitch class
English Romance Italian Anglicized
C Do do /dɔ/ /doʊ/ 11
C Do 0
C Do 1
D Re re /rɛ/ /reɪ/ 1
D Re 2
D Re 3
E Mi mi /mi/ /miː/ 3
E Mi 4
E Mi 5
F Fa fa /fa/ /fɑː/ 4
F Fa 5
F Fa 6
G Sol sol /sɔl/ /soʊl/ 6
G Sol 7
G Sol 8
A La la /la/ /lɑː/ 8
A La 9
A La 10
B Si si /si/ /siː/ 10
B Si 11
B Si 0


  1. ^ Demorest, Steven M. (2001). Building Choral Excellence: Teaching Sight-Singing in the Choral Rehearsal. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 46. ISBN 978-0-19-512462-0.